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Message started by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 21st Dec, 2009 at 1:40am

Title: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 21st Dec, 2009 at 1:40am
How can we help them?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st Dec, 2009 at 2:08am

Give them some money. After all that's what they are doing it for. ::)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 21st Dec, 2009 at 2:25am
Wrong answer ! Adm, (-1) Do you have a $ dallar sign on your face?

Create the decent jobs

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st Dec, 2009 at 3:06am
There are decent jobs otherwise everybody would all become a prostitute.

People have a choice in life, they choose that direction because they want quick and easy money.

Working in a decent job is a slow process of earning income.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 21st Dec, 2009 at 4:03am
60% wrong 40% right + You got mad, so I graded you " F" = "O"
" No one choose to do that job" asking yourself first, Do you want to be a hooker? The answer is" No". There is no way out for them to be in that mess. I had asked 10 hookers wich this question : Do you want your daughters to be like you? I recieved 15 answers " NO ". so you the math. Why 15 out of 10 ?

You right " ppl have chioce in life" but for this option is " NO" Unless that person is real b*tch.

" quick and easy money" I don't think it quick and easy money at all,
to me it quick to get the disease and easy to die.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st Dec, 2009 at 4:14am
I'm never mad and I didn't know this was a test. Look, they can get any job. Work in a restaurant as a waitress or go and clean toilets somewhere, it doesn't matter what job it is, a job is a job.

They want to be prostitutes for the money, it's as simple as that. I'm sure they use some kind of protection during sex.

Sometimes Lao girls are abducted or tricked into working as prostitutes in Thailand like the example below:

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 21st Dec, 2009 at 4:59am
Dam*, this is sad. They are very beautiful gals.
One thing I don't think they want to be that way but to feed themselves and families back home that why they turned or get tricked into this sex slaves. This is real bad what do you think? Is there any way we can help them off or shut it down. I thought the Communist is best to hadle this kind of problem. What is matter with the half-Ass Lao Communist?

Just like I had said: If you are a Laos president this kind of bullsh*t won't happenning, right? if Yes, we need to get you up there.

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Is that in Bangcock or Pataya...? Don't tell me that was in Laos?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st Dec, 2009 at 5:58am
It is sad that girls are being sold into prostitution but that's how they operate in Laos and Thailand.

The girl in the black tank top holding a glass of drink is the pimp, she is negotiating with the guy. And notice that each girl has a number. All the guy has to do is choose a number that he is interested in and the girl of his choice will accompany him for a drink, and eventually to the bedroom if he wants to have sex.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 22nd Dec, 2009 at 9:20am
"Operate in Laos"
I was going to tell you to take off the " LAOPRIDE.COM" out of those pictures you had posted. Its look bad to us. We are laotians have pride and dignity with lovely culture. Leave just only pictures.

"If you can send them over here, I will marry them" they are beautiful
If Lao-Govt can't creating jobs for them why don't send them over here(western countries). We will find them the decent jobs( WELCOME TO USA ) Land of Free.

May God have mercy on them( they been lost )

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TT on 22nd Dec, 2009 at 9:32am
I believe many of these girls turn to prostitution because it's the last resort.
They have no money, no job, their families at home will go hungry if they do nothing, they can only turn to prostitution. It's a sad cycle of events that will happen over and over again.

It's simple case of supply and demand, where there is a demand for sex , a pimp will always supply. There will always be a demand because people (men) will always want to have sex and reproduce.

I read from wikipedia: "Forty-four percent of the population live below the international poverty line of the equivalent of US$1.25 a day" this is in Laos. For these girls that turn to prostitution it's a way to get out of this poverty line, and the only way to do so is to sell their bodies for money.

I read the Admins comments and I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but i find your quite insensitive to such a sensitive issue. You should really open your eyes. These girls do not enjoy what they do, they have no choice but to do support their families and to survive.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 23rd Dec, 2009 at 3:46am
TT, there is no last resort. There are jobs if they are willing to work the hard way and earn a monthly income like other people.

With prostitution, it is very easy to earn quick "cash in hand" every day. They also get free tips and drinks from customers and free accommodation and meals supplied by the pimps who look after them. And not to the mention the enjoyment of socialising every night. They enjoy it, they don't need to support their families. Their parents are old enough to support themselves and it's their responsibility to support their children. If they can't do that then they are not good parents.

Most people in Laos earn more than US$1 a day.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 25th Dec, 2009 at 6:41am
Are you one of them ? If you are, I won't mind at all. Welcome to my Kingdom(US), I be willing to send you a ticket if you want to start a new life, let me know Okay.

"quick cash, easy money,free meal" I don't see that way.
I have seen the POVERTY, NO JOBS, NO SKILLS, NO CONNECTION(to Govt office) and the families are poor. If you look at it, what the options do they have? Nothing

There will be JOBS if the Govt's willing to create
There will be WAYS if the Govt's willing to pave
There will be No prostitutes in Laos if the Lao Govt's willing to cease
There will be No Corruptors in Laos if the Lao Govt's officials are willing to step down

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 25th Dec, 2009 at 9:36pm
Are you one of their clients? If you are, I won't mind at all because you have to do what you have to do.

Every poor family in Laos would become prostitutes if there weren't any options.

There are always options in life, it's the path you choose that matters.

Please click on image to view a larger version

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 26th Dec, 2009 at 6:39am
I am not only a client I also a president of "WHORE* CLUB FOR WOMEN" ( JUST KIDDING )

Since 1982 I haven't seen Laos yet. I wish one day I will go to see by my own eyes before I die. I heard about it alot of things had changed. Lao people had changed from Lao pride to be Lao prostitutes( I won't blamed them)" you have to do what you have to do to survive in this evil world that God had created it for us to suffer until that day will come". Just like you had said: Lao is not fully Communist( I see ) today Lao is just a Half-Ass Communist( I called: a baby ) still drinking milk from the big brother Vietnam and father Russia.

I like the Fully Communist " North Korea " you will never heard about prostitution in North Korea, This is real hardcore Communism they are for real.....not like China,Vietnam and Russia(Fake-Ass). Laos is just a new born baby to the Communist world.

Open your eyes and ears then you will see and hear

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 26th Dec, 2009 at 11:55pm
We suffer while we are alive.

That's why when there is a new born baby, we go to "Ngun Gum" in Lao culture. "Gum" is all about stress and misery ahead in life.

And when someone dies, we go to "Hean Dee", meaning "Good house". It is "dee" because they are in peace, there is no more suffering and unhappiness for them.

So remember the words "Ngun Gum" and "Hean Dee". ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 28th Dec, 2009 at 5:58am
You're weird, you're tried to change the subject.

Face with it that where you dwell. Clean it up if you don't like it. its your job. You are the Lao citizen.

HIV or AIDS mean any to you.

Tell your SORRY-ASS president( Ka Attapu ) to clean it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 28th Dec, 2009 at 8:15am
I'm not changing the subject. I followed on with your comment about suffering, maybe you are having a bad day.

I'm not a politician so it's not my job.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 31st Dec, 2009 at 7:41pm
"Bad day" I get mad sometimes(never deny)so What about you?
Who are you and what is your job? What is purpose of this website you and your comrades had created it? To me; you want to have the freedom of expression or you just want to have fun.
Just like I had said it before " I may say somethings you may not like"

"Prostitution in Laos" is disgracing ourselves(Laotians) culture and tradition. Your leadership is lack of knowledge or turned a blind eyes to the people. I do understand for surviving when there is less options for the poor to find the way of making the living.

Today Laos is " The Land of million Hookers" I am Laotian but what can I(we) do? I knew it not nice at least I had admitted can't deny it.
Unless your Sorry-Ass president are willing to clean up this mess or resign (step down) let a new generation take over then Laos will get better.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 1st Jan, 2010 at 12:43am
My job is to administer this forum and Lao Pride is created for people from all walks of life to learn about Laos in a positive way.

You are free to express your opinion but please tell us something that we don't already know. Prostitution is nothing new in Laos and the rest of South-East Asia for that matter. It is their business, if you don't like it then visit the temples instead. Nobody is telling you to associate with prostitutes, I don't like them either but they can do what they want to do in their life.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 1st Jan, 2010 at 1:50am
" 2 Negatives became Positive " without Negative how is going to become positive."

"HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL HOOKERS IN LAOS" I wish you gals make alot of money then quit. Its nasty and disgrace yourself.

with love and care,
Lao Dallas,Tx USA

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 1st Jan, 2010 at 3:15am
Okay Mr. Smart.

Happy New Year to all Patikan overseas. We understand you still care and want to do what's best for Laos and we're thankful for that.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 2nd Jan, 2010 at 12:55am
Jan 2010

It's time to Clean Up the mess.
If your current president can't do it then it's time for him to resign(step down)
Mr. Bouasone Bouphavanh is new generation, I think he can do a better job than the Old Schools.

" Lao Hookers in Laos and in Thailand " Shame on them ( Communist Dictators )

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd Jan, 2010 at 1:10am
He is the current Prime Minister.

I think that's a high enough position to take responsibility.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 2nd Jan, 2010 at 3:10am
I knew, maybe he really want to do the good things for Laos but behind close door he ain't have a power to stand on his own feet( just an other puppet )

( Mai lum dieng lorm huaw bor kouav pai bor porm saang ban bor heung ) 6.8 mil ppl need to come together.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd Jan, 2010 at 4:19am
He is a nice gentlemen.

Interestingly, Laos have a President, a Prime Minister and their deputies.

Most countries just have one of them to govern the country.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 2nd Jan, 2010 at 4:31am
well, Just hope

One day I will see Laos again....
Hope to see you too

with love and care,
Lao Dallas,Tx USA ( lao bor kai zard )

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd Jan, 2010 at 4:56am
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 3rd Jan, 2010 at 7:08am
Good Morning Laos, att: Adm,

To appearance I am very young ( around you )
To the number ( I think you have X2 )

If you really want to know, send the message to my email.

Love those who love you
kind to those who kind to you
Mean to those who mean to you

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 3rd Jan, 2010 at 9:13am
It's okay, it's not important but you've given me a general approximation.

Try to be nice to someone who is mean to you, I know it's hard sometimes but don't take things too seriously.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 5th Jan, 2010 at 9:03am
Last of all, I knew you tried to be nice with me but I am bad guy I can't help it. I was born to be that way. Remember you used to called us " the worthless Laotian Refugee" Yes, I am the one( me )" Ku nee lae " Don't get mad at me Okay.... I am just telling the truth. Nobody would had said like me.
I don't like to lie, I am not liar. I am very honest man( Just sometime)

Well, this subject is about the" The Hookers in Laos"  not about U or I. or unless you are the one of them then that's your bussiness...OK  I have no problem with it. Someone have to make a living oneway or another. Life have to go on.........

No heart feeling,
Lao DFW,TX US(Laos)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 5th Jan, 2010 at 10:36pm
I didn't call you a "worthless Laotian refugee". I was having a discussion with another member and he made me mad at the time. Sometimes I don't mean to say the things I say, so I do apologise for that. The Lao refugees are not inferior, I know they are human too.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 6th Jan, 2010 at 10:02am
I knew, I ain't dump. I just use it to remind me of who am I? How we got here and why?  What is future will hold for us? 35 yrs from now where I am going to be? Death or live who'll know? Life is unperdictable.

I love my life more than anything in this world. I have to do the best for myself first before someone else. This my rule : "Help yourself first, If you can't help yourself then you can't help nobody even your own family"

I never blamed those gals who is working in the Ho-House or on the streets. Society made our human being to adapt to environment. Human never have enought, greed and selfish its inside of us.

I wish all yall win the loto and don't give me nothing. I am Ok......

Good luck to all hookers,

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 6th Jan, 2010 at 11:30pm
I like your rule, and we should always think that way because it is correct.

I believe the girls on the streets have options in life. They just want to live a better lifestyle in the city, but when they return home to their families in the countryside, it's back to wearing the "sinh".

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 7th Jan, 2010 at 7:16pm
Poverty cause the major damage to our livelihood. Can't blame no one. Human have to find food oneway or another.

If I have nothing to eat I might rob you, simple just like that.
Right or wrong is not up to us. God knew who we are. We were been created to be this way. "Suffer before you die".

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 8th Jan, 2010 at 4:17am
That's why when a new baby is born, we go to "Ngan GUM". Gum means lots of suffering ahead.

And when someone dies, we go to "Hean DEE". Dee means good because the person is at peace and there is no more suffering.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 10th Jan, 2010 at 7:47am
you're pretended like you knew nothing, most of your words and phrases is sound like a man's words. Am I talking to the man or woman? Hay hay hay its alright to get mad, let it out......... get even with me. Just like I had said: I didn't born yesterday.

You don't have to correct me......Its Okay to pretend to be who you want to be....I understand...

Please do not let your guard down again......

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 10th Jan, 2010 at 8:57am
Words and phrases don't belong to men or women, they are suitable for unisex.

I'm a strong woman and sometimes I like to use strong words to get my message across.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 16th Jan, 2010 at 7:56am


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Buk Hoo Kee on 17th Jan, 2010 at 1:33am
I hate them hookers and sluts, cause they turn me on, dammit!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 17th Jan, 2010 at 7:22am



Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoguySoCal on 20th Jan, 2010 at 9:00am
They look so innocence, but damn they love money nor.   I hope they would fine better career later on in life. Maybe some of them are going to college or do something meaningful.  

Best wishes to all of them

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Worthless Laotian Refugee on 20th Jan, 2010 at 7:12pm
Sound good to me, I love the hookers. Anyway I just got divorce.
I heard they are vey cheap over there....about $25....
If I have $300 that would last me for 2 weeks.....

I am go to Laos next month...can't wait to see those gals

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Buk Hoo Kee on 21st Jan, 2010 at 1:43am
$25 for an STD, where do I sign up? Also, does that come with fries? I wonder if there is a drive thru. Perhaps they have an all you can eat brothel. okay okay, me funny.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Worthless Laotian Refugee on 21st Jan, 2010 at 8:00am
They said: there are bunch of them in Viengchan, Is that true?
I haven't seen Laos for 31 years... So I really do not known man.
If you have any informations about Laos, Please let me hear some more.

Hay man, $25 just for once....? If so all I need is $250 will be enought for 10 days right.

Homeless DFW,
I love hookers..Man

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 23rd Jan, 2010 at 11:52pm
Hi Admin

They all said the same thing. they dislike the prostitute in Laos,but they all have been using their service.... :o I guess these people don't have a social skill to pick up a nice girl in Laos. I am sure many of nice Laos girl that don't go into this kind of work. then again, These girl is to smart to being pick up by these clowns. All they can do is paying the girl for their service...

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 24th Jan, 2010 at 7:37am
Hay hay hay.... Paying to those girls is mean boosting up the economy and won't have a problem at home. If hook up with those gals than you will have a problem back home......

I rather pay to be on safe side. If I have a chance to go over there.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Buk IIWJ on 26th Jan, 2010 at 10:13pm
I'm little late to jump into this conversation...  I didn't get a chance to read everyone comments regarding this particular topic.

Prostitution is the quickest way to earn the $$$ and perhaps enjoy the pleasure at the same time:-).  I'm not condoning this line of work either.  When majority of the people are poor and living standard is below poverty, people will do anything to survive...  Which means selling their body and soul, if they have to.   It is sad thing to see..

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 30th Jan, 2010 at 5:08pm
Our people just disgracing ourselves; Today we have no pride.
Lao people are trash to modern day world. We far behind.
Lack of every things.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 31st Jan, 2010 at 2:31am
WantLaosToBeIndependence, You're entitled to your opinion but we're doing just fine.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by BorLeumBanGerd on 31st Jan, 2010 at 4:25am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 31st Jan, 2010 at 2:31am:
WantLaosToBeIndependence, You're entitled to your opinion but we're doing just fine.

Admin - You always seem to be speaking for ALL Laotian people in Laos.

In fact when I visited in 07' I went to Vang Vieng, Luang Prabang, and Pon Hong, there were parts THAT I SAW where people live in straw hut-like homes, typically built on stilts. The ones I visited have no running water lines, all they have are wells. Sewer facilities are just a hole in the ground, with no toilet seats. They go out hunting for birds, wild animals and the likes, fishing and looking for certain plants, vegetables and bamboo! These people have no education, no money and certainly NO AIR CONDITION HOME like you.

So please when you say "we're doing fine" I don't think you speak for the villagers and peasants out in the rural areas. Some of them have NOT even seen a computer before and have no idea what the INTERNET is. They are "doing fine" because they CAN'T SPEAK OUT OR COMPLAIN about the lack of materials and facilities, because they will be jailed or persecuted~ THEY HAVE NO VOICE! So they have to live life DAY BY DAY TO SURVIVE! You tell me they're doing fine?

You are doing fine because you live in the city, you have an education and probably earn more $$ than the average Laotian and probably born to middle class or rich family.

So please don't speak for ALL LAOTIANS!  

So how about YOU tell your government to INVEST more in its people!

In the communist political idealogy and socialist structure, THERE IS NO CLASS SEPARATION, NO RICH, NO POOR~~ "EVERYONE IS EQUAL"


If you say YES, I highly recommend you take a drive out to the countryside of Laos!


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 31st Jan, 2010 at 7:24am
I don't think the western world is so perfect! I also think that guy live in the hut may not wish to have the same life as we have in the West! what we have to go through each day. I have received this poem send to me since 1999 by an unnamed person and I keep it and stick in my office wall to remind me. The world that I have is not that perfect!

We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers;

Wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints;

We spend more, but have less;

We buy more, but enjoy it less.

We have bigger houses and smaller families;

More conveniences, but less time;

We have more degrees, but less sense;

More knowledge, but less judgment;

More experts, but more problems;

More medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much,

Smoke too much,

Spend too recklessly,

Laugh too little,

Drive too fast,

Get too angry too quickly,

stay up too late,

get up too tired,

read too seldom,

watch TV too much,

and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.

We talk too much, love too seldom and lie too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life;

we've added years to life, not life to years.

We've been all the way to the moon and back,

but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.

We've conquered outer space, but not inner space;

we've done larger things, but not better things;

we've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul;

we've split the atom, but not our prejudice;

we write more, but learn less;

plan more, but accomplish less.

We've learned to rush, but not to wait;

we have higher incomes; but lower morals;

more food but less appeasement;

We build more computers to hold more information,

to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication;

we've become long on quantity, but short on quality.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion;

tall men, and short character;

steep profits, and shallow relationships.

These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare;

more leisure and less fun;

more kinds of food, but less nutrition.

These are days of two incomes, but more divorce;

More of fancier houses, but broken homes.

These are days of quick trips,

disposable diapers,

throwaway morality,

one-night stands,

overweight bodies,

and pills that do everything from cheer,

to quiet,

to kill.

It is a time when there is much in the show window

and nothing in the stockroom.

Indeed it's all true.

I hope you will stop and think about it. Are we really that happy than people living poor in Laos. Are we???????????

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 31st Jan, 2010 at 9:15am
There are rich and poor people in every country.

When I say that "we are doing fine", most Laotians are doing fine. Many Laotians living in the countryside own land.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 31st Jan, 2010 at 8:33pm
Hi Admin

I agree with you on this point! Most Laos in the Country side is a lot happy than people in the city. They don't have to be stress like us people in the city. Rent or mortgage to be pay each month. Phone bill,electricity and water bill........ Traffic, parking. wearing mask to talk to each other each day. worry about what to wear,what to eat. to many choice making us confuse about what we want in life. We forgot what our root and where did we came from how get to be what we are.....

As I have mention on the other post before this one. It seem to be we have more than them. We have the freedom more than them. but looking deep inside...are we really have all that?  

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Buk Hoo Kee on 1st Feb, 2010 at 12:13am
"doing fine" is a very subjective and open ended phrase.
I could be working in an office and have a house and able to support my family and be "doing fine'.
I could also be living in a mud hut with a rice field and fish pond to live off of and be "doing fine".

I think the real debate is whether people have choices or not. For a laos person living out in the country, I don't think they have many choices but to live off the land to survive. Their kids don't have much of a choice but to go to any school that's available there. Maybe they can move to the city if they wanted but what could they possible do?
In the west, the poor can become rich, and anyone can change their life, there are choices. I got a loan from the gov't to go to University, had no money and no parents, I still was able to go to a school that I wanted and now I'm "doing fine". What do you think happens to orphans in Laos?

For you guys that say Laos is doing fine, why don't you guys go live there then? If it's so fine, why aren't you moving there, what's stopping you all from going aside from the $300k price tag. i think "doing fine" only pertains to the 10% of the population who are the corrupt commies that can afford to drive $100k mercedes but can't afford to build/fix the roads to drive it on.

Maybe you guys are only speaking for yourselves about "doing fine", but these people don't seem to be "doing fine" or have a choice:

The Facts
80% of the Lao population live in rural areas
At least 30% of the Lao population live below the national
poverty line
40% of children under five years of age are underweight
29% of the Lao population live below the minimum level of
dietary energy consumption

According to the UNICEF/Ministry of Labor and
Social Welfare (MoLSW) study conducted in 2004,
of those victims traffi cked into Thailand, 35% were
forced into prostitution, 32% into domestic labor,
17% into factory work, 12% into agricultural work,
and 4% worked on fi shing boats.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 1st Feb, 2010 at 3:27am

Buk Hoo Kee wrote on 1st Feb, 2010 at 12:13am:
"doing fine" is a very subjective and open ended phrase.
I could be working in an office and have a house and able to support my family and be "doing fine'.
I could also be living in a mud hut with a rice field and fish pond to live off of and be "doing fine".

I think the real debate is whether people have choices or not. For a laos person living out in the country, I don't think they have many choices but to live off the land to survive. Their kids don't have much of a choice but to go to any school that's available there. Maybe they can move to the city if they wanted but what could they possible do?
In the west, the poor can become rich, and anyone can change their life, there are choices. I got a loan from the gov't to go to University, had no money and no parents, I still was able to go to a school that I wanted and now I'm "doing fine". What do you think happens to orphans in Laos?

For you guys that say Laos is doing fine, why don't you guys go live there then? If it's so fine, why aren't you moving there, what's stopping you all from going aside from the $300k price tag. i think "doing fine" only pertains to the 10% of the population who are the corrupt commies that can afford to drive $100k mercedes but can't afford to build/fix the roads to drive it on.

Maybe you guys are only speaking for yourselves about "doing fine", but these people don't seem to be "doing fine" or have a choice:

The Facts
80% of the Lao population live in rural areas
At least 30% of the Lao population live below the national
poverty line
40% of children under five years of age are underweight
29% of the Lao population live below the minimum level of
dietary energy consumption

According to the UNICEF/Ministry of Labor and
Social Welfare (MoLSW) study conducted in 2004,
of those victims traffi cked into Thailand, 35% were
forced into prostitution, 32% into domestic labor,
17% into factory work, 12% into agricultural work,
and 4% worked on fi shing boats.

