Buk Nut
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The White man Marches on
Posts: 441
Age: 36
Awards: 2
I could say many things to this but I'll just make it short.
If you think most city girls are good and most country girls are bad then you are just as wrong as someone saying all country girls are good and all city girls are bad.
In the end, it just depends on the individual.
In most of the cities in Laos, you will only find Lao people, except for Luang Prabang where there are Khmu and Hmong people in the cities. There are 100+ ethnic groups in Laos, most of which you will never ever see if you only stick to the cities. Some of the tribes have zero presence in any city, and they do not sell sex either.
I'm reluctant to admit it, but I have good knowledge of prostitutes around Laos. Almost all of the prostitutes in Southern Laos that I talked to said they came from Vientiane and Luang Prabang. About 70% of them were ethnic Lao and the rest were either from Vietnam or they were Khmu. I noticed a lot of Khmu and Hmong girls selling sex but I never found a prostitute from other tribes. Speaking as someone who knows a bit about the tribes in Laos, there are no Khmu people south of Vientiane. So almost every single prostitute I met in southern Laos came from north of Bolikhamsai.
I particularly think the tribal girls of Southern Laos are beautiful, even though a lot of them have dark skin they have pretty faces, and trust me I looked everywhere but I couldn't find any of them selling sex. So your comment about country girls selling sex is only partially true.
Most country girls are decent, respectable people. The way you say it makes it seem like they are all selling their body on the down low. Maybe some of them, but definitely not the majority.
Also, in rural Laos the development of the village depends heavily on the ethnic group. I noticed even in rural Laos, most ethnic Lao villages are heavily modernized and they all have electricity. It's usually the other ethnic groups that have no electricity and still live in grass huts. Yes, many Lao people I met have never even seen a television or ever been to the city. So I'm sure they were not selling sex. Some Lao people in the country can't even speak Lao. I met a lot of Hmongs that can only speak Hmong. So you are not 100% correct admin.