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General Category >> Lao Girls Board >> 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Message started by ramel on 5th Mar, 2011 at 7:18am |
Title: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by ramel on 5th Mar, 2011 at 7:18am |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 5th Mar, 2011 at 7:27am
Translation please?
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 5th Mar, 2011 at 7:33am
Many Thai Bangkok look down on Lao, Lao Isan.
>:( |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 5th Mar, 2011 at 7:39am
Yes, they look down on us.
They are basically saying to the Lao girl, "Are you so pretty now bitch?" |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 5th Mar, 2011 at 7:44am
Are you saying that they beat her because they are jealous?
Fckn Thais! |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 5th Mar, 2011 at 8:06am Larb Dip wrote on 5th Mar, 2011 at 7:44am:
Five against one there must be a reason. Maybe being Lao is one of them. >:( |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 5th Mar, 2011 at 8:08am
Don't worry about Siamese. Red shirt Lao Isan will take over Thailand and control Thai government again.
;D Admin Saovaluck wrote on 5th Mar, 2011 at 7:39am:
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 5th Mar, 2011 at 8:31am
Where did you get this? Was this in the papers? If so, then Thai people have no standards.
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 5th Mar, 2011 at 8:37am
There's politicals unrest in Thailand because Thai, Jek Bangkok don't want Lao Issan to be in power. More new about Thailand They'll not tell people what is really going in the new, but only what they want you to know. "Propaganda."
8-) |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 5th Mar, 2011 at 8:46am
Do Issan even wanna be Lao? Seriously? Whenever I look at their rallies on youtube, they always fly the Siamese flag and not our Lao flag. Maybe they just want liberation and independance. I have a step father who is Isaan and he ALWAYS pumps Carabao's "Made in Thailand".
What do you think mate? |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 5th Mar, 2011 at 9:47pm
Majority of Issan is ethnics Lao around 20 million. They speak Lao, like to eat sticky rice and padak, except they're Thai citizens. Issan are not allow to speak or learn to write Lao language in school. Red shirt leader speak Lao and proud. Some even talk about independence Issan. It's not a good idea to fly Laos or Lan Xang flag in Thailand that can get you kills. It's very politicals sensitive issue. It doesn't matter what you called yourself if you're born Lao you're Lao. We can pick our nationality but not race.
8-) |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 6th Mar, 2011 at 3:18am
Red shirt Issan Vieng Vorathep - March 27 2010 [Part 1] 8-) ;) :) Larb Dip wrote on 5th Mar, 2011 at 8:46am:
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 6th Mar, 2011 at 4:33am
This is more like it. Why can't the rest of these radicals convey their messages in their own language. Considering that they are all the same people, it only makes sense.
What ever happened to these guys? Are they still rebelling or what? I used to see the riots on the news everyday. Nowadays it seems they have long since faded into oblivon. Or am I wrong? |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 6th Mar, 2011 at 7:51am
The protest is still ongoing, but not as violent as it was, when people were shot at.
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 7th Mar, 2011 at 3:24am Admin Saovaluck wrote on 6th Mar, 2011 at 7:51am:
Sounds stereo typical Lao: When the going gets tough: the weak stop going! What, because they got shot at, they suddenly forgot their inspiration? Do they really want to go back to their rice fileds and shovel cow manure? This is the problem with our Lao state of mind. We need to brainstorm new doctrines, pinong. The whole education system needs to be revised. 21st century relevance needs to be made compulsary in the cirriculum. It all stars at the very top. Those in charge need to become better role models. Take more action.Alot less talking (and begging). Education is the tool. Teach people something long enough and it will become part of their mind-set. But this type of thing works both ways. Look at our kin in Thailand. They no longer call themselves Lao, but rather "Isaan". Some don't even know they are descendaed from Lao slaves (not all were). Understand what I'm saying? Mind-control is the key! But the type that I propose is only to inspire our people to expect and demand more from life (you only live once), not to feed them with propaganda bs. |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 7th Mar, 2011 at 5:31am
If the Thai military tried to shoot you, and some of your colleagues got killed and injured, will you stick around?
Nearly 200 red shirt protesters are still in jail. The protesters got paid to take part in the rally. Many of them don't have an inspiration, they just want the money. |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 7th Mar, 2011 at 6:02am
Lao Issan know about their Lao root. Good point. Education is the key. That's the nature of Lao people we like live in peace and live a simple life. Maybe that's why we get bully and push around by our powerful neighbor for century. Issan mean northeast when Thai talk about Issan they know its Lao. 8-) :-? Larb Dip wrote on 7th Mar, 2011 at 3:24am:
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 7th Mar, 2011 at 6:05am
Last year there were were 150,000 + red shirt protester in Bangkok. There's no way that all of them got pay to be there and has no inspiration. They're fighting for freedom and democracy and against double standard.
