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General Category >> Judy Garland Board >> Ruby slipper base shoes for sale

Message started by Admin Saovaluck on 7th Mar, 2014 at 6:37pm

Title: Ruby slipper base shoes for sale
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 7th Mar, 2014 at 6:37pm

Ruby slipper base shoes

This is a nice pair of ruby slipper base shoes that we've painted glossy red, so they are ready to apply pre-strung sequins or fabric overlay with the traditional sew on sequins.

This is still a required base shoes for us but we won't be needing them for a while because we have other base shoes at the front of the pack that we still plan to work on. Therefore this pair is offered for sale if anyone needs them. Ruby slipper base shoes can be hard to find.

If anyone is interested in purchasing this base shoes, they are available for $200 US, that includes postage. They are in size 6, one of the original ruby slippers made for The Wizard of Oz came in this size, and they are a pair of shoes from the old days so there's a vintage nature about them.

The bows in the photos are not included in the sale unless you are willing to pay an extra $150 US for them.

More photos coming soon.

We can be reached at

Title: Re: Ruby slipper base shoes for sale
Post by Admin Saovaluck on 8th Mar, 2014 at 9:39am
This pair of ruby slipper base shoes could be yours for only $200 US including postage.

As a bonus, the shoes also come with a vintage woven "Innes Shoe Co." label as used on the original ruby slippers.

Limited time only.

Ruby slipper base shoes

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