You Data is too old to be make any judgment here. 2004. When I was there that wasn't many car and motorbike yet. They isn't must building build and the Highway 13 is not complete yet. The bridge(Loas -Thailand) in Savannakhet is not build yet. Seno, special Zone for business is still in the drawing board, The asean Game didn't not even in drawing board. 2009 is the year Laos finally have show the the world we try to get better like most of the world.  Many thing have change since you las visit mate.

Talking about prostitution is not only Laos problem Every where specially where you are now. you have to stop the people that paying for the service too. In USA is prosecute the people soliciting the prostitute as you aware of that already.  

Each country in this world all have their own problems. you can never stop prostitution as long there is a need It will be always with us...... don't tell me ,every real man will stop having sex and using the 5 fingers to do the job from now on.....

Let stop criticis the government and hope they will see it.  I don't think so... because if they do see it...This site will be block and being ask to shut down already.  The last time,I asking (yesterday)my friend in Laos checking this site is till online.....  but I am sure they is many local Laos is reading about this site now. the way we criticise the govenment they would agree with us but they also will think we are abandoned them and look down on them and thinking they are stupid. I just hope we can pointing to the problem what Laos has and hopefully They Young and future Laos see it and at least finding solution to those problem when they become the future leader.

I am going back to Laos(3 years) to retire and rest in peace. I will start some kind of business in Laos. right now I don't  know what I will do yet.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by BorLeumBanGerd on 1st Feb, 2010 at 2:01pm
Well put BHK!

In my CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, though it may sound negative, BUT IT IS THE FACT! It is a REALITY IN LAOS. I'm just telling the TRUTH about how things are! There are NO LIES! Sometimes the truth hurts!

Tee - I do HOPE that Laotian people and the Laotian government see these critiques and realize that WHERE LAOS IS CURRENTLY AT AND WHERE LAOS NEEDS TO, AND COULD BE!

I am NOT putting down the people! Though I live in the USA, and you in Australia, WE want to see our country, our people, live BETTER lives!
And for those that lack the education and intelligence, financial, infrastructures and facilities, IT IS THE GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE FOR ITS PEOPLE! My criticism is of the LACK OF GOVERNMENT initiatives and programs that will DIRECTLY benefit, enhance and improve the quality of life, in ALL aspects for ALL local people.

Where are the millions $$$ made from the dam projects, from Chinese and foreign "investments?" How about some of that coming back for various projects like roads, schools and education programs for kids, clean running water, local clinics and hospitals in rural areas?

The moral of the story is Laotians need to be afforded CHOICES and OPPORTUNITIES! It is TRUE Laos has made progress since the "change in government" but change and progress is SLOW in COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST structures!

And TEE - No..the west is NOT perfect. But America STRIVES to be FAIR, provide EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, offer CHOICES, to defend freedom and defend those who can't defend themselves..etc...etc...


And speaking of the $300,000 investment the goverment ASKS of expats....Here's ADMIN's response as to why:

"Most Laotians from abroad live in properties that's over $300,000 so I guess that amount isn't alot to ask."

Ahhh, the Logic and Reasoning of an ignoramus and a simpleton! UNBELIEVABLE!

What do you think Buk Hoo Kee? How can you DEBATE with someone who is narrow-minded and DOES NOT SEE THE BIG PICTURE, that does NOT want to see an improvement in quality of life for the greater good?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Buk Hoo Kee on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 12:59am
I don't want to argue with anyone and I think we have all been good in understanding each other and having a clean and adult like debate. I think all our intentions are good, we just have different views of what we "think" is "good". We all have different standards and I do realize that Laos is still a 3rd world country and their standards may not meet ours in the west. Living comfortably to us in the west means that we can make our own decisions. If we choose to live in the country and do farming and live off the land, we can choose that life. If we want to live in the city and work at a job, we can also choose that life here in the west. I can choose what I want to buy cause I got choices here. It is true that we have to pay for all these choices like having a cell phone along with the bills, having internet/cable along with the bills. Live in an expensive house, have high mortgage payments, live in a cheap place then have a low rent/mortgage payment each month. We can control these things cause we have the choice.

For the people in Laos that are deprived of these choices, they can only accept their fate that is handed to them. If you are born into a poor family that lives in the country, how do you change your fate? You don't even have access to good schools to educate yourself out of poverty, can't go work 2-3 jobs to save up more money cause there are no jobs, you may only have land to grow food to eat day to day and if there is a drought or flood like Ketsana, then what do you do, starve? Got no choice unless the outside world helps you which they have been doing so the Laos gov't just ignores the problem, those UN suckers will do it.

80% live in the country, that means 20% live in the city. So doing fine must only apply to the 20% livng in the city, if even that. When I was there in Laos, there was this family that lived in the house I was staying at and basically they were the live in housekeeprs or "mae bahn" who cooked and cleaned for everyone. They got paid $80 US/mth and that was considered "good". They were from the country and came to the city to find "work" and each month, they would send money home. The mother of this family cooked and cleaned while looking after her kids, the father couldn't find work, just odd jobs. To me, this is not "doing fine", this is "surviving". Lots of the kids can't afford to go to school, that's why I see them running around during the day all the time.

I knew of another guy that had to pond his $300 US car so his wife could get medical treatment at the hospital or she would die. All of the people I know there go to Thailand for anything medical related, and this is in the city, I wonder how bad it must be in the country.

A monk told me something very wise a while ago. He said for someone like me to go live there it would be okay since I have knowledge, english and choices, not to mention some money. For someone that was raised there, they don't have that advantage and thus have no choices but to struggle to make ends meet. We have the tools, they don't. Have you ever tried to do something but realized you don't have the right tools to do it? It's the same thing here, I don't blame them for not having the tools, that choice was never given to them.

On another note, I know of a family of 3 who went back to Laos. They lived in Canada for a few years and decided to go back. They used to rent an apartment and work at labour jobs here in Canada. Now they make $350 US/mth and have a house in Laos and live comfortably cause he has knowledge of road construction that he used to do in Canada, not to mention the english skills necessary to understand the paperwork. Can some average Laos person born there be able to make $350 doing the same thing? Would they be given the same choice/opportunity? I bet not, that's why the chinese have to come in and build the Sea games stadium and other infrastructures. Give the Laos people the choices/opportunity, control their own destiny.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 1:09am
Wise words...after all these dicusstion, Laos need education not new goverment. I have said on other make Laos a better place is to Change the whole Education system and the new goverment will be channge by it self. I hope you agree with me!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Worthless Laotian Refugee on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 9:28am
Last of all,

I like you guys comments ( BLBG, BHK )
I also like your poems,Tee.But one thing I disagree with you " Let stop criticize the Govt" My words would had said " F- the Laos Fake-ass Communist" ( Corruptors,one party rules Communist party only)

Let me fix some of your poems:

"we have a big house and smaller families"
Have a big house is better than a little sack hut with huge families
"more knowledge but less judgment"
Have more knowledge is always better than less or lack of knowledge, but less judgment is also better than been judged by the Communist Laws(guity before prove) there are many innocent ppl are been lock up behind bars in Laos without trial.

You have the right and entitled to disagree with my opinions so to all commentors.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 11:33am
It's truth if you want to put it that way! but hang on... I think American is do the same to Prisoner in Guantanamo Bay for many year been lock up behind bars without trial. they are exactly like the political prisoner in Laos.
What I mean is that when come to the political control.All political system  they will do the same.  every which way they can to hold on to the power mate! We are not living in the perfect world. Every good have it own evil side! How we going to know the good is not evil and how we going to know the evil is not good!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by BorLeumBanGerd on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 1:59pm
Very well said BHK! I think WE ALL want to see the people have the opportunity to choose, get educated, have civil liberties and freedoms without fear of persecution from the government.

Tee wrote on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 1:09am:
Wise words...after all these dicusstion, Laos need education not new goverment. I have said on other make Laos a better place is to Change the whole Education system and the new goverment will be channge by it self. I hope you agree with me!

TEE - Education is NOT the lone answer. To move forward to a TRUE democratic state "PASATIPATAI".....then the government MUST also change!

When I say CHANGE, I don't just mean, economic, financial, education, infrastructures etc.... I'm including government policy, government structure, attitutudes and beliefs, ways of thinking, CLEAR WRITTEN LAWS WITH PUNISHMENTS to curb problems like CORRUPTION. This obviously is NOT a complete listing...but I guess you get the point.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 2:40pm

BorLeumBanGerd wrote on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 1:59pm:
Very well said BHK! I think WE ALL want to see the people have the opportunity to choose, get educated, have civil liberties and freedoms without fear of persecution from the government.

Tee wrote on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 1:09am:
Wise words...after all these dicusstion, Laos need education not new goverment. I have said on other make Laos a better place is to Change the whole Education system and the new goverment will be channge by it self. I hope you agree with me!

TEE - Education is NOT the lone answer. To move forward to a TRUE democratic state "PASATIPATAI".....then the government MUST also change!

When I say CHANGE, I don't just mean, economic, financial, education, infrastructures etc.... I'm including government policy, government structure, attitutudes and beliefs, ways of thinking, CLEAR WRITTEN LAWS WITH PUNISHMENTS to curb problems like CORRUPTION. This obviously is NOT a complete listing...but I guess you get the point.

I belief to teach the people what is democracy,freedow of speak,how to manage the business. it's like a tools you have to teach them how to use it first before the tools can be use affectively.
After the Second world war. The France give Indochina the independent. what do we do...We kill each other for the power. internal war started every corner of the country, brother kill brother for the hunger of power.(Laos loyal family) I don't want that to happens again! let's learn from the past! at that time we rack of knowledge of what is democracy,rack of law and order,rack of people management,rack of business and trade skill. Under this government is still rack of all what I have mention above! Education is the only way to get Laos to be a Strong nation again!  

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by BorLeumBanGerd on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 4:00pm
You are CORRECT Tee....Education is KEY!

But with an educated society you WILL have people that will demand, PEACEFULLY OR OTHERWISE, civil rights, freedoms of speech, freedom of assembly and demonstrations. They will DEMAND the goverment do more for the people, they will want the government to provide and improve services like health care or unemployment checks, road, electricity, water, schools and educational programs, open doors and opportunities, they will demand the government to STOP and END Chinese and Vietnamese influence, they will speak out agains CORRUPTION....etc, etc,

EDUCATED PEOPLE YES! But LAOS will still be a socialist and communist authoritarian rule! Like you said earlier, those in power don't want to lose that power!


Look what happened to China in Tiananmen Square in 1989! It started out as a peaceful studen rally, demonstrations for democracy and civil rights.


Not so easy to answer this one though huh? Sacrifices NEED to be made for the GOOD OF ALL PEOPLE AND FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY!

Do you really think an aggressive, totalitarian, authoritarian communist government, allow this to happen?

I'm NOT saying it CAN'T happen, but it will NOT be easy!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 4:39pm

BorLeumBanGerd wrote on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 4:00pm:
You are CORRECT Tee....Education is KEY!

But with an educated society you WILL have people that will demand, PEACEFULLY OR OTHERWISE, civil rights, freedoms of speech, freedom of assembly and demonstrations. They will DEMAND the goverment do more for the people, they will want the government to provide and improve services like health care or unemployment checks, road, electricity, water, schools and educational programs, open doors and opportunities, they will demand the government to STOP and END Chinese and Vietnamese influence, they will speak out agains CORRUPTION....etc, etc,

EDUCATED PEOPLE YES! But LAOS will still be a socialist and communist authoritarian rule! Like you said earlier, those in power don't want to lose that power!


Look what happened to China in Tiananmen Square in 1989! It started out as a peaceful studen rally, demonstrations for democracy and civil rights.


Not so easy to answer this one though huh? Sacrifices NEED to be made for the GOOD OF ALL PEOPLE AND FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY!

Do you really think an aggressive, totalitarian, authoritarian communist government, allow this to happen?

I'm NOT saying it CAN'T happen, but it will NOT be easy!

I have faith,  we will get there..Internet has open the door to Laos as you know no one can block the WWW. people in Laos can judge they own faith, when time arrive, we would see that happening. I just hope to see it  in my life time!
I would be going home in 3 years time, I would start something small first just to test the market, but I will never sell out every thing, I have here. My plan B, if anything happened in Laos, I can always come back here again. I am not afraid to lose,but more afraid not to try. I got one American Dollars when I got here. If I going to lose some of my wealth, that is not going to kill me. I have give my children the best education I can afford...I am not going to worry about their future. they probably will make more money that me anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by BorLeumBanGerd on 2nd Feb, 2010 at 6:11pm
I'm glad you have faith and plans to retire in Laos Tee. I have visited Laos once and look forward to bringing my children to see my homeland, when they are older.

Fyi..about your comment:

Internet has open the door to Laos as you know no one can block the WWW. people in Laos can judge they own faith, when time arrive, we would see that happening

Actually you are INCORRECT in this statement. The Laos government with the help of Chinese/Vietnamese governments can BLOCK, FILTER or CENSOR, and MONITOR ANY information they want on internet CONTENT that they find, "inappropriate" "defaming" or "threat to the state or party" etc...

Let me restate - The Laos government DOES BLOCK or FILTER websites!

Sites like pro-democracy movements, or sites attacking the government...are on the top of the list.

Here's an article:

Recently GOOGLE, threatened to pull out of China for its censorships or contents found on GOOGLE. WWW or the internet means FREE ACCESS to FREE information from all over the world! Putting censorships or "filters" ATTACKS that FREEDOM!

They can block ANY content, just like I can block PORN from my 8 year old son, who also uses the internet for learning.

Think about it, why do you think ADMIN NEVER says anything NEGATIVE about the government or the current state of the people? She is monitored and she knows it! So she can't say anything DEROGATORY!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Worthless Laotian Refugee on 13th Feb, 2010 at 7:58am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st Dec, 2009 at 4:14am:
I'm never mad and I didn't know this was a test. Look, they can get any job. Work in a restaurant as a waitress or go and clean toilets somewhere, it doesn't matter what job it is, a job is a job.

They want to be prostitutes for the money, it's as simple as that. I'm sure they use some kind of protection during sex.

Sometimes Lao girls are abducted or tricked into working as prostitutes in Thailand like the example below:

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 13th Feb, 2010 at 11:45am

Worthless Laotian Refugee wrote on 13th Feb, 2010 at 7:58am:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st Dec, 2009 at 4:14am:
I'm never mad and I didn't know this was a test. Look, they can get any job. Work in a restaurant as a waitress or go and clean toilets somewhere, it doesn't matter what job it is, a job is a job.

They want to be prostitutes for the money, it's as simple as that. I'm sure they use some kind of protection during sex.

Sometimes Lao girls are abducted or tricked into working as prostitutes in Thailand like the example below:

As long as there is a need ,there will be always people willing to sale. Just like the Drug in any part of the can never  stop it...but you can control it by make it legal......

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Worthless Laotian Refugee on 17th Feb, 2010 at 10:21am
North Korea is real Communism with the hightly respect. You will never heard about the Chicks or Hookers were walked on the streets in North Korea.

Is Laos the Communist state or what? Don't you tell me Laos is fake-ass Communist.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 17th Feb, 2010 at 11:48am

Worthless Laotian Refugee wrote on 17th Feb, 2010 at 10:21am:
North Korea is real Communism with the hightly respect. You will never heard about the Chicks or Hookers were walked on the streets in North Korea.

Is Laos the Communist state or what? Don't you tell me Laos is fake-ass Communist.

Every communist in this world is fake-ass Communist. The real communist is to be classless.everyone have the equate right of decision making. it's bese on the community and help other to live a better life. but that is only a dream of Marxism-Leninism and he didn't even live to see for that long.... This System can never workable with the Human Ideology. because we Human have Need,Greed,Jealousy and the will to be better than every one else!
In Text book is a very good system but in real life can never work....  

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 17th Feb, 2010 at 12:25pm

Tee wrote on 17th Feb, 2010 at 11:48am:

Worthless Laotian Refugee wrote on 17th Feb, 2010 at 10:21am:
North Korea is real Communism with the hightly respect. You will never heard about the Chicks or Hookers were walked on the streets in North Korea.

Is Laos the Communist state or what? Don't you tell me Laos is fake-ass Communist.

Every communist in this world is fake-ass Communist. The real communist is to be classless.everyone have the equate right of decision making. it's bese on the community and help other to live a better life. but that is only a dream of Marxism-Leninism and he didn't even live to see for that long.... This System can never workable with the Human Ideology. because we Human have Need,Greed,Jealousy and the will to be better than every one else!
In Text book is a very good system but in real life can never work....

I don't think they said we are trash,but saying "Laos is lazy" It's our culture making us this way. most of Laos doesn't need to go very far to find food. any Creek have Fish and land have Bamboo. so it's making us not to worry about food. Most Laos have a habit having a nap in the afternoon. Our culture is making us a Nation of no worry. and Lazy according with other nation. because of our culture!

Chinese and Vietnamese have been doing business since The French in control of Indochina. I don't think you can stop that.....and they will always will be in control of the economic of the country.  Specially Chinese, They will always dominate the Business of Asian Country. Thailand 4 big Bank is in the hand of Chinese. Although they no longer using Chinese Name. Malaysia,Singapore,Indonesia,Philippine all the economic are control by Chinese. if they gone all country will going to melt down.  They are just like the Jew control all the economic of the western world. You are hate them but you can't live with out them! Like the old say" If you can bid them, Joint them"  

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Buk IIWJ on 23rd Feb, 2010 at 6:31pm
It is..  What it is...  Just let it be...  You'll die trying to compare and keeping up with neighbor countries.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by macro on 24th Feb, 2010 at 11:46am
It's rather complicated, try to simplify it,most of them have these problems:
1. Poor and need large sum of money (their standard)
2. Heavily in debt (her or family)
3. Unskill, naive,young and of course good looking (who wants an ugly hooker)
After a while in the game, they became used to it and most of them DON'T want to do anything else... after all it's quite easy to make money, sad thing is as they becomes older so, their prices drops, the lucky one becomes Mami, the majority...sad...and try to sell their daughter to pay for the we go again.

Solution...wise men try to fix this prolem since adam was wearing nappies, for me... the only way is either sew the pussy up or cut the funny bit off.

And for those think that proverty is the main cause, may be, but don't tell me there is no hooker in Swiss which is the richest country in the world.

For those thinking that they are the world's savior, poor guy, you've been conned like those poor north Koreans, 90% of the world's problem is caused by your master.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 21st Mar, 2010 at 10:55pm



Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 22nd Mar, 2010 at 2:26am

Want Laos To Be Independence wrote on 21st Mar, 2010 at 10:55pm:



You have seen it all,but you still follow their foot step. umm that telling me you are not learning but you a follower........

It's sad to see one of my country man like this...if you come to Australia...I maybe able to give you a job...and a place to stay....

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 22nd Mar, 2010 at 5:33am

Want Laos To Be Independence wrote on 21st Mar, 2010 at 10:55pm:



What about the Laotian low-life gangsters or wannabe blacks in America? You are no better then the people you stereotype.  

As regard to casino and whore houses, it's everywhere around the world.  What can you do to stop this? You really can't.  It's up to the people in villages or cities to protest this.  If our people stoop this low to allow this I will have to agree with you there.  Laos has a population of a little over 5-6 million.  I don't know how much impact this will have on the country as a whole.   I guess time will tell.  

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 27th Mar, 2010 at 8:17am



Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by badlikeme on 1st Jul, 2010 at 6:03am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st Dec, 2009 at 3:06am:
There are decent jobs otherwise everybody would all become a prostitute.

People have a choice in life, they choose that direction because they want quick and easy money.

Working in a decent job is a slow process of earning income.

woooaaa.. slow down. selling drugs, stealing cars, rob a bank or other people are a form of easy money, it makes no different than being a prostitute. It should be illegal. human trafficking should be allowed as well. Laos need to step  up in their enforcement from preventing this from happening. I think is an example of culture accepting it is ok to do this.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 1st Jul, 2010 at 9:57am
Badlikeme, Technically, prostitution is illegal in Laos but sometimes there's insufficient proof that one is prostituting.

Selling drugs and stealing is also an easy way to earn money but it's a very serious charge and you can be proven guilty in a court of law. Prostitution is a lesser crime.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by badlikeme on 2nd Jul, 2010 at 12:20am
you are kidding right? there are numerous ways law enforcement can enforce and crack down on illegal prostitution. I suppose law authority needs more training? Honestly speaking, I for myself entered a dance/entertainment club that it was considered by the way. And many poo sao came out of no where and wanted to entertained me by solicitating their service.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd Jul, 2010 at 7:14am
You can do all the training you like, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty it's scary to think of how much corruption there actually is.

The wealthy pimps pay the authorities to stay away from their business and their girls. When you have money, you're above the law.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by badlikeme on 2nd Jul, 2010 at 7:37am
Of course corruption is a major part of the issue to get rid of prostitution and many other crimes alike. It takes overhauling change from the top official down.  This is why the country will never prevail and stay in the same state as they are in now with no improvement. The country needs leader who are willing to stamp out corruption.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd Jul, 2010 at 11:21am
There is prostitution in every country, and there will always be prostitution in Laos regardless of who is the top official.

Just because you and I don't approve prostitution, many ladies out there still enjoy the job and many men enjoy the company of a lady. Why should we remove something that we don't like, but others like?

I have no sympathy for prostitutes, but at the end of the day their career choice doesn't affect the way I live my life.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by macro on 19th Jul, 2010 at 12:22am
Only if you could desex the population.
Too big of a step ? may be Mr Independant should do something about this rather than just critisise, I have a few suggestion:
1. Try to send $ to help.
2. Try to lobby western gov not to crack down on the pronography industry.
3. Join politics rather than talking alone, once you got elected you can really do somethin.
3. Take it easy, after all it's willing buy willing sell, we live in a capitalist, free and democratic society, everyone can do whatever they want as long as it cause no harm to others, so mind your own business.
4. Start a revolution, who knows, may be you'll be more famous than Lenin and Che combined.
5. Too hard basket, people try to solve it since Adam's grandpa, maybe God will take care of it oneday.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by macro on 19th Jul, 2010 at 12:53am
Oh! one more thing, the government knows prostitution is the quickiest way to improve the country's economy, of couse they can not openly support it, look at history:
Back at confussos time in China, the government runs brothols to boost the state's coffer.
Taiwan's official prostitution close their door just a few years ago.
In late 90's China crack down on prostitution in Shenzhen, most of the prostitute went back to their village, the result is massive withdrawal of funds from the bank, creata a localised recession, the government soon reverse the policy.
Prostitution is an intergral part of economy whether we like it or not, more so in modern days, it carried on from thousands of years, imagine Thailand without prosititution, how can their economy survive (I mean at present form of economy structure).

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd Aug, 2010 at 10:45am
Poor and vulnerable Lao girls forced into prostitution and sex slavery in Thailand.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 3rd Aug, 2010 at 11:02pm
Government need to provide jobs and opportunity for Lao citizens. Better education and health care. Then there'll be less prostitution. But still not as bad as Thailand though. Thailand is well know for sex industry worldwide :(.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 4th Aug, 2010 at 12:35am
Laos is a more traditional country than Thailand so we are not as bad as our neighbour. Even men in Thailand turn to prostitution so all sorts of things happen.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by USA Joe on 4th Aug, 2010 at 5:44am
please tell me those are screen shots from a dramatized tv show or movie... and not an actual recording for forced prostitution. because that would be messed up  :-/

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 4th Aug, 2010 at 8:12am
USA Joe, It's a Lao movie based on a true story. It was televised in Laos to put some fright into young Lao ladies, and warn them about the dangers of being tricked into entering Thailand to work. However the work is sometimes not what one expect, instead one can end up being sold into prostitution.

