Junior Member


I Love Laos!
Posts: 55
Guys, Don't look so down on yourself, as a Vietnamese ( I've been to many countries, just bach from Laos in Oct 09), Laos is one of the last place in this world that people still know what is decency and politeness. Go to thailand and hard not to think that half the female population is selling themselves, Vietnam looks ok but in fact worse, they export hundred of thousand women aboard as brides in fact a lot of them work as hookers, Cambodia is selling their kids, Chinese is not far behind, you stay in hotel and you certainly get calls, you don't need to look for them like other countries( I mean even 4-5 star hotels).
In Laos, although living standard is very low, I can see smiles from workers and people on the street, people are friendly which I hardly see in those call develop countries, I wonder is it worthed to trade our happiness with what we own?