8-) :) Admin Saovaluck wrote on 7th Mar, 2011 at 5:31am:
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 7th Mar, 2011 at 10:58am Admin Saovaluck wrote on 7th Mar, 2011 at 5:31am:
Look at the "Niggas" (pardon me) in the USA. They now have equal rights as everyone else. But how did they get it? [Take your time on this one. There is no need to rush. Because as they say in Laos: "we have all day"]. Even when their leaders got assasinated, did they get scared and do a face-to? No,NO,NO!. They kept on fighting for what they believed in. Their predicament was not too far off from where we are now. Nearly all of them are descended form slaves. True for most of our Isaan brethren. So what, alot of rebellers are in jail. So what, most will fall short. Look at Jao Siviet Annouvong. We now have a monument in his honour. How many centuries has he been dead? If you fight for what you truly believe in, and you "know" deep down in your heart that you are right, then the "pasason" will feel the vibe too and get behind the movement. Martyred in the faith of independance and equality. They don't come any prouder than that! Whay can't us Lao adopt this type of jihad mentality? "If the Thai military tried to shoot you, and some of your colleagues got killed and injured, will you stick around?". Admin', you already think too"Lao-like". Why do most Lao only think about themselves? When you invite someone over for diner and they don't want to come, why do they make up bs excuses? "I already ate" or " My brother has already invited me"? You can tell they are lying. We Lao should learn to be more direct. Don't take my judgements to heart admin'. I will always "love" you for your opinions; no matter how contrasting they are. My old man always preached the mantra: "huck pang gun". More Lao need to assimilalate the pride of those two speakers in that "Laos Politics thread". |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 7th Mar, 2011 at 7:18pm
Laos was invade and its still control by foreigner power. Lao don't have a chance to standup for their right. Those who speak up are jail or killed. Issan are under Thai and exploited as cheap labors and sex worker. Lao in Laos are under Vietnam as a result after 35 year our country is still underdeveloped and behind in education, health care, jobs and opportunity. Not much we can do right now except supporting Laos economics development anyway we can and move forward.
8-) :-? |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 7th Mar, 2011 at 10:34pm
Love Laos, Thaksin Shinawatra is a billionaire. He is rich enough to pay alot of people.
Larb Dip, About inviting Lao people for dinner and they refuse to come with a polite excuse (whether it's true or not), there's no harm done. It's like westerners asking you "How are you?" More often than not, you'll answer something along the lines of "I'm fine", even though your day may be miserable. |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 8th Mar, 2011 at 12:34am
PM Thaksin was already rich before entering politics. He is the only Thai PM that serve the whole term in offices, and has done more for Isan and Lanna then any Thai PM. PM Thaksin pay off Thai national debt, provide better health care, education and business loan for the poor.
8-) Admin Saovaluck wrote on 7th Mar, 2011 at 10:34pm:
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 8th Mar, 2011 at 1:52am
Every PM leaves office, and they are remembered for a mixture of good and bad things they've done.
Thaksin did some good things, however he was found guilty of corruption in a court of law, so that's a pretty serious charge in anyone's language. |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Bill on 8th Mar, 2011 at 6:33am Larb Dip wrote on 7th Mar, 2011 at 3:24am:
I do not mean to cause a problem, but it is easy to talk about protesting when you are in a safe country. I saw videos where people were not only shot at, but snipers shot some protesters in the head. In light of what is happening in the world today, I commend all those patriots who put their lives on the line so one day others may enjoy freedom. Freedom is not free. |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 8th Mar, 2011 at 8:08am wrote on 8th Mar, 2011 at 6:33am:
All I'M saying is: If they are gonig to even start with this type of thing, then they need to really follow through. What about the legacy of the fallen soldiers? How will their sacrifices be remembered (or forgotten?). All for nothing now. What a waste of time (and life). |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 8th Mar, 2011 at 10:18am
I'm sure they are being remembered.
The rest of them have come to the realisation that nothing will be achieved, but death or jail time. |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by William Kelley on 8th Mar, 2011 at 10:39am Admin Saovaluck wrote on 8th Mar, 2011 at 10:18am:
Well said. My sentiments exactly. |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 8th Mar, 2011 at 7:32pm Admin Saovaluck wrote on 8th Mar, 2011 at 1:52am:
Most politicians are corrupted. His opponent try to bring him down and make him look bad. Nobody is perfect, but the fact speak for itself PM Thaksin is the best PM in the history of Thailand. Maybe he should be Laos economics adviser. 8-) ;) |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 8th Mar, 2011 at 7:36pm Admin Saovaluck wrote on 8th Mar, 2011 at 10:18am:
"Freedom is not free you had to fight for it with your blood." Its not over yet. Peaceful protest, election doesn't work because red shirt are jail or shot. If red shirt won election there're military couple to steal power from the people. I think it'll lead to civil war soon. Wait and see what happen when Thai king past away. 8-) ;) :o |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 9th Mar, 2011 at 7:05am
He's in his mid 80's so he's in the last phase of his life.