Prostitution in Laos is different in that no one is locked up and being forced to do anything they don't want to do. In Thailand, however, prostitution is a dangerous game that is affiliated with mafia and gangs.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by USA Joe on 4th Aug, 2010 at 8:19pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 4th Aug, 2010 at 8:12am:
USA Joe, It's a Lao movie based on a true story. It was televised in Laos to put some fright into young Lao ladies, and warn them about the dangers of being tricked into entering Thailand to work. However the work is sometimes not what one expect, instead one can end up being sold into prostitution.

ahhh good to know. sigh of relief here.

Prostitution in Laos is different in that no one is locked up and being forced to do anything they don't want to do. In Thailand, however, prostitution is a dangerous game that is affiliated with mafia and gangs.

i hope i am wrong but i feel it is only a matter of time before laos follow in step with with thailand. i really hope laos keep its innocence

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 4th Aug, 2010 at 11:56pm
It will be difficult for Laos to turn out like Thailand due to the illegality of having a Lao girl with you, the curfew in place, and the emphasis on people to follow Laotian culture and tradition.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 5th Aug, 2010 at 12:51am
Is prostitution illegal in Laos?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 5th Aug, 2010 at 3:33am
Prostitution is illegal in Laos, but not enforced sufficiently.

The law in Laos tends to favour Lao citizens, so the punishment is usually just a slap on the hand. If you were a foreigner prostituting in Laos, there will be a more severe punishment in terms of jail time and heavy fines. That's why there's a mixture of Thais and foreigners prostituting in Thailand, since everyone is free to prostitute.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 5th Aug, 2010 at 8:11am
The Law in Laos is more favor to Vietnamese[Fact] not to the Lao ppl.

True story : The poor Lao famers are living near by K52, She's old lady [widow] living with her daughter. All they having just a little hut and rice field paddy with two water buffaloes, have no running water in the house. Last year, one of their buffalo got stolen. They find out the thieves are the Vietnamese Personnel are living near by. After the investigated they offering her the money 1,500,000 Kip = $ 180 US.
Without the buffaloes to work in the field, Old /woman. Imagin what life does she has? and the thieves gone free without punishment at all, only $180 to given to the lady. Is that all the Laos' Law can do to the Vietnamese? What the sorry........

I was in Laos for 14 days I had seen it all. There have more Ho-Houses  than the Factories in Laos, every goddam corners in Vientiane. I myself don't ever believed Laos had changed too much...

Time changed People to the gov't [Face$$$$]
Saaaaaaaadddddddddd......Our girls turn to be Whoores [1000 Bath=$30].

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 5th Aug, 2010 at 8:40am
The thief would have most likely sold it. At least the woman got compensated in the form of money, and she can buy another buffalo. The cheapest buffalo cost around $180 US in the countryside, so she should be fine unless she used the money for something else.

I agree that there's alot of "ho houses" in Vientiane, but if you're not into those things, you don't really notice it. It's like if you're a very religious person, everywhere you go there seems to be temples because you're always on the lookout for them.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 6th Aug, 2010 at 6:51am
Adm, You had agree with me ha... there are alot of Ho-Houses everywhere, started from North thru the South.

Laos used to known as the land of the [Million Elephants] but today I had to say : The Land of [Million Hookers]

Please do not get mad at me Ok. I just said what I had saw.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 6th Aug, 2010 at 8:46am
The so-called "ho houses" are legitimate businesses. When there's demand, there's supply.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 6th Aug, 2010 at 11:07am
Government should crack down and deport illegal Vietnamese immigrant who committed crime in Laos. If not crime will rise cause they know they can get away with it. In some European country they banned Vienamese immigrant because some are in criminals activity, gang and mafia.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by USA Joe on 6th Aug, 2010 at 4:59pm

llX wrote on 6th Aug, 2010 at 11:07am:
Government should crack down and deport illegal Vietnamese immigrant who committed crime in Laos. If not crime will rise cause they know they can get away with it. In some European country they banned Vienamese immigrant because some are in criminals activity, gang and mafia.

so you are pro-racial profiling?

meaning u want to pass bad judgment upon a person who has yet to do something bad just because some of his/her race has done them.

someday when that happens to you, lets see if you agree to that

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 6th Aug, 2010 at 9:56pm
Just like USA they deported all illegal immigrant who committed crime. Laos should do the same. At the same time I don't want to see Laos to be overrun by Viet, keo criminals. Laos is for Lao.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by USA Joe on 7th Aug, 2010 at 12:33am

llX wrote on 6th Aug, 2010 at 9:56pm:
Just like USA they deported all illegal immigrant who committed crime. Laos should do the same. At the same time I don't want to see Laos to be overrun by Viet, keo criminals. Laos is for Lao.

um no. USA deport them because (1) they are ILLEGAL and (2) if they are legal residence but are found guilty of a crime, they dont get deported. they get jail.

but all this is done after the facts. not before. which i ask u again, u must be for racial profile before that person even commit a crime

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 7th Aug, 2010 at 2:30am
Over million of illegal Vietnamese immigrant are in Laos. Million more will come. Government has to do something before its too late. Yes deport keow now.

USA Joe wrote on 7th Aug, 2010 at 12:33am:

llX wrote on 6th Aug, 2010 at 9:56pm:
Just like USA they deported all illegal immigrant who committed crime. Laos should do the same. At the same time I don't want to see Laos to be overrun by Viet, keo criminals. Laos is for Lao.

um no. USA deport them because (1) they are ILLEGAL and (2) if they are legal residence but are found guilty of a crime, they dont get deported. they get jail.

but all this is done after the facts. not before. which i ask u again, u must be for racial profile before that person even commit a crime

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 7th Aug, 2010 at 3:46am
From Lao prostitution to illegal Vietnamese Immigrants, wonderful!   :o

Vietnam is a richer country than Laos, but the Vietnamese come to Laos to live, and Lao people don't want to go to Vietnam (except for study purposes).

It's because there are more opportunities in Laos. Vietnam have many people so they need to compete to make ends meet.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 7th Aug, 2010 at 11:16am
Yes there is more opportunity in Laos. Chinese are also coming in. Government has to regulate and keep track of who, how many is coming in. Laos economy is booming so will the population. Vietnam is poorer then Laos because they got too many people 86 million, while Laos has about 6.8 million.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 7th Aug, 2010 at 3:46am:
From Lao prostitution to illegal Vietnamese Immigrants, wonderful!   :o

Vietnam is a richer country than Laos, but the Vietnamese come to Laos to live, and Lao people don't want to go to Vietnam (except for study purposes).

It's because there are more opportunities in Laos. Vietnam have many people so they need to compete to make ends meet.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 7th Aug, 2010 at 12:22pm
Laos is poorer than Vietnam according to the United Nations.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 7th Aug, 2010 at 2:40pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 7th Aug, 2010 at 12:22pm:
Laos is poorer than Vietnam according to the United Nations.

Yes Vietnam is richer, but also poorer then Laos. About 85 million, 10 million rich but 60-70 million dirt poor. That's why million moved to Laos for better opportunity.  Vietnam GDP $250 billion a year. Laos GDP $15 billion. They got more money and more poor people.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 7th Aug, 2010 at 2:49pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 7th Aug, 2010 at 12:22pm:
Laos is poorer than Vietnam according to the United Nations.

Can Viet, Keow illegal immigrant buy land and property in Laos?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 7th Aug, 2010 at 10:24pm
Calling a Vietnamese a "keow" can be offensive to them. Illegal Vietnamese immigrants can certainly buy land and property in Laos, but they can't own it in their name.

Many legal Vietnamese immigrants are richer than Lao people, and they can speak Lao very fluently. Lao people mainly run small shops and restaurants on the streets, but I see Vietnamese people own hotels and apartments in Vientiane.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 8th Aug, 2010 at 1:32am
Some are business people, and they probably get help from Vietnam government with loan to do business in Laos.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 7th Aug, 2010 at 10:24pm:
Calling a Vietnamese a "keow" can be offensive to them. Illegal Vietnamese immigrants can certainly buy land and property in Laos, but they can't own it in their name.

Many legal Vietnamese immigrants are richer than Lao people, and they can speak Lao very fluently. Lao people mainly run small shops and restaurants on the streets, but I see Vietnamese people own hotels and apartments in Vientiane.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 8th Aug, 2010 at 1:42am
Not good for Laos future. If Vietnamese control Laos economy. They already control the government. Look at Thailand for example Chinese immigrant control Bangkok, economy and military. Lao people in Issan are second class citizens, they're not well off under Bangkok rule that's why there a political protest and unrest by red shirt from Issan.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 7th Aug, 2010 at 10:24pm:
Calling a Vietnamese a "keow" can be offensive to them. Illegal Vietnamese immigrants can certainly buy land and property in Laos, but they can't own it in their name.

Many legal Vietnamese immigrants are richer than Lao people, and they can speak Lao very fluently. Lao people mainly run small shops and restaurants on the streets, but I see Vietnamese people own hotels and apartments in Vientiane.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 8th Aug, 2010 at 3:10am
That's what I'm thinking. The Vietnamese business people in Laos could be making loans from Vietnam. I know at least 5 or 6 hotels and apartments in Vientiane that is owned by people from a Vietnamese background.

Not all Lao people in Issan are second class citizens. They are more than welcome to immigrate to Laos if they are unhappy about their living conditions in Thailand. But they love Thailand more than Laos, they don't want anything to do with Laos.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 8th Aug, 2010 at 1:14pm
They should hire more Lao to work in the hotel. If they not. Government should require them too.

Some Lao Issan do move to Laos. Most like Thai more because there're more jobs and opportunity in Thailand. When Laos become wealthy and develop. They'll like Laos more and more will move to Laos. Humane nature people want better life for their family. That's why million around the world want to come to the US. I think US is more Communist then Laos. They take good care of poor people and peasant. Government has money and they help poor with education, food, Medicare and housing.  The less you make the cheaper you pay. You make more you pay everything regular prices.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 8th Aug, 2010 at 3:10am:
That's what I'm thinking. The Vietnamese business people in Laos could be making loans from Vietnam. I know at least 5 or 6 hotels and apartments in Vientiane that is owned by people from a Vietnamese background.

Not all Lao people in Issan are second class citizens. They are more than welcome to immigrate to Laos if they are unhappy about their living conditions in Thailand. But they love Thailand more than Laos, they don't want anything to do with Laos.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 8th Aug, 2010 at 11:10pm
Laos has been around for thousands of years, and we have never been wealthy and developed during our existence so I don't see that happening in the immediate future. We are improving as a country, but we won't be rich.

It's good that the US takes care of the poor. In Laos, people have to find ways to survive on their own or their children helps them when they become old.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 9th Aug, 2010 at 2:16am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 8th Aug, 2010 at 11:10pm:
Laos has been around for thousands of years, and we have never been wealthy and developed during our existence so I don't see that happening in the immediate future. We are improving as a country, but we won't be rich.

It's good that the US takes care of the poor. In Laos, people have to find ways to survive on their own or their children helps them when they become old.

There good and bad everywhere. In Laos and in US. Hopefully Laos will prosper in the near future so government can do more to help poor people with health care, and education. I like the free lunch program they has for children at school, and hopefully they will expand in every provinces in Laos. International community also helping Laos with economic development. Great news, and great for Laos.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 9th Aug, 2010 at 4:33am
If anyone wants to have free lunch, just go to any temple at 12pm.  

I'm just joking.   [smiley=happy.gif]

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 9th Aug, 2010 at 4:57am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 9th Aug, 2010 at 4:33am:
If anyone wants to have free lunch, just go to any temple at 12pm.  

I'm just joking.   [smiley=happy.gif]

You got me. Good one.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by BorLeumBanGerd on 10th Aug, 2010 at 9:00pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 8th Aug, 2010 at 11:10pm:
Laos has been around for thousands of years, and we have never been wealthy and developed during our existence so I don't see that happening in the immediate future. We are improving as a country, but we won't be rich.

It's good that the US takes care of the poor. In Laos, people have to find ways to survive on their own or their children helps them when they become old.

WOW!!! :D

It has been almost 9 months since I last signed on and posted.. and still ADMIN is still providing simple answers to difficult questions!

ADMIN said "We are improving as a country, but we won't be rich."

This statement alone tells me ADMIN is an idiot!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 10th Aug, 2010 at 9:28pm
BorLeumBanGerd, A warm welcome back to Lao Pride.   :)

Think of it this way, if you're a homeless person who now have a roof over your head and you have meals to eat, your life condition has improved, but you're not rich.

Many things are improving in Laos, but people are not rich. That's all I can say at this point in time. I'm not an economist or one who works in the Government sector, what do you want me to do, provide you with a detailed list of the country's income and expenditure?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 10th Aug, 2010 at 10:47pm
Admins has great attitude, and show everybody respect. She don't have to answers anybody question. If she don't want to. In Socialist country you have to watch what you say. I Understand. Keep up the good work admins.

BorLeumBanGerd wrote on 10th Aug, 2010 at 9:00pm:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 8th Aug, 2010 at 11:10pm:
Laos has been around for thousands of years, and we have never been wealthy and developed during our existence so I don't see that happening in the immediate future. We are improving as a country, but we won't be rich.

It's good that the US takes care of the poor. In Laos, people have to find ways to survive on their own or their children helps them when they become old.

WOW!!! :D

It has been almost 9 months since I last signed on and posted.. and still ADMIN is still providing simple answers to difficult questions!

ADMIN said "We are improving as a country, but we won't be rich."

This statement alone tells me ADMIN is an idiot!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 11th Aug, 2010 at 12:03am
Lan Xang has summed it up well.

We allow members of Lao Pride to discuss about political issues or any issues for that matter, and we don't have any problems whatsoever, be it calling me an idiot.    :)

But if I deem that the issue being discussed is controversial, and by expressing my personal views with "clear answers" could pontentially harm me as a Lao citizen, sometimes you will find that I can't get involved with the topic, or I will resort to "simple answers". There may be times when I'm busy too.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 11th Aug, 2010 at 4:32pm
Do whatever you want in Laos, have fun, party drink beerlao. But don't get involve in politics or talk about politics. When you're at somebody house you have to follow their rule. I'm no politicians. I was born after the Vietnam war. But i want to see peace and prosperity in Laos, and Lao people doing well.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 12th Aug, 2010 at 12:36am
And we want to see the overseas Lao people doing well, so they can bring their dollars and Euros into Laos and do their part in making the Lao economy grow.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 12th Aug, 2010 at 3:14am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 12th Aug, 2010 at 12:36am:
And we want to see the overseas Lao people doing well, so they can bring their dollars and Euros into Laos and do their part in making the Lao economy grow.

I agreed with you Admins, and I'll spend lot of dollars for sure when I visit Laos.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by casey69 on 27th Sep, 2010 at 1:15am
America locks up more people than any other in the world.  Its a very purtanical place.  That is too bad.  They should legalize prostitution and other vice crimes.  Its silly and stupid to treat them as criminals.  Women should be free to do what they want with their own bodies.  Don't you agree?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 27th Sep, 2010 at 2:30am
Prostitution can lead to all sorts of crimes such as rape, forced prostitution, underage sex, murders and drugs. The US doesn't want to see any of those things happening in their country.

Women are free to do anything they want with their bodies in their own homes, but just don't sell it in clubs and streets. That's probably their message.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by tyronewashington13 on 27th Sep, 2010 at 5:37pm
some dude said - "Our people just disgracing ourselves; Today we have no pride.   Lao people are trash to modern day world. We far behind. Lack of every things."

Hey Man, take a chill pill!  Whats wrong with you man?  You got beautiful sexy hot women - give em a break.  So the like to F**K!  So what?  Its better than what we got in the US - crazy Mother-F****** who like to kill, torture, rendition, bombing, invasions, occupations, war crimes - thats something to get angry about, not some beautiful, hot, sexy girls who likes to F**K.  Man, just be glad your women are so dam hot!  Jesus, America's got real problems - we are sicko - Lao girls I have known have been unbelievable. I envy you man and would love to be there with em.  You got millions over there, probably all wanting the same thing.  I'd rather F**K a Lao girl than any girl in the world.  You should be grateful they be so hot, not bashing em cause they like to do what God intended em to do.  You sound crazy enough to belong over here.  Want to trade places?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by tyronewashington13 on 27th Sep, 2010 at 5:38pm
Hey man!  Didn't mean to come down so hard on you.  OK?  Its just I really dig your women.  They hot man!  And not racist like some other Asians I know

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 28th Sep, 2010 at 12:06am
That's true, Lao people generally are not racist.

I don't think that America has real problems. There's a mixture of problems and wonderful things in every country including Laos.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LAOS on 28th Sep, 2010 at 11:53am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 28th Sep, 2010 at 12:06am:
That's true, Lao people generally are not racist.

I don't think that America has real problems. There's a mixture of problems and wonderful things in every country including Laos.

Some of these member who are talking bad about Laos. They are not Lao, but just pretened to be Lao in Lao Pride.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by hotlaogirl on 29th Sep, 2010 at 1:31pm
  Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Reply #127 - Yesterday at 8:06am  
Quote: I don't think that America has real problems. There's a mixture of problems and wonderful things in every country including Laos.

I think you are incorrect - America has real problems.  They may solve them but they are there.  For example, figures were released just today that show 1% of the population control 50% of the wealth and income of the country.  The top 2% control 75% of the wealth and income of the people.  Thats the highest disproportionate of wealth ever, even higher than 1928 before the Great Depression!  This has been made possible by 40 years of Republican rule (just like the before the Great Depression) with high taxes and cutting services to general public while slashing taxes of the very rich.  This cannot continue - if it does US will just be another "banana republic"...   And new figures released today show 35% of blacks now live below the poverty line.  Thats more than a 1/3 of a significant minority in the country. No country with such a large underclass of its citizens living below the poverty level "has no real problems"  especially in a country like the US with little or no safety net for its less well off citizens.   Likewise, a country that by far locks up more of its citizens in prison than any other country does not have problems.  Worse, the country is totally bankrupt.  Our insane wars have bankrupted the country.  It would take 5 TRILLION DOLLARS just to cover the US short term debt. We don't have it. At some point in time the Chinese and others who finance our debt are going to get fed up with loaning the US money and being paid back in worthless dollars.  The dollar has declined 95% of its value since the US went off the gold standard in the early 70s.  When the rest of the world stops accepting dollars all hell is going to break loose.  Don't tell me the US doesn't have serious problems.  But the overwhelming majority of people in the US are "fat, dumb and happy" and don't realize whats going on.  As such the problems are not being addressed and growing worse.

What does this have to do with Laos?  I don't know except there are a lot of Laotians here (I consider Laotian kids born here in the US to still be Laotian even though they are US citizens.  Correct?) in the US.  I haven't been affected yet.  My mother divorced my dad and married a rich American and after some problems went back to him so we are set.  But not everybody is and everybody will be affected if the US goes down the tubes.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 29th Sep, 2010 at 10:33pm
What does this have to do with Laos? I'm just making a comparison. We also have debts and are no better off. Many people around the world still want to go to live and work in America regardless of their economic situation. You're lucky you're there now.

As far as the drop in the US dollar is concerned, it can be a good or bad thing depending on people's circumstances or the type of business they are involved in. For instance, it's bad for American holidaymakers to Laos, because they will get less kip notes in exchange for their dollar. It's good for local people in Laos because they get more dollar in exchange for their kip.

The race of a kid depends who their mum and dad is. If one of their parents is an American then I would consider the kid a Lao-American. If their parents are both Lao then they are a Lao person.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LAOS on 30th Sep, 2010 at 12:04am
Where ever you live there is good and bad. For me and my family life is good in America.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by woodisan on 23rd Oct, 2010 at 11:48pm
      I'm Woodisan life in thailand,BKK, I have reading this forum do cause visible is sense everyone want follow technology ,Next time this matter will destroy our culture, our

     What we take pride in what we are. Do not go to receive a western culture, destroying our existing culture. Because what we as is urban agriculture Non-industrial city.

    He is a city gun weapons production. We can not compete with him. We live our brochures that big he is. Will make us happy.

   Today I need to visit laos very much it is city have is nature,I need to have family have land in Laos for use normal lifestyle.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by ChristianBachelor on 4th Nov, 2010 at 1:10am
I live in Thailand.  Any "prostitution" that I have seen in Thailand is not with beautiful young women like these photos, and it's rare to see prostitutes these days.

I do not live in Pattaya, BKK, or Phuket.

Regarding the money issue.  I have a decent income. I live in a very beautiful home.  I had a Lisu wife.  The Lisu have a lot of money.  If you are not continually throwing money at the Lisu, they will get her to leave you.  My  wife's mother is on my side.  It's not always "the family."  It's the social climate of their village.

The lying culture doesn't allow you to get to the truth so that you can deal with anything, because even if you can find the truth, the denial does not allow a conversation to take place.

I don't know about Laos, I hope to go to Laos for the first time in a week or so.  I think I will just go to Vientienne.  I am looking for advice on where to go, where to stay, what to see, who to contact, who not to contact. I am looking for advice and guidance. Any feed back will be appreciated.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 6th Nov, 2010 at 2:02am
The language barrier is probably the reason why you can't get to the truth in the conversation.

Even if you can speak abit of Lao, Thai or some Hill tribe language, it's not the same as someone who can speak fluently with each other.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by ChristianBachelor on 6th Nov, 2010 at 5:16am
1. My wife left me. I love her very much.  Divorce never makes anybody "set."  Marrying for "more money" never makes any body set.  People should be selling their love, love is free, not purchased and not rented.

2. Maybe some other guy offered her more money.  Or maybe she thinks she will get more money.  Maybe she will get more ice cream,  then get fat and hide in a closet, but she will get "more."  No man or woman can ever be appeased, not me, not you, not her, not him.  Try to be appeased or appease another. You will notice  a 100% failure rate.

3.  America has nothing to do with Laos.  Wrong.  Once China announces it is no longer supporting America's debt ... within 15 days, the world will go into a depression that is unparalleled.

4.  People need a mate that will be theirs regardless of circumstances, wealth, or fortunes coming or going.  Love is not what you can take but what you can give.

5.  I am very lonely right now.  I would like to meet a really beautiful woman to LOVE ME, but not one to "sex me."  I am not interested in sex, I am interested in love.  Love is giving, love is not taking.  Divorce is just wrong, it affects thousands and thousands of people, just two people have networks that are amazingly large, and which become alarmingly noticeable when divorce and separation enters.  Mental problems come mostly from divorce

hotlaogirl wrote on 29th Sep, 2010 at 1:31pm:
  Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Reply #127 - Yesterday at 8:06am  
Quote: I don't think that America has real problems. There's a mixture of problems and wonderful things in every country including Laos.

