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General Category >> Judy Garland Board >> Judy Garland's pressure of being a child star

Message started by Lao Pride Administrator on 23rd Feb, 2011 at 12:38pm

Title: Judy Garland's pressure of being a child star
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 23rd Feb, 2011 at 12:38pm
From a beautiful child star to a fragile and worn out superstar. The Wizard of Oz sweetheart, Judy Garland, lived a life of talent and tragedy. She died suddenly in her 40's. Her music and movies inspired us all, and she will continue to inspire many generations to come.

Judy Garland in her teen years.

Judy Garland in her final years.

Title: Re: Judy Garland's pressure of being a child star
Post by Love Laos on 4th Mar, 2011 at 4:57pm
Because of pressure, and celebrity lifestyle some child star in US grow up with a mess up life and get involved in drug or alcohol. T
here's a prices to pay for money and fame.
:( :-? :-?

Title: Re: Judy Garland's pressure of being a child star
Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 4th Mar, 2011 at 7:40pm
Yes, show business can be a tough game.

Incidentally, I was reading about Charlie Sheen, a popular celebrity who is now considered a Hollywood bad boy for his drug and alcohol abuse.

Title: Re: Judy Garland's pressure of being a child star
Post by leeyn on 12th Mar, 2011 at 1:57am
She has so much pressure.. :-[ :-[

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