Buk Nut
Senior Member
The White man Marches on
Posts: 441
Age: 36
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I pretty much agree with this and the general consensus is that Southeast Asians don't read books, maybe Vietnamese people do but I'm not sure.
Anyway, a Lao person won't understand why one would be against Hi-So tendencies because even though many of them are poor and don't have modern luxuries, they don't understand the concept that life is about other things besides just material objects.
Lao people, like Thais, can be very materialistic, but it just doesn't show because they're poor, but it's there in their brains. I've had multiple Lao people show me their fake iPhones to try and impress me. I've seen some real iPhones shown off as well, because Lao people think iPhones are the pinnacle of human achievement.
Not all Lao people are like this but I'm willing to bet a great majority are. As for the minorities, well, they are in general much less materialistic and more honest, but a lot of them are beggars, you may have seen the black-skinned upland Lao people begging in the cities. Even the ones that aren't beggars are always asking for freebies.