I think you are incorrect - America has real problems.  They may solve them but they are there.  For example, figures were released just today that show 1% of the population control 50% of the wealth and income of the country.  The top 2% control 75% of the wealth and income of the people.  Thats the highest disproportionate of wealth ever, even higher than 1928 before the Great Depression!  This has been made possible by 40 years of Republican rule (just like the before the Great Depression) with high taxes and cutting services to general public while slashing taxes of the very rich.  This cannot continue - if it does US will just be another "banana republic"...   And new figures released today show 35% of blacks now live below the poverty line.  Thats more than a 1/3 of a significant minority in the country. No country with such a large underclass of its citizens living below the poverty level "has no real problems"  especially in a country like the US with little or no safety net for its less well off citizens.   Likewise, a country that by far locks up more of its citizens in prison than any other country does not have problems.  Worse, the country is totally bankrupt.  Our insane wars have bankrupted the country.  It would take 5 TRILLION DOLLARS just to cover the US short term debt. We don't have it. At some point in time the Chinese and others who finance our debt are going to get fed up with loaning the US money and being paid back in worthless dollars.  The dollar has declined 95% of its value since the US went off the gold standard in the early 70s.  When the rest of the world stops accepting dollars all hell is going to break loose.  Don't tell me the US doesn't have serious problems.  But the overwhelming majority of people in the US are "fat, dumb and happy" and don't realize whats going on.  As such the problems are not being addressed and growing worse.

What does this have to do with Laos?  I don't know except there are a lot of Laotians here (I consider Laotian kids born here in the US to still be Laotian even though they are US citizens.  Correct?) in the US.  I haven't been affected yet.  My mother divorced my dad and married a rich American and after some problems went back to him so we are set.  But not everybody is and everybody will be affected if the US goes down the tubes.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by tony on 4th Dec, 2010 at 9:16am
I would like to say to the guy in texas it is easy to insult president or someone in power when you are safe in another country ,go and live in north korea and make a comment about the president of that country
you are a very imature person whatever your age,the mod is right,my wife is a very lovely thai girl who chose to work in a factory for little cash
while girls in her village went to bk to work in the go go bars ,like she says you must have pride in yourself ,yes i am sure that many girls are forced into that life but most love it, :(

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 14th Jan, 2011 at 3:51am

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by tony on 14th Jan, 2011 at 4:11am
hi mod lovely girl who is she ,a bit like my wife,i must say looking at a beutiful girl always lift my spirits,we will be in vientien in a couple of weeks time,love to know if you are real  ;)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 14th Jan, 2011 at 10:22pm
I don't know her personally, but we will show pictures of clubs and bars throughout the year.

I hope you enjoy your stay in Vientiane.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoguySoCal on 15th Jan, 2011 at 8:42pm
Thanks for sharing......such a lovely beautiful girl...I gotta go back to Laos again. Can you tell me where she works? I want to stop by and say hello. I know she probably got 50 boyfriends already.   :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 15th Jan, 2011 at 9:59pm
They change around alot, and never in one place, like the Beerlao girls.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Dreamer on 29th Jan, 2011 at 2:37pm
Admin, you are wrong on this.  >:(

Giving money to prostitutes is not going to help them, not for long term for sure, unless you can afford to give them enough to provide for their family for the rest of their lives. After all, can you afford to give them enough to take them off prostitution?

I think education is the foundation which then leads to professionalism of which provides foods and shelters. When you have all this in place, prostitution won't be an option for any soul.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st Dec, 2009 at 2:08am:
Give them some money. After all that's what they are doing it for.   ::)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 29th Jan, 2011 at 6:46pm
Government need to provide better paying jobs and opportunity for the young people so they don't get trick into sex trade. Government need to crackdown on prostittution. We don't want Laos to be like Thailand.  

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 29th Jan, 2011 at 10:58pm
Lao Dreamer, That comment by me was meant as a joke, but a true one.

Obviously you alone can't help them enough, but remember it's not just you who will give them money but there are many other customers, so they keep getting these regular streams of income.

It's easy to talk about education, but if one's heart and mind does not want to study then it's their problem.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 30th Jan, 2011 at 8:06pm
Nobody want to work at sex worker. If they have other alternative to make a good living, but some has no choice because of poverty. Poverty lead to crimes, prostitution and drug. Nobody want to be poor.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 30th Jan, 2011 at 11:56pm
I believe that some people want to work as a sex worker.

Like I mentioned earlier, there is a choice, but they prefer to have sex for a living than cleaning dishes because income is over ten times more.
No one is living in extreme poverty. I'm sure that their families live in a house and not under a bridge.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 31st Jan, 2011 at 12:48am
There will also be prostitution. Just don't want to see Laos like the neighboring country.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Dreamer on 5th Feb, 2011 at 12:58pm
I agree that there are jobs out there, but it is a question of if the wages are enough for a living. Most unskilled jobs such as housekeeper, child minder in Vientiane for example earn up to Kip 500,000 per month, factory workers and labourers earn up to Kip 900,000 per month for 6 days work per week 10-12 hours per day. Not enough money for anyone, not to mention a single mum with old/retired parents to look after. Most Lao retired people do not have pension so they depend on their children to provide foods, medications, shelters and bills, and all the shits we all need for everyday living you name it. This money does not get you far at all.

It may be true that most people in Laos earns lightly more than 1 dollar a day but what about the minority who don't? What about those living in rural areas with no jobs, who can't read, can't write because there's no school to go to to start with? Do you really think that there is even a toilet cleaning job for them?

I don't think most prostitutes enjoy what they do, whilst some of them may. I can't imagine being forced by a pim to have sex with someone is an enjoyment despite all free drinks and tips.

LP Admin, you make prostitution seems and sounds like an ideal if not a dream jobs for women. I would really like to know where you get your information from.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd Dec, 2009 at 3:46am:
TT, there is no last resort. There are jobs if they are willing to work the hard way and earn a monthly income like other people.

With prostitution, it is very easy to earn quick "cash in hand" every day. They also get free tips and drinks from customers and free accommodation and meals supplied by the pimps who look after them. And not to the mention the enjoyment of socialising every night. They enjoy it, they don't need to support their families. Their parents are old enough to support themselves and it's their responsibility to support their children. If they can't do that then they are not good parents.

Most people in Laos earn more than US$1 a day.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 5th Feb, 2011 at 6:18pm
Well said Lao Dreamer.
8-) ;) :)

Lao Dreamer wrote on 5th Feb, 2011 at 12:58pm:
I agree that there are jobs out there, but it is a question of if the wages are enough for a living. Most unskilled jobs such as housekeeper, child minder in Vientiane for example earn up to Kip 500,000 per month, factory workers and labourers earn up to Kip 900,000 per month for 6 days work per week 10-12 hours per day. Not enough money for anyone, not to mention a single mum with old/retired parents to look after. Most Lao retired people do not have pension so they depend on their children to provide foods, medications, shelters and bills, and all the shits we all need for everyday living you name it. This money does not get you far at all.

It may be true that most people in Laos earns lightly more than 1 dollar a day but what about the minority who don't? What about those living in rural areas with no jobs, who can't read, can't write because there's no school to go to to start with? Do you really think that there is even a toilet cleaning job for them?

I don't think most prostitutes enjoy what they do, whilst some of them may. I can't imagine being forced by a pim to have sex with someone is an enjoyment despite all free drinks and tips.

LP Admin, you make prostitution seems and sounds like an ideal if not a dream jobs for women. I would really like to know where you get your information from.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd Dec, 2009 at 3:46am:
TT, there is no last resort. There are jobs if they are willing to work the hard way and earn a monthly income like other people.

With prostitution, it is very easy to earn quick "cash in hand" every day. They also get free tips and drinks from customers and free accommodation and meals supplied by the pimps who look after them. And not to the mention the enjoyment of socialising every night. They enjoy it, they don't need to support their families. Their parents are old enough to support themselves and it's their responsibility to support their children. If they can't do that then they are not good parents.

Most people in Laos earn more than US$1 a day.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 6th Feb, 2011 at 12:17am
If people felt that they weren't paid enough, then we wouldn't have any maids, factory workers and labourers in Laos.

I'm a city person and can get by, but I have friends and relatives in the countryside who are poor and they don't turn to prostitution. There's no toilet cleaning jobs for them out there, but there are other choices for them to earn a living. Some friends come to the city to work as a cleaner, welder and security guard.

No girl in Laos is locked up as a slave and being forced by a pimp to have sex. They can call it quits and return back home if they didn't like what they're doing, but they want to stay. Prostitution is not their dream job, but it's the job they would rather do than the choices of jobs available.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 6th Feb, 2011 at 6:48pm
If the girl and boy has a good paying jobs then they wouldn't work at sex worker. And don't have to go look for jobs in Thailand.

Maybe Laos would have been better off as U.S colony then Vietnam colony. After 35 year under Vietnam we are still the least developing country in Southeast Asia.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 6th Feb, 2011 at 8:05pm
Some wealthy girls also become full-time prostitutes in Laos, because that's the sort of environment they enjoy.

Money is not the issue here. It all starts with how they were raised by their parents, and also how the parents themselves were raised up.

Regardless of how poor their family appears, there are girls who will not even think of becoming a prostitute, due to the way they were brought up.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 7th Feb, 2011 at 6:29am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 6th Feb, 2011 at 8:05pm:
Some wealthy girls also become full-time prostitutes in Laos, because that's the sort of environment they enjoy.

Money is not the issue here. It all starts with how they were raised by their parents, and also how the parents themselves were raised up.

Regardless of how poor their family appears, there are girls who will not even think of becoming a prostitute, due to the way they were brought up.

Poverty lead to crimes and prostitution. Most do it because of money. Most rich, educated or successful people will not work in sex trade . Most poor people do because they don't have much choices, look at Thailand for example most sex worker are from Issan. Monthly income in Issan is about $200, but in Bangkok about $700. People has to eat and feed their family. It's human nature people will do whatever to survive.

In America yearly income is $47,000 a year, but we still have some prostitution. Its all depend on the person situation. People work in sex trade for many reason. Many are victims of human trafficking. There's no justification wrong is wrong you can't just go robbed the bank and think its ok because you want too.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 7th Feb, 2011 at 10:21am
Like I said, poor people will never think of becoming prostitutes if they were raised in a family environment with high standards. Poor people also have high standards.

Even if they don't have enough employment choices, it's pretty low in anyone's language to choose to sell their body.

People have food to eat in Laos, their needs are already met, even if means going fishing for food and growing their own vegies. The main reason they become prostitutes is because their wants are not fulfilled. They want mobile phones, motorbikes, TV, etc.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 7th Feb, 2011 at 7:30pm
Many in Laos live $1 a day. Even $100 a month is not enough for food, gas, car insurance, pay rent. After that you won't have much to spend. The more people make the more they'll spend. Which is good for economy. If people make less they'll spend less.

It's human nature everybody want the best in life. Good jobs, nice house, nice car. Its wrong? No. We're human being after all.
8-) ;)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 8th Feb, 2011 at 2:26am

Many Lao teens have enough money to purchase whisky!

I don't think they can afford that with $1 a day.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 8th Feb, 2011 at 6:29am
Some rich and many poor. I'm not saying everybody in Laos live under $1 a day. I say many.

Maybe Laos will become more develope and prosper when government decide to abandon Communism. There'll be more jobs opportunity, more people will become rich, more business, more company will open up in Laos.
8-) :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic Republic on 8th Feb, 2011 at 6:44am
According to business for Millenium development.

2 million or 30.7% Lao live beneath poverty line.
1.8 million or 27% live on less then $1 a day.
4.8 million or 74% live on less then $2 a day.
Only 63% of Lao children reach grade 5.

Good thing Lao government don't have democracy and election. People will votes all of them out of offices. This is what Pathet Lao fought so hard for, just to bring poverty and communism to Laos.

I don't mind socialism, if Lao government can develope the country like China or Singapore. Until then I say   :P :D  to Commies.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Dreamer on 9th Feb, 2011 at 12:35am
LP Admin, seems like you have had bad experience with prostitutes. Perhaps you are surrounded with too many of them in the city where you live that nothing or no one could convince you that for some unfortunate women prostitution is not about choices.

I absolutely disgust those who turned prostitutes by choice and for those you can look down and condemn as much as you like. However though do spare some thoughts and sympathy for those who do not have any choices that you and I have. After all Lao people are known for being kind and friendly....

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 9th Feb, 2011 at 1:57am
There's always a choice, some people have more and some people have less of it than others, but there's options out there.

Prostitution is illegal in Laos anyway, so they're not even supposed to be prostituting.

I sympathise those who legitimately look for work, but get tricked into another country to work as a slave in the sex industry.

However, in Laos, no one is being tricked, it's a choice to be a prostitute.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 19th Mar, 2011 at 10:06am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 26th Dec, 2009 at 11:55pm:
We suffer while we are alive.

That's why when there is a new born baby, we go to "Ngun Gum" in Lao culture. "Gum" is all about stress and misery ahead in life.

And when someone dies, we go to "Hean Dee", meaning "Good house". It is "dee" because they are in peace, there is no more suffering and unhappiness for them.

So remember the words "Ngun Gum" and "Hean Dee". ;D

Are these your breast, 'nang'?

You have a REALLY nice body!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 19th Mar, 2011 at 10:10am
I get an odd feeling that somehow you despise your fellow 'sisters' that work as 'maa-jahng'. Am I right or not?

I don't think anyone in a proper state of mind actually wants to auction themselves off to the highest bidder. Not everybody is well-off as you are 'nang'.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 19th Mar, 2011 at 10:12am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 8th Feb, 2011 at 2:26am:

Many Lao teens have enough money to purchase whisky!

I don't think they can afford that with $1 a day.

Are these girls 'ga-lee'?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 19th Mar, 2011 at 12:05pm

Larb Dip wrote on 19th Mar, 2011 at 10:06am:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 26th Dec, 2009 at 11:55pm:
We suffer while we are alive.

That's why when there is a new born baby, we go to "Ngun Gum" in Lao culture. "Gum" is all about stress and misery ahead in life.

And when someone dies, we go to "Hean Dee", meaning "Good house". It is "dee" because they are in peace, there is no more suffering and unhappiness for them.

So remember the words "Ngun Gum" and "Hean Dee". ;D

Are these your breast, 'nang'?

You have a REALLY nice body!

Hi Larb Dip

Please have control over your self and do give some respect to Admin. I am sure you don't want anyone to talk to your family member that way.
by the way..I do suspect she is not what she claim to be. She maybe a male, and she also could be living in Australia.....

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 19th Mar, 2011 at 6:49pm
Tee, Thank you for telling him to show some respect towards me. And for the record, I am female from Laos.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic on 19th Mar, 2011 at 9:36pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 19th Mar, 2011 at 6:49pm:
Tee, Thank you for telling him to show some respect towards me. And for the record, I am female from Laos.

I respect your debating skilled and knowledge Admins. I think Larb Dip is a women just the way she talk.
8-) :o ::)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by William Kelley on 19th Mar, 2011 at 9:48pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 12th Aug, 2010 at 12:36am:
And we want to see the overseas Lao people doing well, so they can bring their dollars and Euros into Laos and do their part in making the Lao economy grow.

We are going to do our part to help to help your economy in May, and have a great time doing it too!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 19th Mar, 2011 at 9:55pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 19th Mar, 2011 at 6:49pm:
Tee, Thank you for telling him to show some respect towards me. And for the record, I am female from Laos.

I already 'know' that you are indeed a woman based on your prose alone.

Is that even your photo or are you just a 50 year old bachelorette trying to imposter yourself as a 'pu-sao'?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 19th Mar, 2011 at 9:56pm

llX wrote on 19th Mar, 2011 at 9:36pm:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 19th Mar, 2011 at 6:49pm:
Tee, Thank you for telling him to show some respect towards me. And for the record, I am female from Laos.

I respect your debating skilled and knowledge Admins. I think Larb Dip is a women just the way she talk.
8-) :o ::)

I have 3 thumbs. How's that to cast away any doubts, brother. ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by William Kelley on 19th Mar, 2011 at 10:24pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 6th Feb, 2011 at 12:17am:
If people felt that they weren't paid enough, then we wouldn't have any maids, factory workers and labourers in Laos.

I'm a city person and can get by, but I have friends and relatives in the countryside who are poor and they don't turn to prostitution. There's no toilet cleaning jobs for them out there, but there are other choices for them to earn a living. Some friends come to the city to work as a cleaner, welder and security guard.

No girl in Laos is locked up as a slave and being forced by a pimp to have sex. They can call it quits and return back home if they didn't like what they're doing, but they want to stay. Prostitution is not their dream job, but it's the job they would rather do than the choices of jobs available.

Well said, Admin! If you raise children in a home with high moral standards, no matter how poor that home may be financially, the children are more inclined to reject those things, drugs, prostitution, crime, alternate-lifestyles, etc.

A child's mind can be shaped and molded like clay, but you can not be a hypocrite in any issues you try to impress upon them. If they see you do that on one issue they will reject your teaching on all other issues.

Being poor isn't an excuse to make poor choices in life. Greedy people always fall, sooner or later.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 20th Mar, 2011 at 12:55am
I don't think many 50 year old women in Laos use the internet.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 20th Mar, 2011 at 2:43am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 20th Mar, 2011 at 12:55am:
I don't think many 50 year old women in Laos use the internet.

Okay, I'll take your word on that.

So how about answering the question now: is that you or not?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 20th Mar, 2011 at 3:43am
Yes, if you are referring to my avatar.

Please keep questions and comments related to Laos, and especially the topic in question.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 20th Mar, 2011 at 3:53am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 20th Mar, 2011 at 3:43am:
Yes, if you are referring to my avatar.

Please keep questions and comments related to Laos, and especially the topic in question.

Okay. If tha's how you want to play. Anything for you FRIEND.

That got my crytic mind thinking though..........what if I started an exclusive topic all in your honour 'nang', then perhaps you could answer because we wouldn't be detouring from the main topic, right?

You REALLY need to answer this one because I have taken your past 'silences' as a hint of assent.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 20th Mar, 2011 at 3:54am
'Cryptic mind' not 'critic mind' :D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 20th Mar, 2011 at 8:33am
It's better if you started a topic honouring Laos.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:30am
Last year I went to Thailand and Laos. I had seen it all.........
I been there during the red-shirt protested in Bankcock and I was there to melt with my ppl  while Seh Deang got killed by sniper. Woo what's mess......If you have a Lao-Blood in you"Issaan"  living in Thailand. Thai-Bankcock look at you like the bunch of trash. They will shoot at you or kill you like an animal.

2 weeks in Viengchaa. I be damn every corners in Vientiane are fill with the Ho-houses. They even have the Gay Bar in Laos call: " SORLADIT ".

The old cinema at Sisangvong turned to be a Night Club. I would rather call the Drug-house. And Five Star Hotel at DonChan were fill with the Crack-heads and smell like piss in there.....

I thought Laos would be better than that; like most of the Lao ppl are living in Laos had said.

Rich get richer and poor get poorer.....Govt corrupted ppl will be poor and broke.

Sad Sad Sad.........but lives have to go on

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:40am
I guess you mean Soradith? Not everyone in there is gay, but they cater mainly gay men.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 8:35am
I notice as well too in many films and concerts from Thailand, they always promote this gay(lady-boy) crap.  The US is getting out of control as well.  I'd say at least 5/10 films will have gay characters or some sort of gay reference in it, even in children movies.  It is really sickening.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 9:24am

OMD wrote on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 8:35am:
I notice as well too in many films and concerts from Thailand, they always promote this gay(lady-boy) crap.  The US is getting out of control as well.  I'd say at least 5/10 films will have gay characters or some sort of gay reference in it, even in children movies.  It is really sickening.

You sound homophobic.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 11:05am

Larb Dip wrote on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 9:24am:

OMD wrote on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 8:35am:
I notice as well too in many films and concerts from Thailand, they always promote this gay(lady-boy) crap.  The US is getting out of control as well.  I'd say at least 5/10 films will have gay characters or some sort of gay reference in it, even in children movies.  It is really sickening.

You sound homophobic.

I am not homophobic.  I have friends and people I know that are gay.  I just don't like it to be exploited in a films generally, because it always have  sexual references/twist.  If you have nieces and nephews would you pay to go watch a G-rated film promoting this garbage?  There's no need for it.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:20pm
They say it's easier to make a living by being gay or a ladyboy in Thailand.

The Thais like to use them as humour on TV, even their music videos have gay references. Personally, I don't mind it, and it's funny for most viewers in this part of the world, maybe because we are used to seeing these kinds of things.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:31pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:20pm:
They say it's easier to make a living by being gay or a ladyboy in Thailand.

The Thais like to use them as humour on TV, even their music videos have gay references. Personally, I don't mind it, and it's funny for most viewers in this part of the world, maybe because we are used to seeing these kinds of things.

Maybe it's just me, but the humor is too repetitive it gets old fast. If you don't mind me asking does the rating go up or down with these characters in the films or music videos since it is accepted in Thailand or Laos?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:41pm
Just for you JACKSPADE ;)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 8:07pm

JSEA wrote on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:41pm:
Just for you JACKSPADE ;)

That is just outright wrong!! LOL.  I saw the first 10 secs of it that was enough for me.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 8:24pm
Prostittute and selling drugs is easy money. That's why many do it for love of the money. Money is the root of all evil.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:20pm:
They say it's easier to make a living by being gay or a ladyboy in Thailand.

The Thais like to use them as humour on TV, even their music videos have gay references. Personally, I don't mind it, and it's funny for most viewers in this part of the world, maybe because we are used to seeing these kinds of things.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 8:26pm
Thailand is known as sex tourist paradise.

OMD wrote on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 8:07pm:

JSEA wrote on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 7:41pm:
Just for you JACKSPADE ;)

That is just outright wrong!! LOL.  I saw the first 10 secs of it that was enough for me.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 2nd Apr, 2011 at 8:52pm
Hahahahahaha. It's a reallly popular song here in Thailand too. I actually like the song...the video not so much. It was funny the first time, but seeing two fat comedians making out with each other is a bit much, almost like watching two fat old grannies make out.

Unfortunately I have to watch it, I'm trying to learn the lyrics so I can drunkenly sing along when I go out :D.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 3rd Apr, 2011 at 1:20am
JACKSPADE, Their ratings probably improve because people watch these characters to have a laugh.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 15th Apr, 2011 at 1:13pm
How do you distinguish the 'innocent' from the promiscuous?

When I say to a potential sohpeni/mae jang/pusao har ngeun/galee: 'Lets go. Lets go. To the hotel. Lets go.'.
How do I prevent myself from mistaken identity and walking into a slap?

What are the tells?

How do I know who's working as a prostitute and who's not?      


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 15th Apr, 2011 at 7:02pm
Well, if she is prepared to go to your hotel room then that's a pretty good sign that she's a prostitute.

Also if money is involved in dealings with her, then it's an obvious sign too.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 15th Apr, 2011 at 10:56pm
Obviously you don't comprehend the REAL question I'm tryinging to ask here, so I'll just stop with these 'ridiculous' questions. 8-)

You were referring to this set of questions - in particular - as being ridiculous, right? ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 15th Apr, 2011 at 11:40pm
Yes, I don't think I need to answer silly things that you already know.