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 9th Mar, 2011 at 9:25am Admin Saovaluck wrote on 9th Mar, 2011 at 7:05am:
Who is? |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 9th Mar, 2011 at 9:49am
The King of Thailand, he is getting old.
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 9th Mar, 2011 at 10:34am Admin Saovaluck wrote on 9th Mar, 2011 at 9:49am:
This is our chance to take over then, ain't it. Payback for all the bad things that those Samese have done to Laos. MUN BO BAHP BO, NONG. I WAOW PEIT BO? What do you think "younger sister"? |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 9th Mar, 2011 at 6:53pm Admin Saovaluck wrote on 9th Mar, 2011 at 7:05am:
I wish the king well. Lao Isan will take care of their own business in Thailand. Red Isan are majority. Majority will win. 8-) :) |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 9th Mar, 2011 at 7:05pm Larb Dip wrote on 9th Mar, 2011 at 10:34am:
Yes now we has a chance to take Isan back and united pi nong Lao. I'm just kidding ;D ;D the past is the past. Currently Thailand is Laos biggest investor and trading partner follow by China and Vietnam. Thai help fund and build Mekong bridge, dams, manufacture, school and so on. Lao/Thai government has no problem. It's easy for Vietnam to control 6.5 million Laos then 25 million uniting Issan/Laos. Divide and conquer. "Divide we fall united we stand." Foreign power want to divide Laos so they can control, exploit us, our land and natural resource. Nothing has change since the fall of Lan Xang because Laos is still control by foreigner power. From Siam, French, now Vietnam. 8-) :) |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 9th Mar, 2011 at 8:55pm
Well, it's not the Lao way to payback anyone. What's done and dusted shouldn't be used as a revenge by the new generation of Lao people.
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 10th Mar, 2011 at 3:18am Admin Saovaluck wrote on 9th Mar, 2011 at 8:55pm:
That's whty we get trampled on by everyone. (Especially the Siamese). Why do I even bother debating this stuff? :-[ |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 10th Mar, 2011 at 5:34am
There's no longer just Siamese people in Thailand. There's lots of different races, and the new generation didn't trample on Laos.
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 10th Mar, 2011 at 5:49am Admin Saovaluck wrote on 10th Mar, 2011 at 5:34am:
Maybe because you have an "ambassador" role, you can't really express your thoughts as you would REALLY like to. If everybody in Laos is THIS optimistic, then Laos has already departed! |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 10th Mar, 2011 at 7:26am
No, I've already told you that I don't have any government related roles.
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 10th Mar, 2011 at 10:44am Admin Saovaluck wrote on 10th Mar, 2011 at 7:26am:
I meant "ambassador" for this website. Since you have your identity revealed and not appearing incognito, I don't think that you can REALLY say what you REALLY think. You can and will be held accountable for your opinions. Any dissent in regards to politics, and your complexion will fade even lighter! Being deprived of sunlight is the least the communist can do to you. I really do hope I'm wrong. Please amend me on any misunderstandings, for I really do hope I'm wrong. Apologies in advance "nang". |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Lao Pride Administrator on 10th Mar, 2011 at 11:15am
Our conversation in this thread isn't centred around Lao politics.
I can certainly say what I really think in relation to Thailand and their politics. |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 10th Mar, 2011 at 6:39pm Larb Dip wrote on 10th Mar, 2011 at 3:18am:
That's whty we get trampled on by everyone. (Especially the Siamese). Why do I even bother debating this stuff? :-[/quote] We can forgive, but we shouldn't forget. New Lao generation should know their root and history and be proud. 8-) |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 10th Mar, 2011 at 6:41pm Larb Dip wrote on 10th Mar, 2011 at 5:49am:
Laos has no freedom of speech. LP Admins can't say whatever she want like us Lao-America or Lao-New Zealand. U.S and Lao government is monitoring this websites and other sites. 8-) :o |
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Love Laos on 10th Mar, 2011 at 6:44pm
You are right about freedom and Commies. There's none and people are oppressed and must obey like robot.
8-) :-? Larb Dip wrote on 10th Mar, 2011 at 10:44am:
Title: Re: 5 thai girls slapped 1 laotian girl in Thailand. Post by Larb Dip on 11th Mar, 2011 at 4:19am llX wrote on 10th Mar, 2011 at 6:44pm:
Well said my brother. Well said. |
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