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General Category >> Judy Garland Board >> Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey

Message started by LoveGal on 2nd Oct, 2013 at 12:25am

Title: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by LoveGal on 2nd Oct, 2013 at 12:25am
Judy Garland had some pet dogs, bird and other pet animal(?)

The Mysterious Turkey, the huge and mighty one stayed beside Judy Garland. I don't know what relation they had, but it seems to Judy Know/ keep that "Mysterious Turkey" for age. Anyone know him/her?

This The Huge and Mighty Mysterious Turkey

Title: Re: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 2nd Oct, 2013 at 3:16pm
Judy Garland and the turkey is just a typical MGM promotional photo for Thanksgiving.

Title: Re: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by LoveGal on 6th Oct, 2013 at 12:35am
I hope that Thanksgiving Turkey will not become the Christmas Turkey. ;D

Title: Re: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by Street Sweeper on 18th Oct, 2013 at 5:03am
Wow....those legs look delicious :laugh3 :laugh3 :laugh3 :laugh3

Title: Re: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by Street Sweeper on 24th Oct, 2013 at 3:18am
This turkey leg. :laugh3
TurkeyLegg.jpg (24 KB | 843 )

Title: Re: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 24th Oct, 2013 at 5:03am
Turkey legs are bigger and tougher than chicken and duck.

Title: Re: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by LoveGal on 4th Nov, 2013 at 1:36pm
That's true, Turkey legs are much bigger.
So you need a bigger fork like Mr. "Harry Ritz" does!

Enjoy your lunch :D ;)

Title: Re: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 4th Nov, 2013 at 4:59pm
Judy Garland can't see the funny side.

Title: Re: Judy Garland and Mysterious Turkey
Post by LoveGal on 5th Nov, 2013 at 10:35pm
It also funny at that awkward moment when people didn't realize you.. :( ::)

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