You mentioned that you associate with working ladies on a regular basis, so you know about them more than I do.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 16th Apr, 2011 at 12:05am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 15th Apr, 2011 at 11:40pm:
Yes, I don't think I need to answer silly things that you already know.

You mentioned that you associate with working ladies on a regular basis, so you know about them more than I do.

I'm gonna ask this one last question concerning your 'sisters', just so you DO understand the intended enquiry:

When I go to 'auctions' in Laos - they are everywhere, aren't they? - how do I know which 'items' are for sale and which are only for display?  

That's what I REALLY wanted to know. Just from observing alone. No contact made yet. What are the giveaways? Now I'm gonna reiterate what I said earlier as well and why it's hard for ME to make the distinction: These days even the offsprings of influental men who supposedly sire 'innocent' girls, don pieces of cloth that are small - but large enough - to only shield their buttocks, nipples and areolas.

They all dress alike nowadays. I'm sure you've noticed nang.

How does one make the educated guess as to who's promiscuos and who's naive?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 16th Apr, 2011 at 1:00am
What "auctions" are you talking about? You're not being specific.

You're right that girls dress alike, so it comes down to your "observation". If she's always dressing in sexy outfits then she's most likely a prostitute.

You also have to observe what she is often doing during the night, this in particular tells the whole story. Does she usually stay at home, or is she always seen hanging around clubs and guesthouses, things like that.

So seeing a girl for the first time can be hard to guess sometimes. You need to see what she is doing, and how she is dressed each day. An innocent girl wouldn't dress sexy every day for example.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Old Man on 16th Apr, 2011 at 3:02am
A lot of it is down to WHERE you are making contact with the girls.  The places where you can hook up with the girls you are talking about are well known. (Don't ask me where they are - I'm Old Man, remember.... ;))

Also, the biggest sign is that those girls in those places would approach you and most likely invite you to buy them a drink, not the other way around.  Something a regular Lao girl would never do.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 16th Apr, 2011 at 3:29am

wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 3:02am:
Also, the biggest sign is that those girls in those places would approach you and most likely invite you to buy them a drink, not the other way around.

Never had that happen to me....yet. That would indeed make the 'hunting' experience more convenient for sure. I don't know, but half a decade seems long enough. The pusao seem more brazen these days. ;)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 16th Apr, 2011 at 3:50am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 1:00am:
What "auctions" are you talking about? You're not being specific.

You're right that girls dress alike, so it comes down to your "observation". If she's always dressing in sexy outfits then she's most likely a prostitute.

You also have to observe what she is often doing during the night, this in particular tells the whole story. Does she usually stay at home, or is she always seen hanging around clubs and guesthouses, things like that.

So seeing a girl for the first time can be hard to guess sometimes. You need to see what she is doing, and how she is dressed each day. An innocent girl wouldn't dress sexy every day for example.

Okay. So you're not as ambiguously minded as I thought. I'll just have to relay things to you straight and literal from now on. I thought the quotation marks were giveaways. Obviously not. I used 'auction' as an analogy for the 'meat markets' where the pusao LITERALLY auction their bodies off to randy clients.

You still don't UNDERSTAND me nang. I don't have time to follow my nose stalking the scent of tuna around night after night. There are plenty of fishes in the sea. Plenty for everybody infact! what I really wanted to know is: HOW DO I SUM UP THE SITUATION IN 5 -10 MINUTES? I want to be in-and-out (in both senses of the phrase). ;)


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic on 16th Apr, 2011 at 4:17am
Maybe you can just ask the girl if she is a prostitute. Most likely shell tell you straight up. And then you can ask about the prices.
:o :D

Larb Dip wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 3:50am:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 1:00am:
What "auctions" are you talking about? You're not being specific.

You're right that girls dress alike, so it comes down to your "observation". If she's always dressing in sexy outfits then she's most likely a prostitute.

You also have to observe what she is often doing during the night, this in particular tells the whole story. Does she usually stay at home, or is she always seen hanging around clubs and guesthouses, things like that.

So seeing a girl for the first time can be hard to guess sometimes. You need to see what she is doing, and how she is dressed each day. An innocent girl wouldn't dress sexy every day for example.

Okay. So you're not as ambiguously minded as I thought. I'll just have to relay things to you straight and literal from now on. I thought the quotation marks were giveaways. Obviously not. I used 'auction' as an analogy for the 'meat markets' where the pusao LITERALLY auction their bodies off to randy clients.

You still don't UNDERSTAND me nang. I don't have time to follow my nose stalking the scent of tuna around night after night. There are plenty of fishes in the sea. Plenty for everybody infact! what I really wanted to know is: HOW DO I SUM UP THE SITUATION IN 5 -10 MINUTES? I want to be in-and-out (in both senses of the phrase). ;)


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 16th Apr, 2011 at 4:26am
That's true. Be upfront and ask her if she is a prostitute.
You don't care if she is offended, because your intentions is to look for someone for a one night stand, and not a girlfriend, from what I'm reading.

If you want to have someone as a girlfriend, then you have to follow up with what she's doing, as I've mentioned.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic on 16th Apr, 2011 at 5:02am
Business as usually, you want sex she want money. They say don't look for a wife or girlfriend at the bar or nightclub.
:D :o

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 16th Apr, 2011 at 5:17am
Many Lao girls outside of bars and nightclubs can also be prostitutes, so you always need to be alert.

There are two types of prostitutes in Laos. The full-time prostitutes are found in bars and clubs every night to earn a living for themselves and their families.

And there are those who do it casually, like students whenever they need money for a new mobile/cell phone or something.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 16th Apr, 2011 at 6:09am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 4:26am:
That's true. Be upfront and ask her if she is a prostitute.

You don't care if she is offended, because your intentions is to look for someone for a one night stand, and not a girlfriend, from what I'm reading.

If you want to have someone as a girlfriend, then you have to follow up with what she's doing, as I've mentioned.

Many Lao girls outside of bars and nightclubs can also be prostitutes, so you always need to be alert.

There are two types of prostitutes in Laos. The full-time prostitutes are found in bars and clubs every night to earn a living for themselves and their families.

And there are those who do it casually, like students whenever they need money for a new mobile/cell phone or something.

I think I'll end up as the recipient of a slap (didn't I already mention this?).

I do care how people feel. I may be a horny Lao boy, but I am human.

If I WAS looking for a fan I wouldn't be looking to recruit a 'girlfriend' from the discussed venues! I would be greedy like the next guy and wouldn't want to share my meet around. Right?

I like that word 'alert'. Sounds like aiding and abetting a sex tourist. ;D

Where are the hotspots to pickup a 'casual' freelance prostitue? That would be better, I think. I could teach them a few things. I like playing that role. The girls that are being pimped are too savvy when when it comes to bedroom gymnastics. Some already start assuming positions as soon as the door is closed. Then there are the REAL brazen girls who start to dictate how THEY would like love to be made to them. If I'M paying then I'M starting off on top. That's non negotiable. >:(

Here's an off the head enquiry nang:

You say that you, too, have been a victim of mistaken identity. Some chinese guy made sexual advances towards you right? How did you feel after such an awakening?

Why don't you give me a rundown of the dialogue exchanged between you and that randy Chinaman?


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 16th Apr, 2011 at 7:46am
If you are worried about getting slapped or physically hurt, then ask her the question from a distance.

I don't know any hotspots for freelance prostitutes. You probably need someone to guide you there, jumbo/tuk tuk drivers know best.

I didn't say that a Chinese guy made sexual advances towards me. He was interested in a date, but I refused.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic on 16th Apr, 2011 at 7:55am
For sex tourist Thailand is a better choice sabai sabai. I wouldn't mess around in Laos. Prison in Laos is not pretty.
;D :D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Democratic on 16th Apr, 2011 at 7:58am
That's not good if they need money or cell phone they should go work. What can they do Lao worker make about $100 a month not $3,000. If they can find a jobs.
:-/ :'(

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 5:17am:
Many Lao girls outside of bars and nightclubs can also be prostitutes, so you always need to be alert.

There are two types of prostitutes in Laos. The full-time prostitutes are found in bars and clubs every night to earn a living for themselves and their families.

And there are those who do it casually, like students whenever they need money for a new mobile/cell phone or something.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 16th Apr, 2011 at 8:52am

llX wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 7:55am:
For sex tourist Thailand is a better choice sabai sabai. I wouldn't mess around in Laos. Prison in Laos is not pretty.
;D :D

All the galee in Thailand are used up, man! Way too much aids.

There won't be prison if we can make 'bail', right? ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 16th Apr, 2011 at 8:54am

llX wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 7:58am:
That's not good if they need money or cell phone they should go work. What can they do Lao worker make about $100 a month not $3,000. If they can find a jobs.
:-/ :'(

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 5:17am:
Many Lao girls outside of bars and nightclubs can also be prostitutes, so you always need to be alert.

There are two types of prostitutes in Laos. The full-time prostitutes are found in bars and clubs every night to earn a living for themselves and their families.

And there are those who do it casually, like students whenever they need money for a new mobile/cell phone or something.

There are no jobs in Laos. Things happen for a reason.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 16th Apr, 2011 at 9:05am
Heres how I intend to break the ice. This is the best I could come up with:

'Jao ma har ngeun bo?'
Am I off to a good start?

'Bay long lahm bo? Bay see gun bo?'
Is that last line too direct? Should I use a pacifying euphemism instead? How about:

'Koy yark non gub jao'
Is that better?

Since you're a lady nang, maybe you can tell me how to gently approach a prostitute. Feel free to edit my lines on this post. :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 16th Apr, 2011 at 10:18am
Prostitutes in Laos are not immune to AIDS either. If you are dealing with working girls in any country, then you're always at risk of any disease because you don't know them and their medical history.

Your lines are fine. You can ask them anything you like, young man. You're not planning to make friends with them, you're obviously planning to sleep with them, so be as direct as you like.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 16th Apr, 2011 at 11:16am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 10:18am:
Prostitutes in Laos are not immune to AIDS either. If you are dealing with working girls in any country, then you're always at risk of any disease because you don't know them and their medical history.

Your lines are fine. You can ask them anything you like, young man. You're not planning to make friends with them, you're obviously planning to sleep with them, so be as direct as you like.

I could do with more female companions like you! You are very mature for your age! I like your swag!!! :D

Believe it or not, but this is how my kin really conversates. We are very brazen where women are concerned. Pay ga yay pen bao pen sao mot la. We are all adults now and are treated accordingly. All the lude things that I have divulged to you, we actually discuss out in the open. The males, anyway. No bs. Some even refer 'prosties' to other kin like you would a good car salesman. This might sound a bit like incest, but it's not really, is it? I KNOW this type of behavour is prevalent among alot of Lao, not that most would own up to it though.

I think we all know that I'M the senior here. You need to respect your elders, even online nang. I think Ai Larb Dip sounds just right, don't you? ;D

Are all Lao girls open minded like you? Where can I find one? :D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 16th Apr, 2011 at 10:39pm
Well, they wouldn't let me look after the forum if I was immature.   [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

Thanks for being open, but I don't think I really need to know what you and your male species like to discuss about.

I don't have any problems with the titles you call me, so please don't tell me what I should call you.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 17th Apr, 2011 at 4:45am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 16th Apr, 2011 at 10:39pm:
Well, they wouldn't let me look after the forum if I was immature.   [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

Thanks for being open, but I don't think I really need to know what you and your male species like to discuss about.

I don't have any problems with the titles you call me, so please don't tell me what I should call you.

Don't lie.

How rude.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 17th Apr, 2011 at 5:40am
Sorry If I came off rude. I'll try to be a bit more gentle with you in future.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 19th Apr, 2011 at 4:27pm
;D ;D well played Admin.

So where does one meet "normal" lao girls in Vientiane? Since half the hookers in bor bpen ngyan, future now, don chan, etc. look like normal girls just going out.

Or is it better just to assume 90% of the girls at bars are prostitutes?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 19th Apr, 2011 at 8:09pm

JSEA wrote on 19th Apr, 2011 at 4:27pm:
;D ;D well played Admin.

So where does one meet "normal" lao girls in Vientiane? Since half the hookers in bor bpen ngyan, future now, don chan, etc. look like normal girls just going out.

Or is it better just to assume 90% of the girls at bars are prostitutes?

I have already started to assume the same thing. Even the admin' couldn't dissuade me on this.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 19th Apr, 2011 at 10:06pm
Yes, you can assume that a high percentage of the girls in bars are prostitutes.

But nightclubs like Future and Don Chan Palace are a total different thing, and not every girl can be assumed a prostitute. "Normal" Lao girls go there for entertainment as well.

If you are lucky, you might meet a girlfriend in a club because some people go to let their hair down to celebrate birthdays and other special occasions, but beer bars are the homes of prostitutes.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 20th Apr, 2011 at 10:47pm
Whether or not she is a prostitute, she paid back your generosity.

There's no point asking whether or not a girl is a prostitute because you'll never get a straight answer. Even if a girl is a prostitute, it's a personal thing and she probably feels ashamed and embarrassed to be honest about it.

Instead of posing a direct question that could offend her, it's better to ask her a casual question.


"Do you know any good bar to have drinks?"
If she's very knowledgeable about bars then she's a prostitute.

"I'm staying alone in Laos, do you want to come and visit me?"
If she begins talking about fees then she's a prostitute.

Compliment her. "You look beautiful".
If she replies with Thank You, followed by honey, darling or sweetheart then she's a prostitute.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 21st Apr, 2011 at 1:59am
Yeah, I wasn't angry with her. Just surprised and confused...and a little worried that if I didn't pay up she'd go to the police. I think I'll stick to the 90% assumption in the future.

Thanks for the advice on what to say :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st Apr, 2011 at 4:53am
Why were you concerned that she might go to the police, did you sleep with her?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 21st Apr, 2011 at 5:26am
This is why I just LOOOVE corresponding with you! Very upfront. No beating around the bush!

He's a guy, right? ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 21st Apr, 2011 at 3:06pm
I'm not gonna answer that just in case you're really the police.


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st Apr, 2011 at 10:57pm
That's okay, it's obvious without an answer anyway.

Even if I am a police, there's nothing I can do because you're in Thailand. And if you're in Laos, there's not enough evidence for an arrest because you weren't found with a girl.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 25th Apr, 2011 at 7:11am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st Apr, 2011 at 10:57pm:
Even if I am a police, there's nothing I can do because you're in Thailand. And if you're in Laos, there's not enough evidence for an arrest because you weren't found with a girl.

I'm sure if one was caught in the act, he could just hand over 'tea money', and he's off the hook, right?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 25th Apr, 2011 at 11:40pm
That's an option.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 26th Apr, 2011 at 10:52pm
Here's something that has been circulating in my mind recently that I think NEEDS to be answered:

How do I know when I'm being extorted?

Is the cop coughing into his fist? Is he rubbing his thumb across the tip of his fingers? Will he just come out and demand the money or what?
How will I know?

Hve you ever been extorted?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 27th Apr, 2011 at 12:33am
The police on the streets won't demand any money from you. They expect you to know yourself.

If they are going to arrest you for your wrongdoing, then just offer them some money for a coffee and they'll let you off the hook, but it depends on the seriousness of your offense.

I usually don't give the police any money because I know how to sweet talk them. If that doesn't work then I will pay them. If that doesn't work then it won't be problem for me because my connections knows some high ranking people to come to my rescue with any problems that I may be involved in, but I hope it never comes down to that.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Laos LXE on 27th Apr, 2011 at 1:13am
You got connection. It that mean your relative or family member is one of a government officials? Then nobody will mess with you. Agreed they say "It's not what you know it's who you know."
:D :o

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 27th Apr, 2011 at 12:33am:
The police on the streets won't demand any money from you. They expect you to know yourself.

If they are going to arrest you for your wrongdoing, then just offer them some money for a coffee and they'll let you off the hook, but it depends on the seriousness of your offense.

I usually don't give the police any money because I know how to sweet talk them. If that doesn't work then I will pay them. If that doesn't work then it won't be problem for me because my connections knows some high ranking people to come to my rescue with any problems that I may be involved in, but I hope it never comes down to that.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 27th Apr, 2011 at 1:30am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 27th Apr, 2011 at 12:33am:
The police on the streets won't demand any money from you. They expect you to know yourself.

If they are going to arrest you for your wrongdoing, then just offer them some money for a coffee and they'll let you off the hook, but it depends on the seriousness of your offense.

I usually don't give the police any money because I know how to sweet talk them. If that doesn't work then I will pay them. If that doesn't work then it won't be problem for me because my connections knows some high ranking people to come to my rescue with any problems that I may be involved in, but I hope it never comes down to that.

Well, I've never been under the pump before, so I wouldn't know how to act. I was hoping you'd help me out on that.  I don't enquire just to annoy you, mate. ;) You should know by now that I'm one of the more vulnerable. My late night escapades are bound to get me into some heat. It's innevitable.

Can you give me some dialogue? I was thinking of: 'See aow bo ngeun?'. 'Aow, aow'. When I say that last line, ('Aow, aow') I'm literally shoving the ca$h into his breast pocket. Can I do that? Or do I need to actually offer to pay for his 'coffee', and make it sound more indirect and pleasant?

I knew it! I knew it! Your kin have influence, right? Political influence too?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 27th Apr, 2011 at 1:34am
I forgot:

How much for a cup of 'coffee'. :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 27th Apr, 2011 at 2:17am
If you don't want to find yourself in a vulnerable position, then please do everything within the law while you are in Laos.

A cup of coffee in Laos is less than $1 US, but that's not enough to get you off the hook. "Here's some money for a cup of coffee" is just a polite saying.

I don't know anyone with a political influence, but they have some power over the police.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 27th Apr, 2011 at 11:32pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 27th Apr, 2011 at 2:17am:
If you don't want to find yourself in a vulnerable position, then please do everything within the law while you are in Laos.

A cup of coffee in Laos is less than $1 US, but that's not enough to get you off the hook. "Here's some money for a cup of coffee" is just a polite saying.

I don't know anyone with a political influence, but they have some power over the police.

You mean live legally as a law abiding citizen? That would mean no pusao for the great Larb Dip. Um.........................................I DON'T THIK SO! I can do everything else BUT refrain from getting my mortise and tenon on.

You really ARE literal minded. How much in US currency will I have to peel back to get me out handcuffs? And if I play the fool and don't offer any 'coffee money? What happens to me then?

You said that you 'sweet talk' these guy, right? Can I plagiarise one of your lines seaw. Give me an example seaw. I wouldn't want to hand over my hard earned too quickly.

What's then stopping these guys from 'hunting' vulnerable victims? What about in legitimate emergencies? How do they stack up?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 28th Apr, 2011 at 1:58am
There's no right amount. It depends whether they are happy with the amount you are offering them.

If you don't offer any coffee money, then they'll carry out the normal procedure and arrest you.

What legitimate emergencies?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 28th Apr, 2011 at 4:09pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 28th Apr, 2011 at 1:58am:
There's no right amount. It depends whether they are happy with the amount you are offering them.

If you don't offer any coffee money, then they'll carry out the normal procedure and arrest you.

What legitimate emergencies?

How am I supposed to know how much is enough? He won't come out and tell me, will he? How much will it knock me back if I get caught with my pants down while in the company of a sohpeni?

Does that mean a night in a comfortable Lao jail?

"What legitimate emergencies?". Is that a joke? Should I laugh? Or are you REALLY confused? You are really starting to become an Enigma seaw. ;D

ARE there such things in Laos as 'legitimate emergencies?'. What if some guy gets mugged? Is the cop going to demand to get 'paid' before he actually does his job? ;D I have a feeling the cop will be in favour - all day, every day - of the double-whammy, right? ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 28th Apr, 2011 at 4:17pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 27th Apr, 2011 at 12:33am:
I usually don't give the police any money because I know how to sweet talk them.

If that doesn't work then I will pay them. If that doesn't work then it won't be problem for me because my connections knows some high ranking people to come to my rescue with any problems that I may be involved in, but I hope it never comes down to that.

You still haven't given me any of your 'sweet' lines yet seaw. Let me try it before handing over my hard earned.

What are you implying here? Why wouldn't they take your money? Why wouldn't that work?
Are you THAT type of girl? To the hotel is it? You don't need to hold out on any secrets with me seaw:-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 28th Apr, 2011 at 9:17pm
I already told you that you know if it is enough if they are happy with it. If they're not happy with it, then offer them a bit more.

They don't always accept your money. It depends on the seriousness of your offense. For example, the truck driver who killed my cousin in a road accident is currently serving time in jail because it's a major offense.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 28th Apr, 2011 at 10:51pm
And your sweet lines?

Help me out seaw. :-X

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 29th Apr, 2011 at 2:00am
It depends on the crime committed.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 29th Apr, 2011 at 8:08am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 29th Apr, 2011 at 2:00am:
It depends on the crime committed.

Give me an example.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 29th Apr, 2011 at 7:56pm
I can't, because I speak Lao with them and my response also depends what they say back, but its just for minor traffic offenses.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 29th Apr, 2011 at 9:03pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 29th Apr, 2011 at 7:56pm:
I can't, because I speak Lao with them and my response also depends what they say back, but its just for minor traffic offenses.

All this 'sweet talk', does it involve you complimenting these officers? Are you flirting with them? :D Do you rub them on their chests, arms and backs? Anything of the sort? 8-)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 29th Apr, 2011 at 9:12pm

Larb Dip wrote on 29th Apr, 2011 at 9:03pm:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 29th Apr, 2011 at 7:56pm:
I can't, because I speak Lao with them and my response also depends what they say back, but its just for minor traffic offenses.

All this 'sweet talk', does it involve you complimenting these officers? Are you flirting with them? :D Do you rub them on their chests, arms and backs? Anything of the sort? 8-)

If you ever get into serious trouble, I would recommend you try smooth talking with cash first.  And if that doesn't work, trying using the method you mentioned. The most important thing is at least you'll be off the hook right?:)  As for the Admin, I'm curious about it too. LOL

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 2nd May, 2011 at 7:04am
I just apologize and be respectful towards them, smile and laugh along with them, and make up excuses.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 2nd May, 2011 at 10:54pm
What excuses?

You gotta help me out here. I wan't to try out these 'excuses' too. ;)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 3rd May, 2011 at 1:34am
They are just excuses once in a while for traffic offenses, nothing in relation to prostitution offenses.

You don't drive in Laos so you won't need to come up with excuses.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Laos LXE on 3rd May, 2011 at 5:10am
When you're in Laos used taxi. Less hassle.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 3rd May, 2011 at 9:48pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 3rd May, 2011 at 1:34am:
They are just excuses once in a while for traffic offenses, nothing in relation to prostitution offenses.

You don't drive in Laos so you won't need to come up with excuses.

Knowing how to wriggle out of a traffic ticket is also vital information. So, hurry up and teach me 'master'. I'm all ears. :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 3rd May, 2011 at 11:15pm
You're a foreigner, so there's no way out for you regardless of what you say. You're expected to pay a fine.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 4th May, 2011 at 12:52pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 3rd May, 2011 at 11:15pm:
You're a foreigner, so there's no way out for you regardless of what you say. You're expected to pay a fine.

