Judy Garland spent the last forty-five of her forty-seven years sharing her gifts with the world. Working nearly non-stop, she produced a body of work perhaps unequaled in the entertainment industry. She lived to sing and act.
There is no doubt that due to her rich legacy of work she left the world, her impact will continue for all time. New and old generations keep watching The Wizard of Oz, fall in love with Dorothy, and want to see more of her.
The world keeps changing and movie stars come and go, but one thing is for certain, as the female superstar of a 1939 MGM movie seen by more people than any other in movie history, Judy Garland will live forever.
Judy Garland was the 16-year-old beauty
who played Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz

Judy Garland as Dorothy and Ray Bolger as
The Scarecrow pose for a publicity shot