How would the cops know I'm a foreigner? You already know how fluent my Lao is! To camouflage in amongst the pasason is automatic to me!

Hurry up! I'm still waiting, seaw. :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 4th May, 2011 at 10:47pm
Just be polite as possible and explain to them that you didn't see the sign and it won't happen again.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 4th May, 2011 at 11:48pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 4th May, 2011 at 10:47pm:
Just be polite as possible and explain to them that you didn't see the sign and it won't happen again.

What are you talking about?

What sign?

What law did you break?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 5th May, 2011 at 12:53am
I turned into a street that isn't allowed, from the direction I came from once.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 5th May, 2011 at 3:22pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 5th May, 2011 at 12:53am:
I turned into a street that isn't allowed, from the direction I came from once.

Okay. That last sentence doesn't make sense. ;D ;D ;D

Why didn't you just do a runner? ;D ;D ;D

When I was in Laos, I never heard a police siren go off. Do they even have one mounted on their mopeds/vehicles that flash and revolve like disco paraphenalia?

I never saw an ambulance either. :-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Old Man on 5th May, 2011 at 8:27pm
When a foreign leader visits Laos, you will see on Vientiane roads a huge long motorcade with sirens wailing, motorcycle outriders, many security vehicles and several ambulances in the motorcade.

It's really quite an impressive site.

Old Man

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 5th May, 2011 at 11:18pm
That's true, we have police sirens and ambulances in Laos.

They are also dispatched to emergency situations as well.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 14th May, 2011 at 9:02am
How much for a pusao these days?

Is it still $1000 Baht?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 14th May, 2011 at 10:05am
You mean 1,000 baht.

Don't ask me about price. The following page may be of assistance to you:

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao LXE on 14th May, 2011 at 3:32pm
Most work in sex industry because of poverty and less opportunity. Same reason why many Isan work as sex worker in Thailand. Its like that in every part of the world. Not just Laos.
:-[ :-/ ::)

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 14th May, 2011 at 10:05am:
You mean 1,000 baht.

Don't ask me about price. The following page may be of assistance to you:

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 14th May, 2011 at 11:42pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 14th May, 2011 at 10:05am:
You mean 1,000 baht.

Don't ask me about price. The following page may be of assistance to you:

I've been on all the sister 'sites already. I must have perused everything at least twice! Not once did I come across prices.

Did you write all those articles nang?

Is it still going to cost me 1000 Baht, or has the price inflated? :-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoLadyBoy on 15th May, 2011 at 12:07am

Larb Dip wrote on 14th May, 2011 at 11:42pm:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 14th May, 2011 at 10:05am:
You mean 1,000 baht.

Don't ask me about price. The following page may be of assistance to you:

I've been on all the sister 'sites already. I must have perused everything at least twice! Not once did I come across prices.

Did you write all those articles nang?

Is it still going to cost me 1000 Baht, or has the price inflated? :-?

Hey buddy....U pay for sex? What a loser.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 15th May, 2011 at 12:15am

wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 12:07am:

Larb Dip wrote on 14th May, 2011 at 11:42pm:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 14th May, 2011 at 10:05am:
You mean 1,000 baht.

Don't ask me about price. The following page may be of assistance to you:
Another person agree with me about you Larbdip!

I've been on all the sister 'sites already. I must have perused everything at least twice! Not once did I come across prices.

Did you write all those articles nang?

Is it still going to cost me 1000 Baht, or has the price inflated? :-?

Hey buddy....U pay for sex? What a loser.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 15th May, 2011 at 12:17am

wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 12:07am:

Larb Dip wrote on 14th May, 2011 at 11:42pm:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 14th May, 2011 at 10:05am:
You mean 1,000 baht.

Don't ask me about price. The following page may be of assistance to you:

I've been on all the sister 'sites already. I must have perused everything at least twice! Not once did I come across prices.

Did you write all those articles nang?

Is it still going to cost me 1000 Baht, or has the price inflated? :-?

Hey buddy....U pay for sex? What a loser.

You wont get it for free in Laos! ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoLadyBoy on 15th May, 2011 at 1:44am

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 15th May, 2011 at 1:46am
You didn't read hard enough because they did mention that 1,000 baht is the average price.

I didn't write the article, but it's fairly new, so I doubt the pricing will change much.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoBoy on 15th May, 2011 at 1:57am
admin- why do u keep changing my user name? Is that your communist upbringing that wants to stifle my freedom of expression?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 15th May, 2011 at 2:05am
I've asked you already to use an appropriate user name. You didn't listen, so I had no alternative but to change it myself.

We allow freedom of expression, and we welcome your participation on our forum, however we are not an adult site so please keep in mind that your user name must be suitable for the general audience, thank you.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoBoy on 15th May, 2011 at 2:11am
Point taken.....but what is wrong with the name LaoLadyBoy...Ladyboy is just a term to refer to the 3rd sex. There is nothing offensive about it.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 15th May, 2011 at 2:39am
It's not offensive, but when visitors come here and see "LaoLadyBoy", they may get the wrong impression that this must be an adult site.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoBoy on 15th May, 2011 at 3:56am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 2:39am:
It's not offensive, but when visitors come here and see "LaoLadyBoy", they may get the wrong impression that this must be an adult site.

Well make it consistent then. Some of your members are talking about how much to rent a woman for the night. Visitors make look at these comments and also think its an adult site.

Personally, if visitors think the word Ladyboy is offensive then they just need to harden up.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 15th May, 2011 at 4:06am
Yes, but they are talking in the relevant section of the forum, which is obviously here.

These comments are only displayed on this thread, whereas your name may be displayed on many threads.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 15th May, 2011 at 2:17pm
Is she a sohpeni?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao LXE on 15th May, 2011 at 4:38pm
Good point.
;) :)

wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 3:56am:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 2:39am:
It's not offensive, but when visitors come here and see "LaoLadyBoy", they may get the wrong impression that this must be an adult site.

Well make it consistent then. Some of your members are talking about how much to rent a woman for the night. Visitors make look at these comments and also think its an adult site.

Personally, if visitors think the word Ladyboy is offensive then they just need to harden up.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoBoy on 15th May, 2011 at 9:12pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 4:06am:
Yes, but they are talking in the relevant section of the forum, which is obviously here.

These comments are only displayed on this thread, whereas your name may be displayed on many threads.

Wouldn't want to give visitors the wrong impression would you.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao LXE on 15th May, 2011 at 9:17pm
Nothing wrong with Admins posting the picture of Lao models.  

wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 9:12pm:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 4:06am:
Yes, but they are talking in the relevant section of the forum, which is obviously here.

These comments are only displayed on this thread, whereas your name may be displayed on many threads.

Wouldn't want to give visitors the wrong impression would you.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoBoy on 15th May, 2011 at 10:52pm

llX wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 9:17pm:
Nothing wrong with Admins posting the picture of Lao models.  

wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 9:12pm:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 15th May, 2011 at 4:06am:
Yes, but they are talking in the relevant section of the forum, which is obviously here.

These comments are only displayed on this thread, whereas your name may be displayed on many threads.

Wouldn't want to give visitors the wrong impression would you.

On a thread about prostitution?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 16th May, 2011 at 7:04am
Purpose of this topic I had posted in this forum is trying to pointing the finger to the Corrupted Govt, and let our PPL to learn from the negative ways of lives and bring the positive ways to be useful to our culture. Time changed people need to change.


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 20th May, 2011 at 1:15am
If Laos is really Open Up, Laos should creating job for Lao-ppl and help the poor get on their feet. Not to cross the border.

Maybe the Laos Govt should open more Ho-Houses in Laos instead of crossing the border to Thailand, it would attract the tourist to the Land of million elephant.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 20th May, 2011 at 1:50am

Want Laos To Be Independence wrote on 20th May, 2011 at 1:15am:
If Laos is really Open Up, Laos should creating job for Lao-ppl and help the poor get on their feet. Not to cross the border.

Maybe the Laos Govt should open more Ho-Houses in Laos instead of crossing the border to Thailand, it would attract the tourist to the Land of million elephant.

Well said. Why cross the river to 'work' abroad, when you can do it domestically. In the convenience of your own bedroom even. :-X

Does that sound like common sense to anyone else? :-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 20th May, 2011 at 2:35am
Maybe they earn more in Thailand.

Another reason why some girls cross the river to work as a prostitute is to prevent people close to them (family, friends, relatives) from knowing about it.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao LXE on 20th May, 2011 at 2:46am
The more sex worker go to Thailand the better. I don't want to see any in Laos. Laos is land of million elephant. Not sex capitals o the world.
:D ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoCowboy on 20th May, 2011 at 3:15am
Are there STD concern/problem in Laos?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao LXE on 20th May, 2011 at 3:17am
STD, HIV is a problem but not as bad as Thiland.

PEACE wrote on 20th May, 2011 at 3:15am:
Are there STD concern/problem in Laos?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 20th May, 2011 at 6:47am
STD or HIV are spreading through out every corners in the country(Laos). There is no one care or had done anything about it.
Most of the Bar owners(Ho-Houses) are having the connection with the High Ranking Officials.

Corruption led to down fall to ours pride, we have no dignity of mankind. Money and power had made our human blind.

It sad but true, It hurt but can't do anything about.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 20th May, 2011 at 7:41am
The bar owners in Laos do care, they have a requirement to teach the girls about safe sex.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoCowboy on 20th May, 2011 at 12:08pm
I would guess that these 'working girsl' in Tahiland are mainly from Issan and therefore they are mainly Lao girls :(.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 20th May, 2011 at 12:26pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 20th May, 2011 at 2:35am:
Maybe they earn more in Thailand.

Another reason why some girls cross the river to work as a prostitute is to prevent people close to them (family, friends, relatives) from knowing about it.


There are no secrets in Laos! Gossip is Laos' de facto national sport for many reasons! The 'truth' being one of them.

How are prostitutes viewed by the Lao community - in Laos? Isn't there a stigma attached to prostitutes? Or are they jusy accepted for who they are like ladyboys? :-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 20th May, 2011 at 9:32pm
Exactly, that's all they can resort to, "gossip". If their connections in Laos can't see them prostituting, they won't know the truth. That's why they go to Thailand.

Prostitutes are despised by many people in Laos. Those who accept them for who they are, are mainly the playboys.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 20th May, 2011 at 10:39pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 20th May, 2011 at 9:32pm:
Exactly, that's all they can resort to, "gossip". If their connections in Laos can't see them prostituting, they won't know the truth. That's why they go to Thailand.

The majority of Lao people don't just 'report on news' improvised out of thin air. Most of the gossip is either true (although WITH exagerations) or are educated guesses. Like someone from a meeker family crossing the River, for instance. Although they will use the euphemism: bay har ngeuan. We all have the notion they're really going to bay kiy doh.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 20th May, 2011 at 9:32pm:
Prostitutes are despised by many people in Laos. Those who accept them for who they are, are mainly the playboys.

Yep, you got that right, baby! ;)

We need the sexual releif; they need the money. It's a win-win situation for everybody involved. The dispisers-slash-envious-slash-'news reporters' are only those that miss out (and with nothing else better to do with their free time than speak of other peoples affairs ;D.)

Prostitutes should be accepted by now. They've been around for many centuries and will continue to linger for even longer, or until that 2012 prediction wipes us all out.

By the way, buddy, how do YOU feel about prosties? :-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao LXE on 20th May, 2011 at 11:36pm
Many of the 3 million sex worker in Thailand are from Isan. They're Lao. Isan is the poorest and least developed region in Thailand. They kept them poor for a reason. Nobody will work as prostituted if they have good jobs and education.

PEACE wrote on 20th May, 2011 at 12:08pm:
I would guess that these 'working girsl' in Tahiland are mainly from Issan and therefore they are mainly Lao girls :(.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoBoy on 20th May, 2011 at 11:44pm
hahaha.....Lap Dip......The loser who pays for sex. Can kinda figure out why he has to based on his attitude.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st May, 2011 at 1:12am
Not having a good job or education is no excuse to become a prostitute.

It would never cross their mind if they come from a good family upbringing.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoCowboy on 21st May, 2011 at 3:03am
Hopefully the 'opened' Laos can create more job opportunities for these working ladies as an option for them to make money from another avenue to support thmselves and family members :).

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 21st May, 2011 at 4:24am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st May, 2011 at 1:12am:
Not having a good job or education is no excuse to become a prostitute.

It would never cross their mind if they come from a good family upbringing.

Now you're looking down on people. You make it sound as if there's nothing else they'd rather do.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st May, 2011 at 8:06am
Of course they'd rather do other things. Sometimes we want a career in a particular field, however there's no excuse to lower yourself if that field doesn't come your way.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 21st May, 2011 at 9:37am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st May, 2011 at 8:06am:
Of course they'd rather do other things. Sometimes we want a career in a particular field, however there's no excuse to lower yourself if that field doesn't come your way.

What else are they going to do? :-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st May, 2011 at 10:08am
Sit at home and use their brains for a start.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 21st May, 2011 at 10:29am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st May, 2011 at 10:08am:
Sit at home and use their brains for a start.

Like THAT'LL pay the bills.

There's always something to buy to make life worth living. People need to eat. There has to be fun in peoples lives.

It's blatant we don't see eye to eye on this issue. Why do you despise your 'sisters' so much?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st May, 2011 at 10:43am
You don't understand what I am saying. They need to use their brains and find a decent job, I can't think for them.

Yes people need to eat, but didn't they eat something before they chose the path of a prostitute?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 21st May, 2011 at 11:24am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st May, 2011 at 10:43am:
You don't understand what I am saying. They need to use their brains and find a decent job, I can't think for them.

Yes people need to eat, but didn't they eat something before they chose the path of a prostitute?

How would I know? ;D ;D ;D Maybe their food ran out. Maybe they're sick of dipping their rice balls into salt for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's hard for you to imagine - from their vantage points - what life is like for those born into unfavourable circumstances. You're still in possesion of your 'mint' BMW, right?

Whenever I take a girl back to the hotels (why won't they consent to going back to my village?) and snake my way up into their gland(s), after my King Cobra 'spits' it's venom, of course - during the 'interval', I like to call it - I DO ask them why they get into the worlds oldest profession. Not once has a prostitute implied - you know how they like to beat around the bush - that she actually likes the 'job'. I also inferred - from their mannerisms - that they'd rather be somewhere else. However, they DO put on a good performance. ;)

Why do you despise your 'sisters' so much?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoBoy on 21st May, 2011 at 3:31pm
You're such a knob buddy. Paying for sex, exploiting Laotian woman. And u ain't even a real kiwi

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st May, 2011 at 8:01pm
They don't look malnourished or anorexic, so it's safe to say that they've been eating more than just rice balls with salt.
I have a mixture of rich and poor relatives in Laos so I understand different situations. The poor female relatives of mine live in rural areas, and as poor as they seem, none of them are sitting in the bars and clubs.

Family upbringing plays an important part in people's lives. We've all heard the old saying: "like mother, like daughter". Meaning the personality and behaviours of the mother are similar to her daughter.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 21st May, 2011 at 10:51pm
Why do you despise your 'sisters' so much?

Please set the record straight.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 21st May, 2011 at 11:47pm

I don't despise them, I just don't think they are thinking straight.

Here's a prostitute, sent in by our playboy photographer.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 21st May, 2011 at 11:58pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 21st May, 2011 at 11:47pm:

I don't despise them, I just don't think they are thinking straight.

Here's a prostitute, sent in by our playboy photographer.

DAMN!!! I need to rush back to the land of my forefathers! ASAP!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 22nd May, 2011 at 12:55am
Bring lots of money for them too, because they need it.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 22nd May, 2011 at 6:16am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 22nd May, 2011 at 12:55am:
Bring lots of money for them too, because they need it.

Yep. Don't we all?

Sounds like you've relented on your hardline stance concerning your 'sisters'?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 22nd May, 2011 at 9:34pm
I don't care what they do with their life, it's their business. But as far as me supporting prostitution, no.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 23rd May, 2011 at 4:28am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 22nd May, 2011 at 9:34pm:
I don't care what they do with their life, it's their business. But as far as me supporting prostitution, no.

You sound real firm in that regards. Doesn't look like you'll change your mind anytime soon- if ever.

It's safe to assume that you don't associate with prostitutes? I highly doubt you know any too. :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao LXE on 23rd May, 2011 at 5:37am
Prostitution is the world oldest profession. Every country have prostitution. I don't supported or want anything to do with them either, but I believe that people should have freedom to gamble or be a sex worker. As long as they're over the age of 18. Its their business.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 22nd May, 2011 at 9:34pm:
I don't care what they do with their life, it's their business. But as far as me supporting prostitution, no.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 23rd May, 2011 at 6:32am
I don't associate with prostitutes, I am in my world and they are in their world.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 23rd May, 2011 at 7:00am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 6:32am:
I don't associate with prostitutes, I am in my world and they are in their world.

Do you know of any though? Anyone you grew up with that does that sort of thing?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 23rd May, 2011 at 7:05am

llX wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 5:37am:
Prostitution is the world oldest profession. Every country have prostitution. I don't supported or want anything to do with them either, but I believe that people should have freedom to gamble or be a sex worker. As long as they're over the age of 18. Its their business.

Well said my brother. Live your own fukcen lives and stop gossipping about others'! ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 23rd May, 2011 at 7:39am

Larb Dip wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 7:00am:
Do you know of any though? Anyone you grew up with that does that sort of thing?

No, I don't. Most of the girls I grew up with in the city come from families who have money.

My connections in the countryside are poor, but they're from respectable families and they don't venture away from home.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 23rd May, 2011 at 8:05am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 7:39am:
No, I don't. Most of the girls I grew up with in the city come from families who have money.

Of course. Why did I ask such a stupid question.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 7:39am:
My connections in the countryside are poor, but they're from respectable families and they don't venture away from home.

Are your 'connections' your pinong? What do you mean "they don't venture away from home"? Why are they kept on lock-and-key? What's going on here? Is this a Hi-So ritual, or what?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 23rd May, 2011 at 9:03am
Yes, my connections in rural areas are a mixture of close and distant relatives, they are far from being a "Hi-So". They go out to work, school, shopping etc, but they come back home the same day.

Working girls are generally away from home and spend the night in bars and around hotels.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 23rd May, 2011 at 9:51am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 9:03am:
Yes, my connections in rural areas are a mixture of close and distant relatives, they are far from being a "Hi-So". They go out to work, school, shopping etc, but they come back home the same day.

Prostitutes don't?

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 9:03am:
Working girls are generally away from home and spend the night in bars and around hotels.

Do prostitutes feel ashamed? Do they work close to their homes?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 23rd May, 2011 at 10:39am
Prostitutes work at night, and they often travel far away from home.

Maybe you can ask them yourself if they feel ashamed.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 23rd May, 2011 at 7:47pm

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 10:39am:
Maybe you can ask them yourself if they feel ashamed.

Okay. If you REALLY need to know. Next time I take a pusao to bed, I'll quiz her on that piece of trivia - in betwwen rounds. That' task isn't too much to grant to a fond associate of mine. It would be an honour and a priviledge! ;)

Is there anything else you would like to become privvy to in regards to the happenings in the lives of prostitutes? Now would be the time to say so.:-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 23rd May, 2011 at 9:21pm
You go ahead and do that. The best answer is the answer straight from the horses mouth.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Tee on 24th May, 2011 at 2:47am
Why don't both of your just find a room

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by LaoCowboy on 24th May, 2011 at 2:53am
LOL! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 24th May, 2011 at 3:23am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 23rd May, 2011 at 9:21pm:
You go ahead and do that. The best answer is the answer straight from the horses mouth.

You so grumpy nang? You DON'T despise prostitutes? Yeah................whatever! ;D

However, I think you would look twice as hot sporting a crafty countenance - you know, the exprssion where your eyes shrink to slits and you're giving off that 'if looks could kill' look. ;)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 24th May, 2011 at 8:53pm

This is the expression I am doing at the moment.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 25th May, 2011 at 3:44am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 24th May, 2011 at 8:53pm:

This is the expression I am doing at the moment.

Why don't you post your own picture?

That's not mad/sexy enough. The eyes need to be squintier!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 25th May, 2011 at 3:44am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 1st Jan, 2010 at 3:15am:
Okay Mr. Smart.

Happy New Year to all Patikan overseas. We understand you still care and want to do what's best for Laos and we're thankful for that.

This is the first time I've actually come across you livid, seaw. Do you think of all us Lao refugees as 'Patikan'? :'(

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 25th May, 2011 at 3:50am
Time change people change, can't blame no one. This day is all about money. Pride can't put the food on the table. Our beautiful children had became the bargirls.
If you didn't born with silver spoon in your mouth then that only way you (girls) can make quick cash in Laos.

For these reasons I have to say

Ku man Patikan, Tair lux Ban lux Muang, Bor khue Lao Communist

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 25th May, 2011 at 4:28am

Want Laos To Be Independence wrote on 25th May, 2011 at 3:50am:
Time change people change, can't blame no one. This day is all about money. Pride can't put the food on the table. Our beautiful children had became the bargirls.
If you didn't born with silver spoon in your mouth then that only way you (girls) can make quick cash in Laos.

For these reasons I have to say

Ku man Patikan, Tair lux Ban lux Muang, Bor khue Lao Communist

I have already put this to her. The admin' thinks the girls in Laos only turn to prostitution because of their 'upbringings'. She's real firm on that.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 25th May, 2011 at 4:38am
People work in sex trade because of poverty.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 25th May, 2011 at 5:39am
Stop corruption and creating job ( Help your ppl )
Be poor is better than be a hooker with HIV, Don't you think so?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 25th May, 2011 at 5:42am

llX wrote on 25th May, 2011 at 4:38am:
People work in sex trade because of poverty.

Try telling that to the admin'. There is no such thing as poverty as far as she is concerned. ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 25th May, 2011 at 6:10am
Poverty and less opportunity. For some people. Why work for $100 a month when you can make $1,000 a month as a sex worker.

Larb Dip wrote on 25th May, 2011 at 5:42am:

llX wrote on 25th May, 2011 at 4:38am:
People work in sex trade because of poverty.

Try telling that to the admin'. There is no such thing as poverty as far as she is concerned. ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 25th May, 2011 at 7:38am

Larb Dip wrote on 25th May, 2011 at 3:44am:

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 1st Jan, 2010 at 3:15am:
Okay Mr. Smart.

Happy New Year to all Patikan overseas. We understand you still care and want to do what's best for Laos and we're thankful for that.

This is the first time I've actually come across you livid, seaw. Do you think of all us Lao refugees as 'Patikan'? :'(

I don't remember the actual conversation, but I think someone mentioned that they were a "patikan", and I wished him and others who consider themselves a "patikanian", a joyful holiday season.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 25th May, 2011 at 9:51am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 25th May, 2011 at 7:38am:
I don't remember the actual conversation, but I think someone mentioned that they were a "patikan", and I wished him and others who consider themselves a "patikanian", a joyful holiday season.

So, you don't look down on us? You don't think of us as traitors, because you sounded pissed off.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 25th May, 2011 at 9:27pm
I never look down on anybody, I love you all.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 26th May, 2011 at 6:05am
Adm, U did look down on your own sisters in Laos. U just like the rich spoil kid who don't know how to cook for themselves( new generation).
Put yourself in theirs shoes then you will feel them. ( pai dum naa birl doo)

I bet some of them might be your friends or related to you.


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 26th May, 2011 at 7:48am
I can be in their shoes, but I choose not to. I'd rather be in these shoes, worn by a girl who came from a poor background in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, who made a better choice in life.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 26th May, 2011 at 8:31am

Want Laos To Be Independence wrote on 26th May, 2011 at 6:05am:

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 27th May, 2011 at 6:57am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 25th May, 2011 at 9:27pm:
I never look down on anybody, I love you all.


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Sudsakorn.Sor.Klinmee on 27th May, 2011 at 3:41pm
Damn it's a shame but people gotta eat

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 27th May, 2011 at 9:45pm
They have food to eat. They have been eating all their lives prior to being a sex worker.

They just want easy money and to party. Many employers are seeking new workers in Laos if they are willing to do the hard yards.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 28th May, 2011 at 4:00am
But pay is too low and not enough.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 27th May, 2011 at 9:45pm:
They have food to eat. They have been eating all their lives prior to being a sex worker.

They just want easy money and to party. Many employers are seeking new workers in Laos if they are willing to do the hard yards.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 28th May, 2011 at 10:28pm
Pay is enough in a decent job, if you use it wisely.

What if there are unexpected circumstances (e.g. break a leg or fall ill) and they can't prostitute anymore? They won't die of hunger.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 28th May, 2011 at 10:51pm
When it come to money it's never enough. That's the bad part when you get sick. In Laos hospital it's cash only. Does company in Laos provide healthcare for their worker?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 28th May, 2011 at 11:57pm
If we go to see the doctor for minor problems such as a flu, we need to pay for it ourselves. Companies may provide some assistance for life-threatening illnesses and injuries.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 29th May, 2011 at 2:01am
If you're from the bottom tiers of Lao society, forget the hospital, go to the village temple. Donating a banana into the monk's begging bowl should be admission enough. A few splashes of 'holy water', the tying of colured cord around your wrists is essential. To REALLY exorcise the flu/cold plead for the monk to recite a mantra on your behalf. Depending on how strong your faith is, that SHOULD cure you. However, for the less devout, prostituion may be the only way to keep the health of theirs and their loved ones in check. :-?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 29th May, 2011 at 4:59am
In the U.S the company provide worker with medical insurance, but worker has to pay for it every month. If you're poor or low income U.S government will provide you and your family with free healthcare.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 28th May, 2011 at 11:57pm:
If we go to see the doctor for minor problems such as a flu, we need to pay for it ourselves. Companies may provide some assistance for life-threatening illnesses and injuries.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 30th May, 2011 at 12:03am
Good, I hope to move to America in the seeable future.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 30th May, 2011 at 1:17am
US is a nice place to live. A land of opportunity.

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 12:03am:
Good, I hope to move to America in the seeable future.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 30th May, 2011 at 2:24am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 12:03am:
Good, I hope to move to America in the seeable future.

Will we still remain penpals, Valuck?

Will you have to abdicate the role as our administrator? :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 30th May, 2011 at 2:25am

llX wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 1:17am:
US is a nice place to live. A land of opportunity.

I heard it's dangerous over there. You could get shot just crossing the street, am I right?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 30th May, 2011 at 9:07am

Larb Dip wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 2:24am:
Will you have to abdicate the role as our administrator? :'( :'( :'(

I don't know the future.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 30th May, 2011 at 8:12pm
How did you stumble into the job anyway, Valuck? Was it through your 'connections'?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 30th May, 2011 at 8:47pm
My name "Saovaluck".

I know one of the gentleman who works in IT. He needed some help at the time, and I put my hand up for the job.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 31st May, 2011 at 2:19am
Talk about luck. :)

Now you 'work' from your the convenience of your bedroom . This IS the easiest job you've had, right?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 31st May, 2011 at 3:08am
It's not always easy.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 31st May, 2011 at 3:28am
Why would anybody shot you for crossing the street? There's is rule of law here. No one is above the law. I live in US since 1990 and cross the street all the time.
:D ;D

Larb Dip wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 2:25am:

llX wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 1:17am:
US is a nice place to live. A land of opportunity.

I heard it's dangerous over there. You could get shot just crossing the street, am I right?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 31st May, 2011 at 8:29am

llX wrote on 31st May, 2011 at 3:28am:
Why would anybody shot you for crossing the street? There's is rule of law here. No one is above the law. I live in US since 1990 and cross the street all the time.
:D ;D

Larb Dip wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 2:25am:

llX wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 1:17am:
US is a nice place to live. A land of opportunity.

I heard it's dangerous over there. You could get shot just crossing the street, am I right?

Maybe I've seen too many 'gangster' movies. I've been brainwashed. So, you're saying it's safe?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 31st May, 2011 at 3:55pm
In a gangster or mafia movies. But not in real life. If someone shot you there's a reason. But US is a bigger country and crimes is higher then New Zealand.

Larb Dip wrote on 31st May, 2011 at 8:29am:

llX wrote on 31st May, 2011 at 3:28am:
Why would anybody shot you for crossing the street? There's is rule of law here. No one is above the law. I live in US since 1990 and cross the street all the time.
:D ;D

Larb Dip wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 2:25am:

llX wrote on 30th May, 2011 at 1:17am:
US is a nice place to live. A land of opportunity.

I heard it's dangerous over there. You could get shot just crossing the street, am I right?

Maybe I've seen too many 'gangster' movies. I've been brainwashed. So, you're saying it's safe?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 31st May, 2011 at 4:22pm
I was robbed at gunpoint in Dallas :(.

I feel safer in Bangkok than Dallas, and I feel even safer in Vientiane than Bangkok.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 31st May, 2011 at 5:37pm

JSEA wrote on 31st May, 2011 at 4:22pm:
I was robbed at gunpoint in Dallas :(.

I feel safer in Bangkok than Dallas, and I feel even safer in Vientiane than Bangkok.

Don't feel bad, I got robbed too by a gun pointed at my chest when I worked at a convenient store during my teen.  Where in Dallas did this happen?  Was it in a ghetto area or at night?  

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 31st May, 2011 at 11:26pm

JSEA wrote on 31st May, 2011 at 4:22pm:
I was robbed at gunpoint in Dallas :(.

I feel safer in Bangkok than Dallas, and I feel even safer in Vientiane than Bangkok.

Vientiane is definately safer than Bangkok. In fact, all the major cities in Laos are safe.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 1st Jun, 2011 at 11:45am
It was near Greenville Avenue which is a major area to hang out at night...problem is it's near a shady part of town, so once you're a block away from the bars you have a much higher chance of being robbed. It's like that in a lot of big cities though.

Don't get me started on Oakland....

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 1st Jun, 2011 at 4:44pm

JSEA wrote on 1st Jun, 2011 at 11:45am:
It was near Greenville Avenue which is a major area to hang out at night...problem is it's near a shady part of town, so once you're a block away from the bars you have a much higher chance of being robbed. It's like that in a lot of big cities though.

Don't get me started on Oakland....

I think it's one of those situation where you just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time scenario.  It happens to everyone, it doesn't matter where you are or where you live.  There's always bad people.  You can live in the most richest and beautiful neighborhood in the world, and things like this will still occur.  Also, when, bad things happen to us we tend to think the worse of the entire city...that is wrong too.  I had issues with pick pockets in Pattaya,Thailand. I dealt with it...but, I don't think the entire city is bad.  So, I'm just saying. :)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 1st Jun, 2011 at 9:05pm

llX wrote on 31st May, 2011 at 3:55pm:
In a gangster or mafia movies. But not in real life. If someone shot you there's a reason. But US is a bigger country and crimes is higher then New Zealand.

I heard guns are everywhere in the US.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 1st Jun, 2011 at 11:15pm
I don't have one, but American citizens have the right to bear armed and protected themselves.

Larb Dip wrote on 1st Jun, 2011 at 9:05pm:

llX wrote on 31st May, 2011 at 3:55pm:
In a gangster or mafia movies. But not in real life. If someone shot you there's a reason. But US is a bigger country and crimes is higher then New Zealand.

I heard guns are everywhere in the US.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Larb Dip on 2nd Jun, 2011 at 6:00am

llX wrote on 1st Jun, 2011 at 11:15pm:
I don't have one, but American citizens have the right to bear armed and protected themselves.

Why don't you have one? Everybody else does. You don't wan't to be caught off guard do you?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 11th Jun, 2011 at 4:43am

Larb Dip wrote on 2nd Jun, 2011 at 6:00am:

llX wrote on 1st Jun, 2011 at 11:15pm:
I don't have one, but American citizens have the right to bear armed and protected themselves.

Why don't you have one? Everybody else does. You don't wan't to be caught off guard do you?

Hay, Lard Dip: What do you want the gun for, to shoot the hookers,corruption officials in Laos ?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 13th Jun, 2011 at 3:34pm
There's rule of law. If you have problem in America just called the polices.
;) :o

Larb Dip wrote on 2nd Jun, 2011 at 6:00am:

llX wrote on 1st Jun, 2011 at 11:15pm:
I don't have one, but American citizens have the right to bear armed and protected themselves.

Why don't you have one? Everybody else does. You don't wan't to be caught off guard do you?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by RainbowIntheRose on 13th Jun, 2011 at 8:41pm
Where I am at, 'We don't call 911'  ;).

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by BlastSweep on 14th Jun, 2011 at 2:18am
I've lived in Dallas the past 3 years. If you really feel that Bangkok is safer than Dallas then you must have really been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Considering how popular the Greenville area is, its not surprising that there will be a few criminals there to exploit it. And actually, Greenville is closer to Highland Park, where some of the richest folks in Dallas reside. I've personally never encountered any crime first hand in Dallas.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 14th Jun, 2011 at 9:46am
There's tons of it around the Greenville area, and the area just north eastish of downtown. I lived in Uptown, and just crossing the expressway the neighborhood changed dramatically. My friend lives not too far away from Greenville Avenue, and he puts up with crazy crack heads going through his garbage, and tweakers yelling, screaming, and fighting at all hours of the night...and his neighborhood is considered somewhat nice.

Are you Lao? Otherwise it's a crazy coincidence that there's two foreigners from Dallas on here.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by WantLaosToBeIndependence on 14th Jun, 2011 at 7:33pm
Dallas,Texas is my home. I'm live here since I ran my asss in the USA.

By the way the Dallas Mav's Won the Champ for first time. Back in the old day, The Harry Hine Blvd used to be the Hookers street and presently is difference. Greenville, Oaklawn and Mockingbird used to be very busy for party goers but today is quite slow. Today ppl tend to hang out at Plano and Frisco its north of Dallas.

Legacypoint in Plano is vey busy on the weekend. Drop by.

DON'T MESS WITH THE TEXAS. (when u in Texas,Laws are not friendly that much)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 15th Jun, 2011 at 2:40pm
So that's two people from the Dallas area. You guys ever go to the Lao New Year celebration they do out there? I think the year before last was when it was so cold they had to throw shaving cream at each other instead of water. I just saw pics online, but it looked pretty fun...and now I know it had to have been fun after experiencing Song Kran here in Bangkok.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 16th Jun, 2011 at 3:47pm

I heard Lao new year celebration in Texas are pretty fun. Many friend from Minnesota go there every year.

JSEA wrote on 15th Jun, 2011 at 2:40pm:
So that's two people from the Dallas area. You guys ever go to the Lao New Year celebration they do out there? I think the year before last was when it was so cold they had to throw shaving cream at each other instead of water. I just saw pics online, but it looked pretty fun...and now I know it had to have been fun after experiencing Song Kran here in Bangkok.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Searching4TheRainbowInTheRose on 16th Jun, 2011 at 9:52pm
What's the estomated Lao population in the Dallas area? Anyone?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 18th Jun, 2011 at 9:48am
Not sure, but I think Denton has the second or third largest after Fresno. It's either Fresno, Denton, somewhere-in-michigan-or-minnesota, or Fresno, somewhere-in-michigan-or-minnesota, Denton.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 18th Jun, 2011 at 10:36pm
Most Laotian Americans (includes colonies of the Hmong from Laos) live in the states of California. Followed by Minnesota, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, Washington, Kansas, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Oregon. There are also large and sizable communities in Ohio, Oklahoma, Iowa, Utah, Colorado, Florida, Pennsylvania, Delaware, North Carolina, Georgia, New Hampshire, Michigan, Maine, Alabama and Louisiana. There are about over 200,000 ethnic Lao in America. 8,000 - 11,000 more Americans are mixed with another ethnic group and Lao. Ethnic Lao would be considered both Lao American and Laotian American (see also Hmong American).
Cities or regions with significant Laotian Americans include the San Francisco Bay area (numbering at about 11,545), the Sacramento Metropolitan Area (9,814), the Seattle metropolitan area (12,190), Minneapolis - Saint Paul (18,031), the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area (10,500), San Diego (7,002), Fresno, California (6,381), Providence, Rhode Island (6,291), Elgin, Illinois (4,000),[4] and the Greater Los Angeles Area (est. at 5,000-8,000) with the rest of Southern California have many Laotians and other Southeast Asian communities.

PEACE wrote on 16th Jun, 2011 at 9:52pm:
What's the estomated Lao population in the Dallas area? Anyone?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Searching4TheRainbowInTheRose on 19th Jun, 2011 at 1:08pm
The Twin City is the winner with 18K.  Why Minnesota because it so cold up there?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JSEA on 19th Jun, 2011 at 3:26pm
Haha, that's what I was wondering too, the bay area makes sense, tons of asians there. But Minnesota?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by JACKSPADE on 19th Jun, 2011 at 7:06pm

PEACE wrote on 19th Jun, 2011 at 1:08pm:
The Twin City is the winner with 18K. Why Minnesota because it so cold up there?

You have to remember in the early 80s there weren't many Asians living in the cold, as time goes by the family grew bigger and bigger. Just my opinion, in the cold weather, it's easier to keep yourself warm then it is versus hot weather states trying to get that AC working. LOL

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lao Lan Xang on 20th Jun, 2011 at 3:55am
Good point about warm and cold weather. Most Asian people prefer warm weather like California, Nevada, Florida, Texas.

OMD wrote on 19th Jun, 2011 at 7:06pm:

PEACE wrote on 19th Jun, 2011 at 1:08pm:
The Twin City is the winner with 18K. Why Minnesota because it so cold up there?

You have to remember in the early 80s there weren't many Asians living in the cold, as time goes by the family grew bigger and bigger. Just my opinion, in the cold weather, it's easier to keep yourself warm then it is versus hot weather states trying to get that AC working. LOL

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Searching4TheRainbowInTheRose on 20th Jun, 2011 at 1:35pm
My guess would be related to job opportunities in Minnesota then?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 23rd Jun, 2011 at 3:08pm
Jobs market in Minnesota is pretty good compare to other states. Unemployment here is around 7.5%.

PEACE wrote on 20th Jun, 2011 at 1:35pm:
My guess would be related to job opportunities in Minnesota then?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Searching4TheRainbowInTheRose on 24th Jun, 2011 at 2:55am
7.5% rate is very good at this time.  So what types of industry are up there?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 26th Jun, 2011 at 10:46pm
They have many industry in MN, but they known for medical industry. What about Texas?

Industry and commerce

Minnesota's earliest industries were fur trading and agriculture; the city of Minneapolis grew around the flour mills powered by St. Anthony Falls. Although less than 1% of the population is employed in the agricultural sector,[60] it remains a major part of the state's economy, ranking 6th in the nation in the value of products sold.[61] The state is the U.S.'s largest producer of sugar beets, sweet corn, and green peas for processing, and farm-raised turkeys.[62] Forestry remains strong, including logging, pulpwood processing and paper production, and forest products manufacturing. Minnesota was famous for its soft-ore mines, which produced a significant portion of the world's iron ore for over a century. Although the high-grade ore is now depleted, taconite mining continues, using processes developed locally to save the industry. In 2004, the state produced 75% of the country's usable iron ore.[62] The mining boom created the port of Duluth which continues to be important for shipping ore, coal, and agricultural products. The manufacturing sector now includes technology and biomedical firms in addition to the older food processors and heavy industry. The nation's first indoor shopping mall was Edina's Southdale Center and its largest is Bloomington's Mall of America.

PEACE wrote on 24th Jun, 2011 at 2:55am:
7.5% rate is very good at this time.  So what types of industry are up there?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Searching4TheRainbowInTheRose on 27th Jun, 2011 at 8:34am
Houston, the state's largest urban economic enclave stands at the center of the petrochemical, biomedical research trades, shipping, and aerospace (particularly NASA).

Dallas/Fort Worth houses the state's predominant defense manufacturing interests and the expansive information technology labor market.

West Texas and the panhandle is dominated by ranching and the petroleum industry.

Timber industry is important in East Texas.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 27th Jun, 2011 at 9:02pm
Look like there are many good jobs and opportunity in Texas. Just need the right skilled and education. People say cost of living and housing in Texas is lower then MN.

PEACE wrote on 27th Jun, 2011 at 8:34am:
Houston, the state's largest urban economic enclave stands at the center of the petrochemical, biomedical research trades, shipping, and aerospace (particularly NASA).

Dallas/Fort Worth houses the state's predominant defense manufacturing interests and the expansive information technology labor market.

West Texas and the panhandle is dominated by ranching and the petroleum industry.

Timber industry is important in East Texas.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Searching4TheRainbowInTheRose on 28th Jun, 2011 at 9:02am
Texas has a relatively lower unemployment rate in the country and probably comparable to Miinesota.  In 2010, Texas was the best performing state  creating and sustaining jobs and economic growth because due to low federal government control on industries.  Very true cost of living in Texas is relatively lower than that in Minnesota.  How much is median home price up there? In the Houston metro homes go for ~$130K.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Lan Xang on 29th Jun, 2011 at 2:05pm
$130k is very cheap. In MN I think its around $230K but now home prices drop about 20-30%.

PEACE wrote on 28th Jun, 2011 at 9:02am:
Texas has a relatively lower unemployment rate in the country and probably comparable to Miinesota.  In 2010, Texas was the best performing state  creating and sustaining jobs and economic growth because due to low federal government control on industries.  Very true cost of living in Texas is relatively lower than that in Minnesota.  How much is median home price up there? In the Houston metro homes go for ~$130K.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 22nd Aug, 2012 at 11:32am

Some lovely girls for your viewing pleasure

Please click on image to view a larger version

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by kevin RoadRace on 22nd Aug, 2012 at 1:57pm
^ Good GOD those girls are FOB!

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Buk Hoo Kee on 24th Sep, 2012 at 4:20am
Those girls are hot, damn.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 30th Dec, 2012 at 10:55am
Exclusive picture inside a nightclub in Laos. It's pretty dark inside but as you can see, there are no guys sitting in this section of the table because it is reserved for girls only, or escorts to be blunt.

According to the information from my playboy colleague, if a male customer is interested in any of the girls, whether he wants one to accompany him for a drink in the club or to take her elsewhere for pleasure, he has to pay the pimp who is usually somewhere nearby.

Please click on image to view a larger version

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 30th Dec, 2012 at 3:37pm
Well organized and well promoted. It brings hot spell in the f chilly winter days.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Buk Hoo Kee on 30th Dec, 2012 at 11:47pm
I want to be a pimp...

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 31st Dec, 2012 at 8:46am

Buk Hoo Kee wrote on 30th Dec, 2012 at 11:47pm:
I want to be a pimp...

Your new year wish? ha ha ha. but, good and ambitious.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 31st Dec, 2012 at 9:19am

Buk Hoo Kee wrote on 30th Dec, 2012 at 11:47pm:
I want to be a pimp...

They are generally women in Laos.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 31st Dec, 2012 at 10:43am

Admin Saovaluck wrote on 31st Dec, 2012 at 9:19am:

Buk Hoo Kee wrote on 30th Dec, 2012 at 11:47pm:
I want to be a pimp...

They are generally women in Laos.

Admin, you are young with old soul. BHK has adventous mind, making impossible possible.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by HAIREE on 1st Jan, 2013 at 7:12pm
:D ;D :D ;D :D ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 24th Aug, 2013 at 9:23pm
I am amazed by Admin Saovaluck's erudition in this thread, especially since she or he is writing in a second language. And Saovaluck is correct, prostitutes generally choose their profession; it is rarely forced upon them. I have no respect for them chiefly because they have no respect for themselves.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 24th Aug, 2013 at 9:25pm
Also for the Lao Texans out there, would an all-American white boy be allowed to attend Lao New Year in Dallas? I grew up in Dallas although I'm currently living in Asia...

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Supermoon on 25th Aug, 2013 at 9:53am
:idontknow :idontknow.  Never been to one.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by ba dac on 25th Aug, 2013 at 10:16am
Money talk .

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Supermoon on 26th Aug, 2013 at 4:53pm
Sir, what money? ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 27th Aug, 2013 at 2:32pm

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 27th Aug, 2013 at 3:44pm
I am stupified.


Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Supermoon on 27th Aug, 2013 at 5:47pm
China man, what are you suggesting? ::)

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 27th Aug, 2013 at 8:34pm

Beef Cake wrote on 27th Aug, 2013 at 5:47pm:
China man, what are you suggesting? ::)

When I checked this new post, the first pic popedup is the second one. I turned my screen off in just one tenth second.  ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Supermoon on 28th Aug, 2013 at 12:03am

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by ba dac on 28th Aug, 2013 at 10:23am
Hot mama . i need to take my next vacation in Laos. :D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Supermoon on 29th Aug, 2013 at 1:05am

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 29th Aug, 2013 at 1:36pm
I need to know the nightclub location. ;D

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by ba dac on 2nd Sep, 2013 at 11:32am

Beef Cake wrote on 29th Aug, 2013 at 1:05am:

Sure why not ?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 2nd Sep, 2013 at 5:49pm
Beautiful girls but I must wonder if they are the Lao version of trashy women. The girls in the first picture are appropriately dressed for their environment but the girl in the second picture strutting her Lao butt might not be the most noble person.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by ba dac on 2nd Sep, 2013 at 5:57pm
I think there's nothing wrong with the way they are dress.Maybe the person taking the pic shouldn't be pointing
at her butt.Just cause a person dress a certain way doesn't mean they are not a good person.Comeon buddy lighten up

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Street Sweeper on 30th Sep, 2013 at 9:06pm
We got winners, we got losers
Chain smokers and boozers
And we got yuppies, we got bikers
We got thirsty hitchhikers
And the girls next door dress up like movie stars

Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar

We got cowboys, we got truckers
Broken-hearted fools and suckers
And we got hustlers, we got fighters
Early birds and all-nighters
And the veterans talk about their battle scars

Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar

I love this bar
It's my kind of place
Just walkin' through the front door
Puts a big smile on my face
It ain't too far, come as you are
Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar

I've seen short skirts, we got high-techs
Blue-collar boys and rednecks
And we got lovers, lots of lookers
And I've even seen dancing girls and hookers
And we like to drink our beer from a mason jar

Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar
Yes I do

I like my truck (I like my truck)
I like my girlfriend (I like my girlfriend)
I like to take her out to dinner
I like a movie now and then

But I love this bar
It's my kind of place
Just trollin' around the dance floor
Puts a big smile on my face
No cover charge, come as you are
Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar
Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by bigky on 1st Oct, 2013 at 11:06am
i like lao girl so much :thinking

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Street Sweeper on 1st Oct, 2013 at 9:04pm
What about Scandinavian girls ::)?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Want Laos To Be Independence on 11th Dec, 2013 at 2:11pm
สบายดี ทุกคน. Sabaidee.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 20th Jun, 2014 at 2:55am
Nice pictures admin, are all the clubs in Vientiane? The girls are very pretty, I will be sure to visit these places next time I go to Vientiane. Also, how do you even get these photos? Does someone take them for you?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 20th Jun, 2014 at 8:59am
Bliss was it in that street to be alive. But to be in that pub was very heaven. ;D ;D ;D

Buk Nut wrote on 20th Jun, 2014 at 2:55am:
Nice pictures admin, are all the clubs in Vientiane? The girls are very pretty, I will be sure to visit these places next time I go to Vientiane. Also, how do you even get these photos? Does someone take them for you?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 20th Jun, 2014 at 1:21pm
I don't hate prostitutes at all but admin speaks the truth about prostitution being completely optional and there is plenty of other work available, prostitution is just faster for cash. When properly checked and regulated prostitution is great and it should totally be legal. I don't want to find a girlfriend every time I need to relieve my urges. I don't care whether anyone respects them or not
They are a blessing

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by ba dac on 21st Jun, 2014 at 10:23am

Buk Nut wrote on 20th Jun, 2014 at 1:21pm:
I don't hate prostitutes at all but admin speaks the truth about prostitution being completely optional and there is plenty of other work available, prostitution is just faster for cash. When properly checked and regulated prostitution is great and it should totally be legal. I don't want to find a girlfriend every time I need to relieve my urges. I don't care whether anyone respects them or not
They are a blessing

I totally agree with ya.I see it as a service just like any other job.If the guys or gal willing to pay .Their ain't nothing
wrong with that.You can't judge people until you walk in their shoe.Old men buy love all the time ,so why can't a girl
charge men if they want a good time.People should have a
open mind.Enjoy life ,if you don't like something just don't do it.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 24th Jun, 2014 at 1:26pm
Prostitutes spread disease and encourage destructive behavior. I would never marry a prostitute or a former prostitute.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 24th Jun, 2014 at 8:23pm
Lol I don't plan on marrying one either. I just fuark them. I'm going to marry an innocent virgin girl from rural Laos or maybe Cambodia, who knows.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 25th Jun, 2014 at 1:42am
99% of prostitutes in Vientiane comes from rural Laos, so the presumption that good Lao girls all come from the countryside isn't always true.

You will rarely see a city girl prostituting because they have family watching over them or they have legitimate ways to earn money.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 25th Jun, 2014 at 8:03am
:applause! the presumption that girls staying behind in rural areas are good is not valid. Then, finding a good rual girl is comparatively harder than finding a city girl.

That will be a headache for Mak Nad. :thinking

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 25th Jun, 2014 at 12:31pm
I could say many things to this but I'll just make it short.

If you think most city girls are good and most country girls are bad then you are just as wrong as someone saying all country girls are good and all city girls are bad.

In the end, it just depends on the individual.

In most of the cities in Laos, you will only find Lao people, except for Luang Prabang where there are Khmu and Hmong people in the cities. There are 100+ ethnic groups in Laos, most of which you will never ever see if you only stick to the cities. Some of the tribes have zero presence in any city, and they do not sell sex either.

I'm reluctant to admit it, but I have good knowledge of prostitutes around Laos. Almost all of the prostitutes in Southern Laos that I talked to said they came from Vientiane and Luang Prabang. About 70% of them were ethnic Lao and the rest were either from Vietnam or they were Khmu. I noticed a lot of Khmu and Hmong girls selling sex but I never found a prostitute from other tribes. Speaking as someone who knows a bit about the tribes in Laos, there are no Khmu people south of Vientiane. So almost every single prostitute I met in southern Laos came from north of Bolikhamsai.

I particularly think the tribal girls of Southern Laos are beautiful, even though a lot of them have dark skin they have pretty faces, and trust me I looked everywhere but I couldn't find any of them selling sex. So your comment about country girls selling sex is only partially true.

Most country girls are decent, respectable people. The way you say it makes it seem like they are all selling their body on the down low. Maybe some of them, but definitely not the majority.

Also, in rural Laos the development of the village depends heavily on the ethnic group. I noticed even in rural Laos, most ethnic Lao villages are heavily modernized and they all have electricity. It's usually the other ethnic groups that have no electricity and still live in grass huts. Yes, many Lao people I met have never even seen a television or ever been to the city. So I'm sure they were not selling sex. Some Lao people in the country can't even speak Lao. I met a lot of Hmongs that can only speak Hmong. So you are not 100% correct admin.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 25th Jun, 2014 at 12:56pm
I think Luang Prabang is famous for a bird called Gracula religiosa or grackle.

I bought one, 100 UDS and smuggled ( to some extent) to my house back then.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 25th Jun, 2014 at 12:58pm
Lol, that bird is so common around Southeast Asia. I've literally seen it everywhere. But I really don't support the smuggling of animals. Makes me sick. Killing them for food I can understand, but I wish we could just let them live in peace in their forest homes.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by peterpan on 25th Jun, 2014 at 1:12pm
When I was young, I killed birds. But, no more now. That bird has great potential for singing. You can teach it.  It will turn into hollywood diva. ha ha ha.

ONLY luang Prabang bird is the best.

Buk Nut wrote on 25th Jun, 2014 at 12:58pm:
Lol, that bird is so common around Southeast Asia. I've literally seen it everywhere. But I really don't support the smuggling of animals. Makes me sick. Killing them for food I can understand, but I wish we could just let them live in peace in their forest homes.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 26th Jun, 2014 at 5:12am
I could say many things too, but I'll make it short.

At the end of the day prostitution levels in Laos is at a high, regardless where the girls come from.

Brothels and bars doesn't just exist in the city but throughout the countryside as well to cater for the locals in the area. Those who have never seen a television suggests they are the poorest of the poor and are at risk of entering prostitution.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 26th Jun, 2014 at 3:58pm
Prostitution is unfortunately almost everywhere in Laos. I was staying near Thateng which has a small population and my friend pointed out four different brothels in the area. People should have the freedom to seek or work as prostitutes but I find it somewhat disgusting. My friend and I used to drink beerlao and sing karaoke at a brothel which was kinda weird.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 26th Jun, 2014 at 9:20pm
Yes admin I'm aware that it's not just in the cities but even the prostitutes in southern Laos mostly come from the north to work there. Few of the locals of southern Laos are actually selling in southern Laos. And it's mostly Lao Lum people! There are very few tribal Lao people selling themselves and I stand by this claim. Texas, have you ever been to Pa Um, Attape? It's even smaller than Ta Taeng and it has a multitude of brothels. I feel so horrible that Lao women have to do this yet I like to enjoy it sometimes. Btw I love Ta Thaeng. What are you doing in Laos TC? Teaching right?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 27th Jun, 2014 at 1:31am
Prostitution is also about mixing with people, you need to know how to socialise with other girls at the establishment who share the same "interests", that's why you don't often see the ethnic minorities.

Most ethnic minorities don't like to blend in Lao society because they are different to mainstream Laotians in many ways including their language.

They also need to know how to travel, like you said prostitutes in the South come from the North, and prostitutes in Vientiane come from other parts of the country. It's hard for the ethnic minorities to leave their village/jungle.

Having said that, they could still prostitute outside of establishments that are generally occupied by mainstream Laotians. They don't necessarily need to be working in brothels but do it independently.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 3:13am
Actually the culture of Lao people which places importance on the girl being a virgin before marriage is different from the culture of many tribes in southern Laos, where many of the cultures encourage the girls to have a lot of sex before marriage. This is changing though, due to Lao influence and the culture of Lao people swallowing out the minority cultures. The Lao schools also have a role in this. In the past in a lot of villages in Southern Laos girls would have sex with many guys before they got married. Now, not so much but you can still find it in some less developed villages.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 27th Jun, 2014 at 3:34am
Whether or not someone is a virgin is irrelevant.

If they've lost their virginity, it doesn't mean they were once a prostitute. They may have had previous boyfriends.

It's their character that you should be looking at.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 3:59am
Maybe women think that way, but to men it definitely matters. I admit that it may be an ego thing, though. It's got more to do with the man's ego than the woman's character.

If a man knows that his woman has slept with another man it damages his pride. Pride is very important for men so I don't expect women to understand this like a man could.

One takes several factors into consideration before choosing a mate. Character is one of them, but not the only one.

The average man would not want to choose a woman he found no physical attraction to. Yes, I agree that character is important but it's only one of the factors and some people like to make it seem like all of them.

I'm not singling you out admin, but some women get very defensive and upset when men say they will only settle for a virgin. That's usually because they aren't virgins and they're afraid no one will want them.

Yes, there are some men who would settle for non-virgin women and they are usually the weaker beta-male types, or they don't have enough confidence to find a new girl so they have to settle for what they've got. There's a saying that goes "beggars can't be choosers."

I call those men "ຄົນບໍ່ມີສັກສີ"

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 4:56am
A side note: People have different values, and I'm not gonna criticize anyone, as long as they don't criticize me for wanting a virgin.

Men, ask yourself. Is your woman a virgin? If she isn't, do you deny that you would jump at a chance to get a girl who is younger, more beautiful and a virgin? If you denied it, there's a 70% chance you're lying.

I think many men would prefer a virgin but they won't admit it because either

1) virgin girls don't want them

2) they don't have the social skills, confidence or money to get a virgin girl

Now, if you are capable of getting a virgin girl but don't want one, then I won't criticize you for what you do. Remember, it's your life.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 27th Jun, 2014 at 5:17am
It's not that they don't have enough confidence, but there is something about the girl that attracts them. A virgin girl might be a priority for some guys, while other guys couldn't care less and love them for who they are.

It seems like you have to settle for the stay-at-home type girls because you don't accept anyone who have had prior boyfriends.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Peter on 27th Jun, 2014 at 9:28am

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 3:59am:
... the weaker beta-male types, or they don't have enough confidence ...

Hmmm ...

Or perhaps it's the "beta-male types" who can't deal with a girl who has had other boyfriends. 

Maybe a true "alpha-male" is comfortable with a girl who has had some experience and who knows what she wants in life.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 12:40pm
Lol, this could go back and forth forever like a little game of tug o war, and neither of our opinions will change in the end, so let's just call a no contest. What is this "life" thing you speak of? I'm fine with sticking to the old gender roles of having her pop out a bunch of babies and grow vegetables in the fields, with the kids running around and riding on a buffalos back. I'm not familiar with this life thing you speak of but just listening to it it sounds unpleasant.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 12:46pm
Also this is the same typical response I've heard from Americans over and over again. If i had a nickel for everytime a westerner gave me this response...The only reaso. I'd want a wife is to create a family not go on this spiritual journey sentimental bs that Americans have. I was actually expecting this response preemptively. I'm going for this the Lao Bannok way not the sophisticated white couples who see relationship counsellors and go to yoga classes way.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Peter on 27th Jun, 2014 at 3:45pm

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 12:46pm:
The only reason I'd want a wife is to create a family not go on this spiritual journey sentimental bs that Americans have.

... In a certain way, that's amazingly consistent with what I was thinking about what you wanted. 

Question:  Is it okay for a guy to have sex with a girlfriend (or any girl) before marriage and then not marry the girl but move on to another girlfriend?

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 12:46pm:
I'm going for this the Lao Bannok way not the sophisticated white couples who see relationship counsellors ...

Yes.  I see what you mean.

There's no need for a "beta-male" to go to a relationship counselor as long as the wife is sufficiently obedient and knows her place in the fields alongside the water buffalo.

But, then, there's also no need for a relationship counselor for the alpha-male who is actually comfortable with a strong wife or girlfriend, either.

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 12:46pm:
... and go to yoga classes ...

My favorite Lao friend ... she teaches Yoga.   8-)

It's probably good that she has a "western" boyfriend.  They seem to do very well together.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 4:26pm
In Lao culture no it's not, as most Lao people outside the cities are still very conservative and a girl expects marriage if u show interest in her. There's no such thing as dating. Don't ask admin as she's a progressive new era from Vientiane. I know this because I've been with Lao girls myself.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 9:08pm
And furthermore, people have married "weak women" all throughout history. So are they all betas because they don't conform to your new age American theory of what a woman should be? What makes these women strong women? Just because some self important feminist somewhere said so? Do I have some kind of moral obligation to be with a "strong woman"? Last I checked strength was a masculine trait and not a feminine one. We have different views, I get it. But that doesn't mean i'm wrong and you're right. If you like strong women then go for it, but I'll stick with my "weak women" and that doesn't make me any less of a man. And no I will never conform to western values just because they're seen as progressive and being the "correct ones"

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 27th Jun, 2014 at 9:38pm
"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys can be opened by the entire world.'” - Ancient Internet Proverb

Men have a duty to pursue as many sexual relations as possible while single. Women have the duty to reject their advances until the man makes a lifetime martial commitment to the woman. Women have complete control over the matter of sex and their choice to provide or deny allows them to control and even dominate men.

Every healthy man prefers a virgin to an easy woman. We can observe this preference across cultures and across time; the idea of woman as a sexually unrestrained being is unique to the modern Occidental perspective. Oswald Spengler observed the beginning of the egalitarian movement and predicted its repercussions in 1915. As predicted in his seminal work, "Der Untergang des Abenlandes", the United States and the rest of the West has and will continue to experience a decline in culture and population.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Peter on 27th Jun, 2014 at 10:12pm

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 9:08pm:
Do I have some kind of moral obligation to be with a "strong woman"?
I'll stick with my "weak women" and that doesn't make me any less of a man. ... etc.

Was I even hinting that you have any "moral obligation" regarding this subject at all??  I didn't think so.  You can marry any kind of woman you want and, as long as you are good to each other, it seems to me it would be a good match. 

It's just that you said that certain desires & tastes necessarily indicate an "alpha male" vs. a "beta male."  And you backed it up by going on with your assumptions about the requirement for a "relationship counselor."  I merely wanted to state an alternate perspective.  Perhaps an "alpha male" doesn't necessarily conform to your notion of one.   

I said what I said because ...

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 3:59am:
If a man knows that his woman has slept with another man it damages his pride.
... as I see it, an "alpha" male isn't necessarily so easily damaged by the previous actions of his girlfriend or wife and may even enjoy the fact that she knows more than other girls do about certain things (sexual or otherwise.)

I am certainly not opposed to "traditional" roles and values.  In fact, my own 40-year-long relationship with my wife has been much more "traditional" than many in American culture these days.  I just like to challenge fixed-set thinking, especially when it seems to be putting people into a "beta" class category for choices that don't necessarily hurt anything.

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 4:26pm:
Don't ask admin as she's a progressive new era from Vientiane

I don't have to ask Admin Saovaluck.  She has made her views quite well known on this and other subjects.  And I appreciate them very much.  She is the kind of woman that I could easily be friends with if she wanted to be and if she were not halfway around the world.  A number of my friends are girls/women with such thoughts. 

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 4:26pm:
...I know this because I've been with Lao girls myself.

Buk Nut wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 4:26pm:
In Lao culture no it's not.

But I wasn't asking in terms of "in Lao culture."  I am aware of what Lao culture says on the subject.  It is the same as the "traditional" views of many other cultures.

I was asking what you, personally, thought about the idea of having sex with a girl and then going on to another without marrying her.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 27th Jun, 2014 at 10:37pm
Can you name one functional society in the world or in history that did not frown on female promiscuity?

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 11:22pm
Idk if this counts as a functional society, but TC I'm sure you're familiar with some of the tribes of Se Kong and Attapeu and that area. Their culture encourages female promiscuity. Also Peter I think you are a good guy, a reasonable guy. Also the Mongolic people of the Altai Republic have a culture that encourages female promiscuity, but I'm not sure if it's still practiced. I know that it caused a lot of diseases to spread back in the day though. Traditional Tibetan society had women practicing polyandry. I have nothing against men who choose nonvirgins but I can't help but sense an aura of cuckold from them.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 27th Jun, 2014 at 11:27pm
And Peter keep challenging my views it helps me think actually, so I appreciate that. I think American society has become so liberal and PC to the point of it being a mentally sick society. Just look at the frequent school shootings and all the sexually pent up boys and men. America is waging a war on men in the name of PC. There's no more sense of brotherhood and women are overly protected by the laws.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Peter on 27th Jun, 2014 at 11:27pm

TexasCowboy wrote on 27th Jun, 2014 at 10:37pm:
Can you name one functional society in the world or in history that did not frown on female promiscuity?

Perhaps not.  But among heterosexual people, there is no such thing as exclusively "female" promiscuity, so I'm also not sure why you qualify your question the way you do.

Any "society" (or individual) who enjoys male promiscuity also enjoys female promiscuity to the exact same extent.

But I wasn't trying to address societal norms or ideals.  I was just curious about personal preferences, since the previous comments had to do with judgments of persons as "alpha" or "beta."

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 27th Jun, 2014 at 11:38pm
I have never encountered any ethnic tribes where the women were promiscuous before marriage. If anything, the women I met were so conservative that they would not allow any physical contact with any male outside of their family.

Polyandry in Tibet is not really promiscuity. Polygamy, be it a man with many wives or a woman with many husbands, is not promiscuous.

Do you have any sources for this?

@Peter: I fully agree that the labels "alpha" and "beta" are incorrect and seriously misleading. Although I haven't read much on the subject of human psychology & behavior, it seems that the social organizations and hierarchies established by humans are very different from wolf or dog pack. It is true though that most females prefer a strong and independent man.

Most societies tolerate prostitution to some degree while looking down on women who work in the industry. The institution of prostitution allows men to be promiscuous while discouraging the same sort of behavior in women.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 28th Jun, 2014 at 1:06am

This is an ethnic minority tribe in Cambodia. They have tribes with similar customs in Laos but I couldn't find a video for the Lao tribes. Other sources include Lao people from the tribes that I know personally.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 28th Jun, 2014 at 1:35am
Could you provide some personal anecdotes then? I am very curious about this.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 28th Jun, 2014 at 10:55am
The Ta-Oy tribe used to have a tradition where a boy would take a girl into the forest during the night and they would sleep there. The boy could dry-hump her and grope her and stick his fingers in any orifice he wanted but no sex was allowed. This tradition was common for most of the tribes from Savannakhet and southwards actually. Now they are becoming more Lao-ified and I'm not sure if this tradition still persists. Maybe in isolated mountain areas. The Yahern tribe also encourages girls to experiment with sex much like the Kreung tribe of Cambodia. I know someone from the Oy tribe of Attapeu and he has done the sleeping with the girl tradition himself but he says it has died out because now everyone goes to Lao schools and has adopted Lao customs.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 28th Jun, 2014 at 11:34pm
I know a few Ta-Oy people and never heard about it. But in Attapeu, I remember there was a bamboo hut with small openings on the walls. They clearly weren't windows and my friend explained that the holes were there so that boys could stick their hands inside and play with the girls.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 29th Jun, 2014 at 12:15am
Oh really? I've seen those huts with the square holes but I was told it was only a relic of history and they don't do it anymore. Where specifically in Attapeu did you see the huts? Was it in a village? Do you know if the tradition is still alive?

If it is then I'm definitely going there to stick my hand in that hole. I've been brushing up on my Cambodian language skills because I really want to go to that place mentioned in the Youtube clip above to take part in the tradition. I'm not sure if they will let me though, being an outsider.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 29th Jun, 2014 at 12:22am
Also TC, you seem to have a lot of Lao friends. Being a foreigner and not speaking Lao, I'm curious as to how you accomplished this. How long have you been in Laos?

I've been in some very isolated rural villages and the men will talk to you no problem but often times the women are very shy and won't even talk to outsiders.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by TexasCowboy on 29th Jun, 2014 at 11:34am
I can speak some Lao and a lot of people in Laos can speak some English. A few of the ethnic youth who live in villages situated along the main highway in the south have impressive English skills. Some of them work in larger towns like Thateng or Pakse where I got to know a few of them.

I saw the hut in a Ta-Oy village 15-20 kilometres north of Thateng.

There is also a heritage site for tourists near Paksong where I saw one of these huts. You have to pay 10,000 kips to enter and the villagers try to sell handicrafts to tourists. I believe the hut belonged to the tribe where the older women have ear gauges.

A few of the Ta-Oy girls have small wooden huts where they sometimes sell Beerlao, cigarettes, and Thai energy drinks. My Kathu friend used to visit a girl late at night and there were no parents around. I sometimes went with him. But he was sad because polygamy is taboo among the Ta-Oy and he already had his first wife.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Mak Nad on 30th Jun, 2014 at 3:34am
Oh yeah I know that place at Pak Song. It's called Pa Suam. That's not even a real village you know, its just a simulation for tourists. The name of the tribe with the earrings is Brao, who are found in the Pu Wong area of Attapeu. In the past they had elephant ivory in their ears but they have all sold it for money apparently. All those villages scattered along the Central Highway and around some spots of Attapeu are very Lao-ified and though they may be tribes they have also adopted a lot of Lao culture. They also have Lao names and they don't name their kids in their language anymore.

You can still find "pure" tribes that don't speak Lao and still have names in their own language around Chalen Xai in Attapeu and on the Lao-Vietnam border all the way from Atapeu up to Hua Phan in several scattered villages. In Savannakhet and Central Khammuan provinces there are many people of the Brao Tribe.

If you go up into the mountains in Khammuan province many kilos outside of Ta Khaek you can find more of these tribes, living completely with nature, and no Lao is spoken in those areas. It's my hobby to find these isolated villages. Wish I could go to Laos next year and discover some more before Lao people go and build schools there.

Title: Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Post by Moon on 2nd Jul, 2014 at 12:54am
Dry hump? Interesting culture indeed! ;D

Buk Nut wrote on 28th Jun, 2014 at 10:55am:
The Ta-Oy tribe used to have a tradition where a boy would take a girl into the forest during the night and they would sleep there. The boy could dry-hump her and grope her and stick his fingers in any orifice he wanted but no sex was allowed. This tradition was common for most of the tribes from Savannakhet and southwards actually. Now they are becoming more Lao-ified and I'm not sure if this tradition still persists. Maybe in isolated mountain areas. The Yahern tribe also encourages girls to experiment with sex much like the Kreung tribe of Cambodia. I know someone from the Oy tribe of Attapeu and he has done the sleeping with the girl tradition himself but he says it has died out because now everyone goes to Lao schools and has adopted Lao customs.

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